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Complete Zoids: Command Wolf AC (Brad)
Type: Wolf
Class: 3
Function: Recon/Patrol/Assault
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-042

Height: 10.0m
Length: 14.7 m
Weight: 66T
Max Speed (Open Range): 200 km/h
Crew: 1
Known Pilots: Brad Hunter
Best Pilot: Brad Hunter
Weapons: Dual 80mm Cannons
Support Features: Quad-Smoke Discharges at the Rear
Other Information: This is the upgraded version of the Command Wolf used in the Guylos-Helic War. Except, the ones in the war were white and this is blue. Brad Hunter of the Blitz Team in Zoids Zero pilots this zoid until it is destroyed by Dr. Layon. He later pilots the Shadow Fox a much better and mobile zoid.

Konig Wolf