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Sunday, May 4th 2003 @ 1:16PM by: Blade Zero X
Topic: Reformated and Re-Done Website
Hey, I changed the layout a little bit, instead of the free services being offered at the bottom of the layout I moved to the upper left hand corner above topsites. Also, I created a releases icon. I have started to take a few more scans of the various episodes from different series. So expect an update in the near future with lots of media. Also, I finally got a chance to see the last four episodes at a friends house, wow were they great. By the way, I would like you guys to check out these new forums that opened up. Here: Xtreme-ForuMZ, thats it for now though, but check back later to see more media and scans put up. I am also in the process of adding more Computer Genereated Images. So that won't take long. I'm out now, ~ Later
Tuesday, April 8th 2003 @ 4:00PM by: Blade Zero X
Topic: Reformated and Re-Done Website
Hey, I fixed up most of the pages and re-done the layout in blue, I was getting tired of Maroon, and besides Maroon was last year. I had no idea that alot of people went to this site, so I'll be updating more often now. I have updated all the Galleries there might be a few broken links and few old-version of maroon formated pages, but don't worry I'll be getting to those pretty  soon. I have taken my SAT's and I'm good for the rest of the year. (January & April) I did alright on them, managed a 1360 (640 on Verbal & 720 on Math) Highest Score. I'm Happy ^^; anyway, I'll be updating this site more often and I'll have more media in the next few updates. Until Then ^^
Monday, March 17th 2003 @ 5:00PM by: SoLiOZuZ
Topic: Updated Gallery & Information
Hey, I updated many of the news and information sections, also i fixed up the Media Gallery. That should be up and running. Also, I added in a few episode screen shots from the Various Episodes in Zoids. I can't remember, but i've been working hard on them. Also, if you guys want me to make you free banners, just e-mail me,, I had to get a new e-mail address. My older one wasn't working that well. Also, I have SAT's coming up in May and June so I might not be updating in those months. And my friend opened up his forums, why don't you give it a swing by:
Wednesday, January 22nd 2003 @ 3:55PM by: Blade Zero X
Topic: Still Living....:)
Hey, I updated the new TV Schedule for Zoids, they are starting to play Zoids: New Century Zero at 11:00PM thur 12:00AM every Saturday Night until the end of February. Then they are going to move it to 8:30PM, starting March 1st 2003 still on Cartoon Network. I'll try to update the Gallery over the weekend but it'll be hard. Everyone Happy New Year kinda late thou ^^. ~ Later