Love Hina revolves mainly around two characters, Keitaro Urashima, and Naru Narusegawa. As soon as the show starts, you see two kids around the age of 5 running up a flight of stairs and ending up at a playground where they both participate in making a dome-shaped castle together. As they do so, they both promise each other to enter Toudai (Tokyo University) together.

This is mainly due to the myth that if two loved ones enter Toudai together, they will live happily together, forever. Soon(?) after, the little girl is seen looking outside of a moving truck, back at the little boy known only as Keitaro Urashima, screaming out "bye-bye!" and "don't forget!." While this is happening, Keitaro runs after the truck crossing the bridge saying something along the lines of "don't leave!"

Tripping, he falls flat on his front as the little girl watches helplessly as he fades away. Keitaro rises up again to see them out of sight, then grimaces holding up a fist infront of him, reminding himself once again about the promise they had made not too long ago.

15 years afterwards, we see Keitaro once again, at the age of 20, dreaming of the day that he is accepted into Tokyo U. Waking up, he states the facts, saying that the only girl he had ever liked.. well.. he doesn't even remember her name. Twice he had tried to get into Tokyo U, and twice he had been denied for the poor results in his entrance exams. From a phone call, he heads to Hinata Inn. From that point on insanity Insues


Rating-***(three out of five stars)
Review:to be added
