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Zoids News: Guardian Force The Last Four Episodes?
Date: August 9 th 2002
Reported By: XT Geno-Liger
Exactly like when they ran the series before, the last four episodes which you would think would play on the August 20th, August 21st, August 22nd, and August 23rd will not play again. I am not sure why they are doing this, this would make the second straight time, they have had ample time to dubb the last four episodes. The last four episodes that will not play again this time are:
Guardian Force: Episode 64: The Ancient Memory
Guardian Force: Episode 65: Zoid Eve
Guardian Force: Episode 66: Endgame
Guardian Force: Episode 67: Return to Tomorrow
If any of you fans have any information about this, please let me know. My e-mail is 
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