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Knight Saber Hardware


While the original series had a great deal of equipment for the ladies, the 2040 seems to be a bit light in that department.

Silver Hardsuit

Attribute                    Level      Point Cost       

Armor                              3                12
Flight                                2                8
Super Strength              2                6
Toughness                      2                8
Life Support                    2                2
Sensors                            1                1
Unique(Speed)              3                3


Sword x2                          2                8 DMG 30

Blue Hardsuit

Attribute                 Level        Point Cost       

Armor                           3                12
Flight                            2                  6
Super Strength           3                 9
Toughness                   3                12
Sensors                         1                 1
Life Support                2                  2


Knuckle Bomber x2    2                8  DMG 30

Rocket Kick x2            1                4  DMG 15

Leg Bomber x2            2                8  DMG 30

Green Hardsuit

Attribute                    Level        Point Cost        

Armors                            2                8
Flight                               3                9
Super Strength             3                9
Toughness                     2                8
Sensors                           1                1
Life Support                   2                2
Unique (Speed)            3                3


Ribbon Cutter x2        2                8 DMG 30

Red Hardsuit

Attribute                    Level        Point Cost        

Armor                            2                8
Flight                              2                6
Super Strength            1                3
Toughness                    2                8
Sensors                          3                3
Life support                  2                2
    OS Override             3                6
    Hacking Software   3                6


Railgun                         2                8 DMG 30                    


Mobile Pit
Attribute                Level        Point Cost        

Armor                          3                12
Extra Capacity          3                3
Extra Endurance       1                1
Life Support                2                2
Sensors                        3                3
    Computer              3                6
    Cargo Bay             2                4           
Toughness                  3                12


Awkward Size            2                2 Bonus Points

Second Gen hardware...coming eventually...I hope

Motorslave...the problem

Since only one motorslave is present and it only factors in at the end of the series...I have currently decided not to do stats for it.  I may eventually put something here for it, but for now...I'm gonna leave it blank.