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The Ultimate X
Liger ZeroUltimate X is a term used for a zoid which a has a permanant bonded organoid, that lets it learn from the battle after it is defeated. By analyzing all combat data from the previous battles that it has either been defeated or has won, the Ultimate X zoid can predict the move of the warrior. The pure advantage of this is the reaction time of the zoid will be much quicker. The one disadvantage of this organoid is it isn't retractable which leaves it only stationed to that zoid only. For Ex. the organoid Ambient fuses with a Pteras and fights an enemy and loses, he will remember that and store it in his memory bank, and when he fuses with another zoid like a Command Wolf, he would be able to predict the movements of the opponent. That is the advantage of a retractable organoid much like Ambient, Shadow, Specula and Zeke. There aren't many zoids which have permanant attached organoid systems, there are only two zoids that appear in all three series: Liger Zero and Beserk Fury.