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Complete Zoids: Storm Sworder
Storm Sworder
Type: Pterodon
Class: 4
Function: Tactical Air Assault
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-029

Height: 12.9m
Length: 10.1m
Weight: 47.0T
Max Speed (open range): Mach 3.3
Crew: 2 (Maximum)
Known pilots: Rosso, Viola, Carol, Polta, Pierce
Weapons: Twin 40 mm Cannons, Dual Retractable Blades, Hardened Alloy Claws
Support Features: Intial Boosters
Other Information: The Storm Sworder is the fastest Aerial Combat Zoid. It can do speeds of up to Mach 3.3. It has much great maneuverability, and the best pilot the Storm Sworder has possible seen has to be Carol piloting the Red Storm Sworder. She pulled out the true capablites of the Storm Sworders, also I liked the color of the Storm Sworder she had that was tight.

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Credits: Red River Base - Thanx For the Raynos Scans