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wig sliter comics

Friday, 20 February 2004

a 1$ for your death
I guess this all started when I was born, my first mistake. The earliest memory I have is when I was like 3 and that was sitting in my room watching my father sit and watch TV with a beer in his hand yelling at a referee that couldn’t hear him. If the patriots won then we were all fine, but if they lost he got out of control. my mom still has scars from it. Beer bottles to the head getting punched kicked she was to scared to tell ne one and I was to young to care. The years went by and I got tired of “falling down the stairs and my mom havin bruises on her face all the time. So I ended it when I was 9 the patriots were havin a real bad season my dad lost 3 jobs I was getting bad grades my mom was in and outa the hospital over some virus some how the doc’s didn’t notice the fukin bruises on her back and scars on her head or maybe the rich fuks were getting paid to much to care but one night my mom was at a fukin food bank to get us something to eat I was tired of him beetin my mom I grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen drawer and swore that the next time he hit my mom ide fukin kill him so I but it between my mattresses and went to sleep I woke up to a fist to the head I jumped up on reflex and hit him in the ribs the wrong thing to do to a fuk three times my size that was drunk he hit me in the side of the head so hard it knocked me into the wall I stood up dizzy fell down and crawled to my bed pulled out the butcher knife and turned around hiding it he lifted his hand to hit me and I jabbed the knife right between his ribs he fell and didn’t move I panicked and thought I was gona go to prison so I called 911 the ambulance showed up with a bunch of cops they put me in a cop car and took me to the police station my mom showed up later and the cops interviewed her to see if I was teling the truth about him beating us cus if he did then I wasn’t in any trouble 13 hours later he died in the hospital they took me away from my mom for a while till the trial luckily the people were all sympathetic to us and I didn’t get put away then me and mom decided to move out of Massachusetts so we got a nice little trailer in Detroit Michigan it was a big change from little old bum fuck Massachusetts but it was a place to live not a place that the Brady bunch would have wanted to grow up in but at least me and mom didn’t have to worry about getting fucked up by a drunk because of a patriots game or because he had a bad day at work. The first day of school wasn’t something I like to remember I got my ass kicked on the way to school a few minutes later the fuck realized he jumped my ass for a coat that didn’t fit him a cd player that doesn’t work for shit and a fucking scratched riddle box cd that he aint gonna listen to so I showed up to school scrubby and bloody buncha bitches starin at me nurse told me to go home and change but I wasn’t frontin for the hoes there I was sittin at lunch the first day and some bitch walks up she was fine as fuk and she asked me if I wanted to eat lunch wit her I was like hellz ya cus she was reppin a wraith hoodie so she introduced me to what later became the people I would fukin live and eventually die for the next day the hole crew walked my ass to school not one fuk would look at us wrong these people were hated and respected by every1 I started smoking ciggs by the next week a bad habit but I figured my crew was doin it why cant I after a month got high for the first time and by the end of the year people fukin loved me I had bitches lined up a crew that had my back I was onto of the world my mom was married again to a guy that didn’t beet her but we were still poor livin in the fukin trailer park but I didn’t care then one night I was walkin down the street and some fuk was coming my way that had been talking shit about my crew so I whipped out a Steele pipe I had under my coat and fuked him up I emptied his pockets and all I found was a cheep ass pocket knife I threw away 35 cents half a pack of new ports and a joint I lit up a new port on the way home and when I got there I lit the joint it was some good shit I would havta tell my crew about this shit when I was finished I threw on the ps2 and started playin some bruce lee fightin game shit I got at a pawn shop and I started feelin weird I shook it off prolly the weed kickin I could feel my hart like always when I was high but I started feelin my hart get slower and slower and slower what the fuk I thought prolly just imagining it but then it stopped I was like fuk and I realized it im dead I thought about my crew my mom my lette ohh I would miss her well I guess that’s how the streets work ur down then ur on top of the world then ur dead

Posted by anime5/behindthepaint7 at 4:18 PM EST
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