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Guardian Force: Episode 61
The Great Sea Battle

After the Ultrasaurs had awoken and made it to sea as it starts out for the journey to the Empire, Van and Irvine start engaging the Helicats and start taking them one by Ultrasaurus setting sail to the Empireone until the Death Stinger charged its Charged Particle Beam. Blade Liger attacking the HelicatsVan and Irvine, knowing the power of the beam, turned around started to run. As the Charged Particle Beam made its way toward them, both the Blade Liger and Lighting Saix kicked into their boosters and started to run as fast as their zoid's capacity. the beam was going to hit them, but Rosso and Viola picked them up and delievered them to the Ultrasaurus just in the nake of time. Colonel Herman goes over the meeting abou thte Ultrasaurs and its defenses. Besides basic armaments and normal defensive tactics its completely vunerable, so they are going to a top secret Imperial Plant to get the Gravity Cannon, once this is in place the Ultrasaurus will be a truely powerful and invincible force to be reckoned with. They had sent out a Hammer Head for surveilance, but lost contact with it because of the Methane-Hydrate explosion. Methane along the floor of the ocean mixed with the water and the engine of the Hammer Head made an explosion blowing the zoid. It is also known as Fire Ice and the ocean floor is called the Abyss of the Devil, and to be on the cautious side, the Ultrasaurus will take a senac route to get around the Abyss of the Devil and longer route to the Empire. Meanwhile, both Emperor Rudolph and Prime Minister Homalef had made their way to the secret fortress where the Gravity Cannon was being built. They had met up with Dr. D and they were amazed at the size of the Gravity Cannon, in actuallity it was a lot bigger than anyone had anticipated. As Hiltz squadron of Sinkers approached to destroy the Ultrasaurus so did the Death Stinger. After nice manueverability skills of Moonbay, they had unleashed their forces that took out all the Sinkers. They had found out the Death Stinger was closing in, as it they started to dive, the Death Stinger powered up its Charged Particle Beam. Just barely made it into the water before the Beam was fired. The Death Stinger came in and started to rip out the armor of the Ultrasaurus from the side. Then Colonel Herman had an idea to go into the Abyss of the Devil and launch its depth charges so the Death Stinger would be caught in the Methane-Hydrate Explosion. Luckily, there plan had worked also the Ultrasaurus came out unscaved. They had set out to the Palamdine Archipalego at full speed. Fortuanetly, the Death Stinger would be delayed a little.

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