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Ash Ketchum

Ash in the main character in the Pokemon TV series. Ash is 10 years old, when they start out. Now he is 13. Ash is wild and energetic. His goal is to become the world's greatest Pokémon trainer and earn the title of "Pokémon Master".

Ash is given Pikachu in the first TV show by Professor Oak. The television series follows Ash around in his quest to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer.

Ash sometimes isn't the brightest kid you'll ever meet, but he learns from his mistakes, and never lets life get him down.

Pikachu and Ash are best buddies.

He's the star of the Poke'mon show. He was late on his first day as a trainer and ended up getting Pikachu. At first, Pikachu didn't like him, but after Ash saved PIkachu from the Spearows (and it saving him in return), they became best friends that go together like PB&J. Later, Misty joins the series and she follows Ash. Her main excuse is that he ruined her bike. (It was actually Pikachu who did) As time goes on, she competely forgets about that, so my main idea, (I take this rumor very seriously), that she loves Ash, although she does like to admit it. Later Brock joins up with the group. Then on Pulinsia Island, he stays with Professor Ivy and Tracy comes into the show.

Since so many people complained that they want Brock, Brock comes back into the show, (after being dumped by Prof. Ivy), and Tracy becames Professor Oak's assistant.
Ash's main goal, like all trainers, is to become a Poke'mon master. He had good Poke'mon, Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Krabby, Muk, Tauros (x30), Primeape, Lapras, Snorlax, Heracross and Chikorita. Later, he lets go of Buttefree, Pidgeotto evolves and leaves, Charmander evolves into Charizard, then later leaves, Squirtle will leave soon, Krabby evolved, he let go of Primeape and Lapras. He'll get a
Cynadaquil soon. He's always trying to be better than his rival Gary, but in their one battle, he lost. After losing the Poke'mon league and beating the Orange league, he's going to beat the Johto league, but only has one badge at the moment. Team Rocket, Jessie, James and Meowth, are always in every show (except the first one), always to trying to steal rare Poke'mon, including Ash's Pikachu. They haven't suceeded yet. In every show, Ash, with the help of Pikachu, always finds a way to beat the them and send them blasting off. Ash can act stupid sometimes, but deep down, he's a really good trainer. He really cares deeply for his Poke'mon. The way he makes friends with his Poke'mon is fantastic. It took a while, but I've really gotten to like him

Ash's Pokemon

Pikachu- received in Episode 1
Caterpie- caught in Episode 3
Metapod- evolved from Caterpie in Episode 3
Butterfree- evolved from Metapod in Episode 4. Released in Episode 21.
Pidgeotto- caught in Episode 3
Pidgeot- evolved from Pidgeotto in Episode 81.
Released in Episode 81.
Bulbasaur- caught in Episode 10.
Charmander- caught in Episode 11.
Charmeleon- evolved from Charmander in Episode 43.
Charizard- evolved from Charmeleon in Episode 46. Released in Episode 134.
Squirtle- caught in Episode 12. Released in Episode 147.
Krabby- caught in Episode 13.
Kingler- evolved from Krabby in Episode 75.
Raticate- traded for Butterfree in Episode 15.
Traded back in Episode 15.
Primeape- caught in Episode 25. Released in Episode 29.
Muk- caught in Episode 30.
Tauros- caught 30 of them in Episode 35.
Lapras- caught in Episode 84. Released in Episode 113.
Snorlax- caught in Episode 94.
Heracross- caught in Episode 119.
Chikorita- caught in Episode 126.
Bayleef- evolved from Chikorita in Episode 200.
Cyndaquil- caught in Episode 141.
Totodile- caught in Episode 151.
Noctowl- caught in Episode 154.
Beedrill- caught in Episode 161. Released in Episode 161.
Seaking- caught in Episode 168. Released in Episode 168.
Phanpy- hatched from egg in Episode 230.