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Drakon hesitates for a moment and looks over at his young friend. "I dont want to go to the fields, last time I was stuck there for a day and a half..." He said in almost a whisper, the sound of leaves being blown across a cement path. Kayonie sighs and says "We wont be there long enough for the story-tellers to come, I promise." She then turns to you with an explanation. "The story-tellers are a group of dragons who love to hang out in Dragonfly Fields, if they see you there long enough and they dont know you to well, they will start telling you a story. The story is so intense and involved that you are unable to move until they finish." Then she gives Drakon a friendly pat on the snout and promises him they wont be near the storytellers.

Kayonie smiles a little and says "Dragonfly Fields, here we come!" with that she hops on Drakon's back and hangs onto his scaly neck. The large reptile lowers a wing so that you can use it as a staircase of sorts, or you just hop aboard/follow through the air/on the ground.

Drakon beats his powerful wings against the ground, causing nearby plants to bend over from the wind created as he slowly lifts into the air. Once he is airborne, he no long has to flap his wings hard, but can just glide on the wind and use the lift to stay up. He flys over the roof of the Tavern and heads due east. up ahead you can see a rolling meadow with tiny flowers sprinkled here and there, and an occasional cherry tree in full bloom.

Kayonie smiles goofily once again and stands up, balanceing on the dragon's back. then she spreads her own wings and dives off of Drakon, catching the wind with her wings and sailing easily to the ground. The young Guardian laughs a little when she lands, then turns to you with a magician's flourish. "Welcome to Dragonfly Fields!"

An Unusual green dragon with a double set of iredescent wings, and a long whiplike tail with razor sharp fringe on the left side, buzzes over when she sees Kayonie land. "Heya Kaya, Begone Drakon" it says, her voice sounding more like a great buzzing of many insects then a voice. "Heya Ryhiplen, we're showing our newest friend around" Kay replied and made a sweeping guesture towards you, the goofy grin still stuck on her face. Drakon narrowed his eyes at the iguana-like dragon and growled in his throat. "still talking like that, onna?" "Yes I am, Sam." She replied and danced in the air a few feet above the ground. Then she turns to you with a slight bow of her giaffe-like head, she askes you:

"You've come this far,
to see our home,
You've ran and jumped,
You've swam and flown.
So now I must ask you,
and Drakon and Kay too,
Where do you wish to go,
before the stories flow."

"Where in Dragonfly Fields would you like to go?"

  • Dragon Racing
  • Shops and Empty lots
  • Pie Tossing Area
  • Humanoid Race Track
  • Skyway Fighters Arcade

    Or, is there somewhere else you wish to go?
  • Bar
  • Dining Area
  • Lounge
  • Rentable Rooms
  • The Lake
  • Earth Fountian
  • Garden
  • Training Grounds