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Complete Zoids: Bear Fighter

I. Basics --> The Hel Digunner is an easy zoid to build, construction requires about ten to twenty minutes. The Hel Digunner is a reptilian zoid, it has just one main gun mounted on its back and small guns mounted under the head at both sides. It is a pretty fast zoid and unlike the Desert Hel Digunners, this normal Hel Digunner doesn't have blades aligned with its tail. 

II. Difficulty --> 5/10; Somewhat, I had never built a zoid like this kind before, so it wuz hard for me to determine the places and what it was going to look like at first. After you get the basic body structure down, the rest is child's play. 

III. Problems --> Not Many at all, except for assembling the body. It was hard at first to figure out if you were doing it right or wrong. After you got the body structure all ready and fixed, then rest is a walk in the park. 

IV. Price --> $12.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> The zoid wasn't hard to construct, after you get the basic body structure. The zoid does move fast but only on two legs. The four legs way kinda messy and it looks demented too. So I keep it at two legs. I recommend buying this zoid if you want to build something new unlike the previous zoids (Helicat, Shield Liger, Saber Tiger), this zoid is much different to construct.