If you could see the wind...this is what it would look like...

Powerful words of Haruka: Click to View or Add Text.

Oi and welcome! ^_^ As you can already guess this is a shrine dedicated to my favorite sailor senshi, Uranus. Here I will give you all the information I've collected over the years on her. And well...just make the site "shriney". So if you're looking for Sailor Moon this isn't your site. this is strictly Uranus. But so stay if yuo're interested in learning more about her! It might help you out in the long run. Now below are the links. Have fun and be kind to the work I have put into this and ask before you take, it's not easy building a shrine. Arigatou!

I'm currently looking for a few good "soldiers" to make staff. If you're interested then e-mail me with the address at the bottom of the page! From there I will proceed to ask you questions for qualifications. ^_^

Support my site! Show that you are a Uranus fan and that you approve the page! I'd really like the extra backing. ^_^ The badges are bellow:
Don't forget to link back to me! ^.^

Updates-04/02/03- O_O; Hey everyone! Gomen nasai for not updating recently! But now I'm back and I have a new layout! *~* Like it? Sure hope you do! That and I have a sister site!! Go check her out. The link is down there. *points*


Tell A Friend About BHW! It'd be appreciated ^_^!

2003-Layout and site (c): Enjeru-Chan
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