Soon-to-be The World's Greatest Fanfic Library!

Before you send me anything please check out the Rules and Guidelines Page so that you know if your fic is eligible for my page or not. Please contact me in order to submit your fics. Thanks! ^_~

By the way, to avoid confusion...

Here's a list of symbols that stand for Genres. They will be found next to the title/rating. More than one genre will be applicable for any story, so if you like Action/Romantic dramedies, that's fine:

Ac/Av (Action/Adventure): Basically stories about people getting their butts kicked. (Example: Ash Ketchum decides he wants to be a karate master rather than a pokemon master)

R (Romance): Not rated R, fool! These are stories about people falling in/out of love and junk. the type of stories that cootie-conscious people hate. A very popular genre. (Example: Jessie and James want to become more than friends/co-workers and start a new life outside of Team Rocket)

C (Comedy): Witty, goofy, satirical, or just plain dirty, these fics are full of laugh-your-ass-off fun (Example: Dee arrives at work drunk and he pounces on JJ instead of Ryo--not my idea, btw.)

D (Drama): Soap operas full of emotional rollercoasters. Guaranteed to make you cry. (Example: Yugi is torn inside about whether he should go out with Anzu or Jounouchi)

An (Angst): Not something I'd write normally. This is a bit more melancholy than drama (sometimes dramas have happy endings). These are about people who are angry, suicidal, mad at the world, etc. Another very popular genre. (Example: Momo has had it with Sae's mistreatment and finally dcides to kill her)

H (Horror): Again, something I wouldn't normally write. This deals with things that are bloody, scary, monstrous, or just mildy creepy. (Example: Any story with JJ in it! J/K. Um... Sailor Moon discovers evil ghosts in her backyard that have killed many of her friends)

And here's a list of Elements. They will be found after the summary of the fic. Of course a fic will have morethan one element.

V (Violence): People getting hurt by other people, weapons, etc. Explosions also count. Often goes hand-in-hand with Ac/Av.

La (Language) Swearing. Duh.

AU (Alternate Universe) A fic that takes place in a world of the author's own creation. It can be as wild as a dimension in outer space, or it can be as simple as a regular school hallway.

WYDS (What You Didn't See): A fic that takes place in a certain episode of a series, but the author created something that he/she feels should have been included in the original episode.

OC (Original Character): A character in the story that the author has created to either join existing characters or take over an existing series.

OOC (Out Of Character): An existing character that acts differently from what he/she normally would in his/her series.

CB (Character Bashing): A certain character(s) is(are) insulted throughout the story and bad things happen to him/her/them.

CD (Character Death): A character (original or existing) dies in a fiction. Deaths are often a result of Character Bashing.

MS (Mary Sue): This is a bit different from OC. This is just the author herself (most MS fics are written by girls, but if a guy writes it then it's Male Mary Sue--MMS) in the series getting her guy (or girl) of choice and her least favorite characters will be bashed. Often, the author will play the princess while her (wo)man saves her from distress.

GS (Gary Stu): this isn't exactly the male version of Mary Sue, of course. It is about the male author entering the series getting depressed and hurting existing characters. Goes great with Angst.

F (Fluffy): Cutesy mushy stuff that often goes with Romance. Mostly about teen crushes, first kisses, a day snuggling in the park, etc.

Hy (Holiday): A fic special that deals with any calendar holiday.

SgF (Song Fic): A fiction that features lyrics to a song that pertains to the story's main theme. Often the title of the fic is the same as the title of the song.

SmF (Spam Fic): A fiction that makes nearly no sense and is used mainly for comedy purposes. HIGHLY encouraged and recommended! :)

SnAi (Shonen Ai): A story where a male character falls in love with another male character. Very popular with the ladies.

SoAi (Shoujo Ai): Stories where a female character falls in love with another female character. Not too popular with the guys unless there's lots of sex in it.

Li (Lime) This is milder than Lemon (which you will not find here). It is just people touching each other (or oneself), caressing one another sexually, either clothed or beneath the clothing (lemon is full-blown sex). Hard makeout scenes may also count. Characters might go up to third base.

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