html> **Banana Tree House - Tip Please -na no da!**
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Heyah one and all! Welcome to...Banana Tree House Ver. 3.0 - Tip please -na no da! :3 Banana Tree House is a special site dedicated to my little sister, Mew Mew Pudding! (Note: She's not my REAL sister)Without futher adue, please browse and don't forget to sign the guestbook! :D

12/14/06: Okay, I have bad news, I'm officially stopping the updates on this page. It's just that school and life and everything is taking over and come on people I havne't updated for like a YEAR!!! o_O I don't have the heart to delete this site though, so I'm leaving it up as a site to visit here and there for those who like it here. I'm so sorry for those who were hoping for me to update and all that but I just can't pull it off anymore =/ i really hope you guys understand! Enjoy the site anyway, bye