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Yugioh Characters!

This is the 2nd page to the characters of yugioh. Their not really in a specific order on either page I just typed them out. And I hope that u'll like what I've done.



Shadi is the owner of the Millennium Key and the protector of the Millennium Items. The first character to meet Shadi is Pegasus, who at the time is looking for a way to restore his wife Cecelia. He follows Shadi to an ancient crypt, where he receives the Millennium Eye. Shadi meets Yugi shortly after Yami Bakura's theft of the Millennium Eye. He enters Yugi's mind, thinking he is the thief, and is surprised to find two chambers. One is a child's playroom, full of innocence, and Shadi knows this couldn't hold the thief. But in the other chamber he encounters Pharaoh Yami, the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, who says he has nothing to hide and that Shadi may roam his mind freely, but he would not allow any harm to come to Yugi. Shadi marvel's at the complexity of Yami's mind, which is full of traps. Finally, Shadi almost falls into a pit but is helped out by Yugi.

They come to a room filled with stone tablets that look like Duel Monster cards. All of the sudden, the Dark Magician appears, ready to attack. Shadi starts to call out the Blue Eyes White Dragon to destroy the Magician, but Yugi tells the Mage that they are friends. Shadi is amazed as the Dark Magician stops, when in ancient times the monster would only obey the Pharaoh. He leaves Yugi and tells him to be careful. Shadi has not yet participated in a Duel but may in the future. His abilities include entering minds and releasing monsters from carvings.

Whever Shadi enters the chamber's in Yami's mind he comes across many traps. Yami is not making them go off though it is just his subconscience. Yugi does help him to figure out the mistery's of Yami and Yugi. He finds Yugi is the Chosen one and Yami is the ancient pharoah. He says he is sure that he will see them later but I wonder will he have some big part to play at the end of this thing. He seems be a mystery himself. I think that he will somehow help Yugi when it comes time for him to battle Marik.

Maximillion Pegasus

Maxamillion Pegasus is the acclaimed, "creator" of Duel Monsters, when in fact, the game was created thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, where actual monsters were created and battled against on another on an evil basis. Pegasus has just recently stolen the soul of Yugi's grandfather in another one of his bazaar attempts to duel and humiliate Yugi. By winning a battle against Yugi, Pegasus forced him to come to The Duelist Kingdom, the ultimate Duel Monster playing field, where all of the top duelists from the country meet and battle for ten star chips, in hopes of making it to Maxamilllion's mansion for the one fateful battle with the "maker of the game". Wielding one of the millennium items, the "millennium eye", Pegasus is able to see through other people's eyes, (read their minds) and he uses this technique when dueling as a way of cheating -he can see every card that someone is holding, creating the ultimate defense. Even more recently, he has stolen the souls of Seto Kiaba, and Seto's little brother Mokuba, and trapped them in Dueling Monster cards -just for fun. Or so we thought.

As it turns out, Pegasus used to be one of the "good guys". He was even a talented painter. When his wife, the love of his life, died, he was thrust into a world of despair. Traveling all over the world looking for answers, Maxamillion found his way to the Giza pyramids in Egypt. There, by a stroke of luck, (and a weird/mysterious guy who doesn't bother to tell him his name) he found that he was destined to acquire the Millennium Eye -and he had planned to use it to bring his deceased wife back to life.But now, the world is just a cartoon show to him, and he tries to make the most interesting web of lies and deception as he is capable of. (He had also planned to use the Kaiba Corporation, Yugi's Millennium Puzzle, and the soul's of Yugi's grandfather, Seto Kaiba, and Mokuba Kaiba, to bring his wife back. But alas, he has lost the Duelist kingdom title to Yugi, and has freed the souls of Mr. Mutou's, and the Kiaba brothers. The "evil Bakura" -Bakura possessed by the evil spirit in his millennium eye- has also stolen the millennium eye from Pegasus. Things just aren't looking so good for the oh-so-noble Pegasus. He has even taken the three most powerful duel monster cards in the world and hid them to make sure that anyone evil could not use the cards powers against another. Of course, that plan failed too, as they have once again been taken.) Billionaire Maxamillion Pegasus can often be seen sipping a glass of wine -I mean, the worlds finest grape juice- at the head of his oversized dining room table, watching cartoons, and practicing his sinister laugh. I ask you; How evil is that?

Even though I think he is a really bad guy I have to wonder if maybe he doesn't have so good in him somewhere. He did free Yugi's Grandpa and the Kaiba brothers after the duel when he could have left but he has a sort of honor in him. Who da thought?Well I do think that he is evil but I can also understand y. He lost everything he cared about and look at how he live, in a huge manor w/ only his bodyguards. I mean it has to be lonely. I find it kinda weird that he has just disappeared I wonder if he'll ever show up again?

