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Complete Zoids: Gun Sniper

I. Basics --> The Gun Sniper like the Helicat and Rev Raptor is another Wind Up Motor Zoid and this one sometimes works on the bed, but never on the carpet. I tried to make it work in the kitchen and I was succesful. The Gun Sniper is a pretty fast zoid when you wind its motor, the missile mounted in the middle of the rocket booster is the wind up cord to the Gun Sniper. After you twirl it will work. The best part is the Gun Sniper can be added with many more weapons, much like Lena with the Wild Wizel Unit or like General Garth with Next Generation weapons on the sides of the Gun Sniper. It can be customized very different ways.

II. Difficulty --> 4/10 This zoid did become harder for me to build but once I got the hang of the main body I was able to build the all around zoid pretty much quickly.

III. Problems --> There was just the problem of putting on the cockpit, make sure you put the orange cockpit in right, or it will tilt and make it look all retarded.

IV. Price --> $9.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> The Gun Sniper is semi difficult because it is hard to arrange the body after you get used to building zoids like the Helicat and Shield Liger. I think the end result is worth it, I mean its taller than the Helicat and does look cooler with the orange gears. I would recommend this zoid for buying.