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Hey I have season 3 here. Season 1 and 2 were on the 1st digimon page. I love season 1&2. It was the best digimon page there was. I thought they rocked. Season 3 was a little disappointed. I was hoping it would be better because season 1&2 were so great, but after watching it I thought it was ok but not the greatest. Season 4 was really awsome, I thought it was great. I love how the kids turn into Digimon. It was a pretty cool switch. Well I wonder what season 5 is gonna be like? Well I'll just have to wait and find out.

Season 3

Takato's Digimon
Jarimon Gigimon Guilmon Growmon Megalo Growmon Gallantmon

Profile: Takato's Digimon adventure started after he was playing the Digi-Battle Card Game. He dropped his Box Of cards and saw a blue card, which he had never seen before so he slashed it through his card reader. When he got in trouble for being late to school, he drew a picture of Guilmon in the hallway. After school he went to get his cards, when he opened the box his card reader was glowing and then it turned into a D-Power. When he went home that night he tried to slash the picture and info through his D-Power, after they were scanned through the D-Power a Digi-egg appeared on the D-power Screen! Takato followed the Arrow on the D-power after the Digi-egg hatched and found his Digimon Partner! Takato's the new Goggle boy, he's a big fan of the Digi-battle Card Game which he plays with his Friends At School. Takato isn't quite as mature as Ruki or Lee, but he's very kind and gentle.

Reremon Viximon Renamon Kyubimon Taomon Sakuyamon

Profile: Ruki met Renamon after coming home from a win at a Digimon Card Game Tournament. In her room a light came out of her Card Reader and three glowing screens appeared, inside the screens were shadowed Digimon. After shouting at the Digimon to go away, Renamon appeared on the screen shadowed aswell, then all the screens disappeared. Mixed with Ruki's other cards was a Blue Card which she slashed through her card reader and it turned into a D-Power. She closed her eyes holding the D-Power to her chest, and when she opened them Renamon was in Front of her. Ruki has a bit of an Attitude, and first thinks Digimon are only there for fighting. Ruki is a champion at the Digi-battle Card Game, and has won many tournaments.

Jellymon Gumimon Terriermon Gargomon Rapidmon Saint Gargomon

Profile: Henry got Terriermon when his Father brought home a Digimon game from America. When he installed it on his computer, he chose Terriermon. All of a sudden on the game, Gorillamon began to attack the Digimon. Henry slashes some cards to power up Terriermon, then he Digivolved into Galgomon and attacked everything in site. Henry talks to his father, who says the Digimon are just Data and not real. When he returns to his room one of his cards turns into a Blue Card, and he slashes it through his card reader, and it turns into a D-arc. Then Terriermon comes out of the Computer screen, into Henry's Arms. Henry's very mature, and does not like Terriermon to Digivolve. His father is Chinese, and his Mother is Japanese, They're farely wealthy and live in a huge Apartment.


Profile: Jeri met Leomon when she was playing with Culumon and a wild Digimon appeared, and chased Jeri and Culumon planning to attack them, then Leomon appeared on a rainbow. She knew right away that he was her partner, she spent the whole day chasing him telling him she was his Digimon Tamer Partner, but he didn't believe her and hid from her. By the end of the day she felt like she had made a huge mistake and that he really wasn't her partner after all. Until the fight with Vikararamon, after the fight, Culumon was kidnapped by Makuramon, and Leomon appears and tries to save Culumon but fails and gets injured, then a glowing figure appears in Jeri's hand and turns into a D-arc, she then becomes Leomon's Digimon Tamer. Jeri has a dog sock puppet that she carries pretty much everywhere, She goes to school with Takato and he has a crush on her.

Guardromon Andromon

Profile: Kazu met Andromon in the Digital World. After they were attacked by a Digimon, Kazu helps heal Andromon by pouring O-sake on his wounds, and healing them. He then de-digivolves into Guardromon. After helping the Gekomon, a D-arc glows and floats down towards Kazu. Kazu is Takato and Kenta's best friend, he goes to school with them and plays the Digi-battle card game.

Lopmon Antylamon

Profile: Suzie has played with Terriermon ever since Henry got him, but she finally gets her own Digimon. While playing at the park she was transported into the Digital World, there she met a rabbit-like digimon, Antiramon. When Makuramon tried to kidnap her, Antiramon came to her rescue and fought Makuramon! After the fight a D-arc descended from the sky, and Antiramon de-digivolved into Lopmon. Suzie is a very cheery little girl. Before she became a Tamer, she used to dress up Terriermon and play with him a lot not realizing he was actually a Digimon.

Cyberdramon Justimon

Profile: Ryo is what you call the legendary Tamer, he was the champion of the Card Game and always won until he decided to go to the Digital World. In the Digital World, his partner is Cyberdramon, they're both very experienced in battle.


Profile: Kenta was with the Tamers during their Journey in the Digital World, he finally got his Digimon on their way home. In the D-arc the Tamers hear a noise and look around to see what it is, a D-arc glows and is pushed out of Kenta's pocket by his new partner, Marineangemon! Kenta is best friends with Takato and Hirokazu, they also play the card game together.

Ai and Mako

Digimon: Impmon

Impmon has two Tamers. He left because they were fighting over him and ignored him, but they really do care about him and when they stopped fightning Impmon returned and digivolved to Beezlemon Blast Mode.


When Guilmon was first born he was just like a baby. He knew nothing, didn't know how to speak. But now he's smarter and much braver. Takato is his best friend and together they'll face any challenge, after he eats peanut butter.I thought they made a good match b/c their so much alike.


Terriermon has a very smart mouth and often speaks to fast. Him and Henry don't always see eye-to-eye, and he doesn't like being tortured by Suzie, but overall he likes them both and his sister Lopmon.


She always appears out of the shadows, don't ask me how. She's tough, mean, and strong. Together with Rika she'll face any challenge.They didn't excatly get along at first but after Rika saw Renamon hurt and risking her life for Rika then Rike realises how much she really cares and helps her to win.


The kind-hearted lion had grown close to Jeri and will always protect her, putting her life ahead of his. At first Leomon didn't want a taimer but his love grew for Jeri and he saw her in danger and he protected her risking his own life and became her partner.


A rather stubborn Digimon, like Kazu, but he's also the protector of the weak. Him and Kazu make a good pair as he is also catious and loyal.


He gives new meaning to the phrase "Pocket Monster" because he can fit in your pocket. For someone so small he has a big heart that he uses to protect Kenta.


This ex-Deva now loves Suzie. She changed her heart and now she loves her and playing with her, but not being tortured. She also likes her brother Terriermon.


Not the most obediant Digimon, but very powerful, if course he's an Ultimate. He gets nicer when he de-digivolves.


This is one confused Digimon. He abandoned his Tamers because he thought they didn't care for him. Then he pretended he was happy but really wanted a Tamer. He turned to a life of evil to digivolve, but Leomon's death knocked some sense back into him so he found his Tamers and is happy now.


Calumon is the digital 'catalyst'. He has the ability to help other digimon digivolve to higher levels. At the beginning of the season, Calumon shows up in the real world and is basically just looking for fun or people to play with. The digimon soverign is after Calumon because he wants Calumon to help the digimon to digivolve so they can fight the D-reaper, which Calumon does do.

Other Pics from Season 3

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