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Complete Zoids: Rev Raptor

I. Basics --> The Rev Raptor is a basic and easy zoid to set up, unlike the series it doesn't have those dual guns mounted in the hands of the Raptor. The Blades of the Rev. Raptor are the main thing to worry about, if you can put those in the correctly the Raptor will walk really fast. Also the cockpit assembly is very similar to the Gun Sniper except for the eyes. 

II. Difficulty --> 3/10. I rated the Rev. Raptor less than the Gun Sniper because after the you build the Gun Sniper the Rev. Raptor becomes a piece of cake compared to it. I didn't have any difficulty at all except for may be the Blades of the Rev. Raptor but besides that the Raptor was easily built.

III. Problems --> The only problems I had with the zoid was whether or not to keep the foot stands on the Rev. Raptor, I got rid of them, it shows it on the cover, but I got rid of them because they slowed my Raptor down too much. Also, the only other part I had difficulty with was the blades of the Rev. Rapter everything else was easy. 

IV. Price --> $9.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> The Rev. Raptor is easily built with not much difficulty at all.