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You ask to see the Garden, and Kayonie nods and heads past the tavern, following a smaller dirt path thats lined with small thornless, red, white, and yellow rose bushes. as you walk further along the path, the air becomes thick with the fragerence of many different kinds of flowers. The bushes become too tall for a normal human to see over, and the roses grow so thick on the plants, that at a glance you'd think the whole bush was made of nothing but multi-colored roses. You ask why the roses here are Thornless and Kayonie looks at you with a small grin. "Surprisingly, some Dragons are excellent gardners as well as guardians. We also have roses with thorns, but they planted the thornless here cause people walk through here, and the occasional thorn could tear garments or skin if brushed against." She explained.

Drakon nodded behind you "Mystic came up with that idea, Gardening is her buisness, not mine." At that Kayonie turned to him, a confused look on her face. "MYSTIC planted these flowers?!" She said, bewildered. Drakon sweatdropped and laughed a little bit, his laugh the sound of waves crashing on the beach. "Yes, funny isnt it?" he said and ate a white rose. "Hrm, yummy..." he said half-mindedly, then Kayonie continued walking through the garden, pointing out the different species of flowers to you, and explaining why they were chosen to grow here. "the tulips over there are great decorating, and that leafy bush right there is Mint. you can guess what thats used for, mmm...candy..." She continues showing you the different flowers, pointing out Sage plants, Vanilla, Pansies, Posies, Sunflowers, and oh so many others.

Finally you reach the center of the garden, where a beautiful statue carved of Ebony sits surrounded by Indian Paintbrush plants. the statue portrays a Dragon raised up on his hind legs, reaching for something in the air with massive claws. His fringed snout was pointed towards the sky, and the expression on its face seems to change everytime you look at it, puzzling you and making you want try to figure out what the dragon is thinking. Kayonie looks over at you. "Dont try it, No one's been able to figure out what expression it is. some say he's happy, other say mad, others say thoughtful...No one knows." she said and gazed up to the ebony life-size statue. on the platform holding the statue up, a single word is engraved into the Ebony; "Shinobi" You start to ask who Shinobi is, but decide not to for now, as some explanations are best kept for later.

"Well, thats the whole Garden." Kayonie said and started walking back. Her statment was true as far as you can tell, as the only way out of the clearing with the statue was the dirt path you came in through. You stand on your tiptoes and see an entire Acre of thick green bushes. there were no spaces in between the thick leaves large enough to see, it looked almost like a solid square of green streatching out before you. You call out to Drakon and Kayonie and ask why there is so many hedge bushes grown. "Eh, Maney, Kay, Mystic, and I are planning something, we just dunno when it'll be done yet." Drakon said. "Wanna see whats done?" he asked with a smirk, then looked at Kayonie questioningly. Kayonie sighed and nodded, rolling her eyes a lil.


  • Say yes and climb on Drakon's Back

  • Say No and ask to go somewhere else:
  • Bar
  • Earth Fountian
  • Lounge
  • Rentable Rooms
  • The Lake
  • Dragonfly Fields
  • Dining Room
  • Training Grounds