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Eternal Sword- Master's Haven
YAY! THE NAVBAR LOOKS COOL!_____________________Sometimes the message board feels left out compared to the rest of the site.______________________________Got some amazing cheat to share? Does it have to do with Zelda? No matter what you answered, share it on the Message board!_________________________YAY! THE NAVBAR LOOKS COOL!_______________________________If I said the message board would go on a hot date with you, would you use it?___________________________________Using the Message board is a sure-fire way to reduce stress___________________YAY! THE NAVBAR LOOKS COOL!_____________My psychiatrist says that I can only feel good about myself if everyone who comes to this site goes to the Message board at least once before they die._______________________Don't make the Message board cry.... use it!

Age-long Minuet Code:

Message Board:

7:09 PM 7/4/2004-Blaze-
How are you all? Just like to let everyone know that tomorrow's my birthday! So, to celebrate, I'm putting up Zelda Densetsu's manga up in a neato viewer. it needs some work, but you can find the manga link in the navbar, or click here to get to the viewer. Currently chapters 1-3 are up in full, but 4-10 are on my disk, it's just that it is extremely tedious to write the viewer, so I'm not doing it all at once. Sorry. >_< Anyways, Have FUN FUN FUN!

'Hoy! How's everyone doing? I assume that you are well? As for this site, not too much happening, but this site, here, will be of use to anyone who plays video games.Which pretty much would be anyone on this site, since this is a site about videogames. Pah, not like the new site will get any more traffic than this site. Oh, you're tryingto make me feel better? Oh, you're pointing and laughing. Thaaanks, guys.
Guess what? I got a new version of the Zelda theme song in the downloads section. Not sure exactly who it's by, some say it's System of a Down, but others say otherwise. Who knows, but just listen to it anyways!
Hello! Anyone noticed the chatroom I coded in? I think its a little bit cooler than that pitiful blog I called a message board. Well, other than that, nothin' new. See ya!
Hiya! Notice the new look for the Navbar? Looks good, doesn't it? Told ya I'd make it up to you! Anyways, AOM, consider Link dead until I update it. Picture the following scene-
Link suddenly grimaced, a dark... something jabbed at his side. Caught unaware, he lashed out, but it expanded and smothered him, dropping him into a coma.
Well, I don't like it, but it gives you an ending until I come up with something good. Aye? Sorry, I disagree with it too!
AGGGG!!! I'm so sorry, I've been doing Visual Basic and I totally forgot that I had viewers. At least, of course, I think I have viewers. MAKE ME FEEL GOOD! Anyways, I'll make it up somehoe, maybe DHTML?
Well, has anyone checked my downloads page yet? EVEN MORE! Even though it has nothing to do with Zelda, I put up the song Just on My Love, aka the Orphen theme song. If you don't mind not understanding anything that the artist is saying, it's a good song. Other than that, you'd be shootin' pretty high if you thought I'd be changing the Navbar again... you weren't supposed to hear that...
Hope everyone's having a good day so far. I plan on using my time today to update the message board, mainly because it usually needs cleaning. But, I may snatch up some more MP3's ( I like the MP3's!) but other than that, not too much will be happening. Oh, and any error you get is all Angelfire's fault. Not me, I've already looked into the issue...
Well, hope everyone had a good Easter, and if you don't celebrate that, I'm sorry, but I do so I'm just saying it. No offense, really. But down to business. As for AOM, I no longer have so little of a life where I can spend as much time on it, so I'll tell you when I actually do update it.Check out the downloads page- there are some new MP3s, including the Zelda theme song and an MP3 quality Lost Woods theme. These are provided courtesy of Ganon's Thanx! Well, I cleaned up this page, and I'm ready for a new month! Hopefully a little more will get done... (>_<)
Whoopee! I have no clue why I just did that. Really, I don't. But anyveys, (yes I meant to spell it zhat way) I'm planning for the AOM to have an update soon- I haven't even had my computer on in several weeks due to power outage. But I'm still on the job! Like the NEW look of the message board? If you do, talk about it on the message board. Talk about it on the message board even if you don't like it. Well, logging out for now, bye!
HUWWO! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating in so long, but I've been taking care of... other things... But anyways, not too much going on. I may add another Installment tonight, but don't count on it- I have to work. Also, the Message Board is lookin' really good right about now...