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Complete Zoids: Gun Sniper
Rev Rapter
Type: Velociraptor
Class: 2
Function: Light Assault/Command
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-030

Height: 7.2m
Length: 11.9m
Weight: 25T
Max Speed: 200 km/h
Crew: 1
Known Pilots: Sniper, Lena Toros, Naomi Fluegal, General Garth
Best Pilot: Sniper (Epi. 35 GF)
Weapons: The Gun Sniper Has: Tri-Pivoting 40mm Cannons, 80mm Cannon, Concealed Dual 8-Missile Pod, and 144mm Cannon (Tail)
Support Features: Boosters at the end of the Concealed Missile Pod, Infa-Red Scanners
Other Information: The Gun Sniper is a very fast highly mobile light weight assault zoid. It has a Tail Sniper Rifle, which has excellent aim. It is used by a fake Military Officer at first seen in the Episode Sniper. General Garth modified the Gun Sniper with next generation parts of the Republic and Empire, only increasing its fire power. On the other hand, Ambient increased the potential of the Gun Sniper quite a bit. He modified the body and core of the Gun Sniper. It was here did they get the bases for the Red Gun Sniper. In New Century Zero, it is used by Naomi Fluegal and Lena Toros. Naomi's Gun Sniper isn't really customized, but it is red, Lena on the other hand has a Wild Wizel Unit Attached to It, she has so much added fire power in the Gun Sniper it is impossible for manuevrability.

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Credits: Red River Base - Thanx For the Gun Sniper Scan(s)