The story centers around Kamui Shirou who returns to Tokyo after 6 years. He is the one with two destinies, to become a Dragon of Heaven and save humankind or become a Dragon of Earth, to destroy mankind so that the Earth rejuvinate. However, Kamui, when we first get to know him, is arrogant and cold and doesn't really care the fate of the Earth but that doesn't matter. It is his destiny to choose and decide the fate of mankind. As each day passes on new DoH and DoE, each very different from the other and tied together by fate. They all await for the promised day where they have their final battle to decide the fate of the world. Nobody knows what will happen to each dragon except for those who can see the future. This is why, "Their Destiny Was Foreordained." The future is set or so it seems. Spoilers ahead
Main Characters

The Dragons of Heaven: The seven chosen to protect Tokyo and Earth, they are drawn from all walks of life to one place: the basement of the Diet Building. Their mission is to counter the Dragons of Earth, who seem bent on destroying Tokyo and Earth.

Dragons of Earth: The seven chosen to assist in the rebirth of Earth, they are not as evil as the movie suggests. They wish not for the destruction of Earth, but of humanity. Humanity, which abuses, drains and neglects the Earth, is seen as the dangerous entity to the Dragons of Earth. Humanity mustbe destroyed in order for the Earth to be reborn in its true, pure form.

Review:****(Four Stars)
Rating:This is one of those series that is unique, dramatic, intense, and depressing. The series based on a manga diverts slightly, by ending the series in a completely original way. While this differs from the movie "x/1999" it still is a good way to end the series. I found this series to be entertaining as well as meaningful. The way that kamui is portrayed is wonderful. He is shown as not a spoiled brat with power, but a person who is trying to rebel against a destiny that he neither wants nor cares for. The weight of the world rests on his shoulders and he would rather deny his existance then face the consequences. While the ending is depressing, the end result is heartfelt. It states the message that we will all live on, as long as people rememeber us and still love us. that is the true way to immortality, by touching the people around us. A definente classic in my book. The only complaint is the negative ending. well that's clamp for ya.
