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Free/Charging Layout
I will try my best to make you a layout according to your specification. Making a layout isn't easy but according to what you tell me I would have to say an estimated time of the layout construction would be about 1 week, with no school work. If you would like a layout similar to this one but in a different color please tell me I will gladly give it to you. I won't give the same color out so don't ask, but any other color besides blue would work out fine. Also, if you would want your layout to be textured please let me  know about that as well. All in all, I might consider charging you for the layout but then again I might not. It depends on what kinda of work you are telling me to do, normal work like this petty layout took me 10 minutes to make while drinking a glass of Pepsi with some ice. I won't charge any thing for easy work, but if anything hard comes up I will charge you.