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Complete Zoids: Stealth Viper

I. Basics --> The Stealth Viper is a pretty tough zoid to put together. It requires for everything in the wind up motor to be very precise. The Wind Up Motor has to be correct or the Stealth Viper will not move, its proven I have done it, it took me six times to get it right and it partly moved and then stopped. I gave up on the darn zoid. Also, the Stleath Viper can not stand up like it does in the series, and I dunno why they call it the Venomous Viper instead of the Stealth Viper like the did in the series. It has many 7 guns in total, two on each side of the body of the Viper and one mounted on the tail of the Viper. 

II. Difficulty --> 5/10. I rated the Stealth Viper higher than the other zoids because it was too much work and the hassel with the Wind Up Motor. I would recommend this zoid to the fairly expeirenced Zoid builders. If you want it to move make sure you do it on some sort of counter, like maybe the kitchen counter or something like that and make sure it dun fall off the counter.

III. Problems --> The only problems I had with the zoid was the wind up motor, it was the only problem I had with the zoid after you figure this out you should be able to get the Viper to work correctly. 

IV. Price --> $9.99 + Tax at K&B Toys.

V. Overall --> The Stealth Viper is an easy zoid to put together after you assemble the Wind Up Motor correctly, that is the only hard part I had with Viper.