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Complete Zoids: Raynos

I. Basics --> The Raynos is a pretty cool zoid to build. When the final product is completed, it is very sweet, It took me longer because I had no experience with building tough Air Type zoids but I got it completed before Cowboy Bebop. The Raynos doesn't have many weapons, except for its Triple-Laser Shot fitted on its body, in the series its speed is more of a weapon than its actual weapons. It also has dual laser shots mounted on its tails. But besides that the Raynos is completely unarmed. When you twirl the coilspring thing, its head and wings move as well much like the Pteras except the Pteras' head wouldn't move. 

II. Difficulty --> 4/10; Really not that difficult, unlike if you are like me and have no experience building Air-Type zoids it might take you an hour or so. This is another zoid I built while watching Inu Yasha and Yu Yu Hakusho on Adult Swim.  

III. Problems --> Not Many, Except Plese Don't Confused with legs and arms, I kinda did that, but I think that was the TV taking me over LOL.

IV. Price --> $12.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> I really like how I built the zoid, I'm not much of a Aerial Zoid fan but this one is by far the coolest Aerial Zoid I have. I recommend the zoid even if you don't like Aerial Zoids, it is a pretty easy to build for all you collectors out there. I hardly collect zoids anymore, I think that because its too much school work, and weekends are usually busy with projects and all. But I'll make sometime.