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G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more
Here are the Contest for the Shop. The First Contest:
  1. What is Yugi's grandpa's name?
  2. What are the 3 main types of duel cards?
  3. What is the name of the creater of Yu-Gi-Oh?
  4. Which duelest has all machine cards in their deck?
  5. Which God card does Seto Kaibe have?
  6. What is Yugi, Joey, Bakura, Tea, Tristen, and Seto's favorite cards?
  7. What card do Yugi use to defeat Pegasus in the Duelest Kingdom tournament?
  8. When Joey faces the Physic in the Battle City Tournament which card does Joey win?
  9. What millinum item does Bakura have?
  10. Who is the guy that is after yugi's puzzle at Battle City?
  11. What is the name of Joey's sister?
  12. The first time yugi beats Kaiba and he uses the millinum puzzle where does he send Kaiba's evil side?
  13. What did the Ancient Pharoah use to duel with?
  14. Why was Yami Yugi sealed up w/in the Puzzle?

The Second Contest:
  1. What is Tyson's bitbeast?
  2. Where do Tyson and Kai first meet?
  3. What is the name of the group Ray was first with?
  4. Who were the members?
  5. Which team wins the European Tournament?
  6. What is the name of Chief/Kenny's computer?
  7. Where does Max's mom work?
  8. What is the name of the girl who first beats max at the beyblade facility but then Max beats here at the American tournament?
  9. What was Rays reason for leaving the White Tigers?
  10. What was the name of the team that Kai was in before the Bladebreakers?
  11. Who were the members of the Russian Team?
  • The First 4 ppl to get me the most answers correct on either quiz will will two codestones and a petpet.
  • Well there are the contest, Whenever you get the answers just n-mail me and I'll post the winners. Thanks!