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Complete Zoids: Blade Liger
Van's Blade Liger (Orginial Blade Liger)
Leon's Blade Liger (Normal Blade Liger)
Type: Liger
Class: 4
Function: Assault/Command
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-028

Height: 12.2m
Length: 25.9 m
Weight: 124T
Max Speed (Open Range): 305 km/h
Crew: 2 (Maximum)
Known Pilots: Van Flyheight, Leon Toros, Fiona
Best Pilot: Van Flyheight
Weapons: Twin Repeating Blaster Cannons, Dual Blades, Dual Impact Cannon, Hardend Claws/Teeth.
Support Features: Dual Booster and Energy Shield
Other Information: The Blade Liger specializes in close range combat, Its ablities in close range combat haven't been equaled by any zoid except the Liger Zero Schneider. Unlike, the previous version of the Shield Liger, the Blade Liger is much improved and has dual boosters which increase its manueverability in tight spots. The boosters on Van's Blade Liger were upgraded to match speed that of the Lightning Saix. Only after did Van get the attack booster and had upgraded that as well, did go even faster than the Lightning Saix. Its speed is capable enough to match that of the Liger Zero Jager. Leon Toros the Blade Liger pilot of the latest series, had gotten the Blade Liger in red. There weren't many of these Red Blade Ligers at all. The Blade Ligers' Blades emit special electrons that nuetralize such beams like the Charged Particle Beam. Also, Leon Toros was the only skilled pilot in the latest series besides Vega Obsucra.

Liger Zero