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Complete Zoids: Shield Liger

I. Basics --> Pretty big zoid to construct, if you've only beeen building zoids like the Helicat, Gun Sniper, and Pteras. It moves pretty fasta nd kind of crooked if you put it on the carpet. It has many weapons and is the best zoid for the Helic Republic had in teh Chaotic Century Series next to the Gojulas of course. It has a 20mm cannon mounted on the tail, 30mm Laser Cannon on its back and a dual 8-missile pod on the sides of the Shield Liger. It also has a Triple Impact Cannon mounted under the head of the Liger.

II. Difficulty --> 6/10; Kinda hard at first, since your used to building smaller and much quicker zoids to make. But after you build this one everything seems pretty much at ease. 

III. Problems --> Not Many, I did have difficulty assembling the cockpit/head and parts of the shield. Besides that, there weren't many problems. Oh yea also: Make sure the cannon on its back isn't pushed down to far, or the Liger's mouth won't open or roar. (Double A Required)

IV. Price --> $27.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> The Shield Liger is a very cool zoid to won, I highly recommend buying this zoid. It moves really fast (on the carpet), and its teeth and mouth move as well. But your going to need Double A batteries. Just 1.