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Complete Zoids: Shadow Fox
Shadow Fox
Type: Fox
Class: 3
Function: Recon/Patrol/Assault
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-046

Height: 8.0 m
Length: 17.3m
Weight: 52T
Max Speed: 290 km/h
Crew: 1
Known Pilots: Brad Hunter
Best Pilot: Brad Hunter
Weapons: Strike Laser Claw, AZ 30 mm Laser Vulcan Gun, AZ 60 Electromagnetic Net Cannon 
Support Features: Smoke Screen Generators in Body
Other Information: The Shadow Fox is a very small agile zoid, it has a Strike Laser Claw and a rotaing Laser Vulcan Gun. This zoid was developed by Dr. Layon at Mount Isolena. Brad succesful stole the Shadow Fox and kept after tricking Dr. Layon into a zoid battle. 

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Credits: Red River Base - Thanx For the Shadow Fox Scans