*BKM Kennels* - Obedience Lessons
Obedience Lessons:

Here at BKM Kennels, we offer Beginning Obedience lessons, and also Advanced Lessons.
For more information email: BKM Kennels

Congratulations to all who have gone into the Obedience Ring!
(See a few other Brags!)

April 2018: Our Student Ringo and his owner Grant Tolton (far left)
earned their CGC Star Puppy Award! We are so proud of their achievement!
We are also proud of Lyn with Satch and Pepper, and Gabi
with Sugar on completing our training course.
Congratulations to all of you!

Congratulations on our new Fall 2018 CGC STAR Puppy Award winners!
From left to right: Lyn Maus and Betty (bulldog),Kathy Marta, Instructor,
Nancy Thompson and Emma (golden retriever), and Dee Banks and Bella (German Shepherd).
I'm so proud of all my students!

  • Striker earns his first leg in December of 2002.
  • Striker earned his second Novice leg AND
    High In Trial Australian Shepherd in Feb. 2003!
  • Striker completed his CD on Dec. 7, 2003,
    just a year after his first show,
    and with very limited showing!

Star earning Leg 3 of her CD under judge Roland
Bellanger on 1/26/03. Thanks so much!

  • Rick earning Leg 1 of his CDX on Sept. 4, 2004,
    under judge Mary Shervais, with a score of 191.5 AND High in Trial! Way to go!

    Thanks for a great weekend, everyone!

Rick earning Leg 2 of his CDX on May 14, 2005,
under judge Jan Wesen. Only one more leg to go!

Chelsee earning leg 3, and her Companion Dog title, on May 14, 2005
under judge Jan Wesen. Congratulations on a job well done!

Matty earned her first two Novice legs under judges Mary Shervais and Joyce Ostby
on Sept. 4, 2004. She completed her CD with Leg 3 earned under
judge Jan Wesen on May 14, 2005! (Photo Above.) What a good girl!

Chelsee with the ribbons she earned, and
her Companion Dog (CD) certificate from ASCA.
Congratulations Roberta and Chelsee!

We extend our sympathy to Roberta for the loss of Chelsee in Aug. 2008.
She was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.

Dakoda with his first qualifying ribbon!
He earned this first leg at the ASC of WA May 14, 2005 PM show
- on his first time in the ring! Way to go AGAIN Roberta!
Good boy Koda!

  • Pepper earned his first leg towards his CD on 9/2/07 with a
    score of 188 and a 2nd Place!
  • Pepper earned his second leg on 7/4/08 with a score of 186, and second place.
  • Pepper finished his CD on 7/5/08 with a score of 187 1/2,
    and another second place!

    Good job Kathy and Pepper!

Congratulations to BKM student Rachelle Gibson and her Australian cattle dog Libby!
This fabulous pair was Reserve Grand Champion in Obedience
at the Okanogen County Fair in Sept. 2007!
Way to go! We're so proud of you guys! (Photo by Chris Thew)

Mary and German shepherd Rosie completed our
Beginning Obedience class!

Brenda and Lab X Quincy also successfully
completed our Beginning Obedience Class!

Nadia and Bouvier Django have completed our
Beginning class and are now training in our Open Class!

Two of the students who graduated from our 2011 obedience class! Congratulations!

Our Obedience Class Students from 2012! Nice job everyone!

Dakoda took High in Trial! Nice job, Koda and Roberta!
We're so proud of you!

Check back often to see new pictures of our students as we post them! For more information on our training classes please email BKM Kennels

Our Web Sites:

BKM Home
Obedience Lessons