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Complete Zoids: Pteras


Type: Pterasaur
Class: 2
Function: Tactical Air Support/Recon
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-034

Height: 21.0m
Length: 32.4m
Weight: 400.0T
Max Speed (open range): 90 km/h
Crew: 2 (Maximum)
Known pilots: Prozan
Weapons: 16-shot Concealed Mortar, Various 20 mm and 30 mm Cannons, Small Rocket Pods, Hardened Alloy Claws, Charged Particle Beam
Support Features: Particle In-take Fan 
Other Information: The Deathsaur, an ancient zoid which was created by the Ancient Zoidians long ago. The Deathsaur went out of hand and nearly whipped the race out but the Ancient Zoidians managed to stop the Deathsaur and conceal it away so it would never awaken again. The Deathsaur was carefuly hidden in the Gurrieal Ruins, where the Ancient Zoidians thought no one would find it. Unfortunately, a very power hungry General in the Imperial Army found it, Minister Prozan. He resurrects the ancient zoid and uses it to control the Empire. The Deathsaur's core was in the middle of the body right below the cockpit of the zoid, the Deathsaur has the ability to fire Charged Particle Beams, because its so big it can withstand the recoil of the blast with its weight. Also, the Deathsaur can fire the Charged Particle Beam several times in a row, because unlike the Genosaur it has gather the particles for the Beam, the Deathsaur uses its Particle In-Take Fan to power up the Charged Particle Beam. The Deathsaur was a completely stripped down zoid much like the Beserk Fury when it first fought against the Blitz Team. If Prozan had eqipped the Deathsaur with some armor and weapons, it would've been more powerful but still the end result of its destruction by the Blade Liger would've been the same.

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Credits: Red River Base - Thanx For the Deathsaurer Scans