Seto Kaiba

Seto Kaiba is one of the best duelists in the world. Ranked World Champion in the most recent World Tournament, Kaiba was undefeated until Yugi displayed the heart of the cards in getting revenge for his grandfather. Kaiba thought he had the duel won. especially because he had all three of his Blue Eyes out onto the field, but Yugi drew Exodia and obliterated his Blue Eyes and life points. After the duel, Yugi used his Millenium Puzzle to destroy the evil in Kaiba's heart. Kaiba thought it was back to the drawing board until he got invovled in Pegasus's "Game" when Pegasus kidnapped Mokuba. He thought the kidnapping would allow him to hostily take over Kaiba Corp., Seto Kaiba's personal company. Kaiba corp is responsible for the holographic dueling fields and discs that allow players to physically "see" the duel. Kaiba flies to the island via helicopter after helping Yugi win a duel against "himself" ( It was his evil self brought back from the shadow realm).

When he arrives he beates Joey 8000-0 in a breif duel. He actually surprises Pegasus by his appearence on the island but Pegasus twists Kaiba's mission to save his brother into an expanison of his game. He allows Kaiba the chance to duel him BUT only if he humiliates Yugi by defeating him in a duel. Kaiba sets out to acheive this quest and duels Yugi when he arrives with his friends on top of Pegasus's castle. In this duel Kaiba does something never done before...using his three Blue Eyes and Polymerization he assembles the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Seto also plays the Crush Card virus limiting Yugi to only play monsters with an attk of 1500 or less. Kaiba seems to have the upper hand until Yugi polymerizes his own Mammoth Graveyard with Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate causing it to rot from within. Every turn the Blue Eyes Ultimate lost 1200 attk points each turn. Yugi also plays a Celtic Gaurdian which is strong enough to take out each of the three heads on his Blue Eyes Ultimate. The Celtic gaurdian starts by slicing off one. Next turn Yugi plans to attack another head and win the duel. Kaiba realizes this and plays reborn the monster, reviving one of the Blue Eyes heads at its full strength. So he pulls the last trick up his sleeve, he backs to the castle edge and explains to Yugi that if he attacks another Blue Eyes head the resulting shockwaves could knock Kaiba off the edge. Kaiba knows that Yugi would not hurt anyone so this his plot to make Yugi concede so he'll win the duel. Kaiba needs to win this duel to save his little bro Mokuba and he'll do anythig to win. Yami Yugi orders an attack and Yugi stops it tearing himself apart from within.

He concedes and Kaiba wins five of his star chips taking away his chance of entering the castle and saving his grandpa. Kaiba starts to realize the power of the heart of the cards philosophy but decides he can't change his own strategy now. Kaiba duels Pegasus and the finalists ( Yugi included ) watch from above. Pegasus, using superior cards and his Millenium Eye, defeates Kaiba by using his own Blue Eyes against him. Using the Millenium Eye, Pegasus traps Kaiba and Mokuba into Duel Monsters cards causing Yugi to transform into Yami Yugi to fight for his soul. Now as Yugi duels in the tournament, Seto's and Mokuba's only chance to be free, ride on his shoulders. Of cousr Yugi beats Pegasus and Kaiba and his brother are free.

When Kaiba returns an Egyptian Woman, Isis Ishtar, personally invites Kaiba to come and check out the exibit at the musuem on Egypt. She takes him and show him stone tablets of the old games that the Egyptians played many years ago. It was duel monsters w/ stone tablets. She tells Kaiba that Yugi was the Pharoah and Kaiba was the evil sorcerer. Oh course he doesn't believe this untill she shows him the tablet w/ the pics, of him and yugi and the Dark Magician above Yugi and the Blue Eyes above Kaiba. She shows him glances of the past using her Millenium Neckless. She tells him that the sorcerer tried to take over the world and the pharoah sealed all the power in the millenium items sacraficing himself. He geos to leave but she tell him it is destiny for him and Yugi to duel again. She convinces him to start the Battle City Tournament but he say's it's to get the other God cards. She gives him Obelisk the tormentor. Now we are waiting to see what happens in the duels. He placed Mokuba as tournament overseer, which is to make sure no one cheats, Kaibe watches over Mokuba to make sure he doesn't get hurt. So far we haven't seen a whole lot of Kaiba.

I thought Kabia was really cold hearted. I really hated this character. but then I began to see the real side to Kaiba, after Yugi beat him and showed him the Heart of the cards he seamed a tiny bit nicer. He is still a times a jerk but he really cares for his brother and would do anything to protect him.


Mokuba Kaiba is Seto Kaiba's younger brother. He only sees the good side of Kaiba and loves him very much because they are the only family they have. When they were younger, their parents died and Mokuba and his older brother were sent to an orphanage. Many times, child-seeking adults would want Seto because he is so smart. He turned them down said he would never leave his little brother. Eventually, Mokuba is separated from Seto by being captured by some agents from Pegasus's company. He is trapped in Pegasus's tower on Duelist Island but soon escapes and steals a duelist's star chips and cards. He vows to defeat Yugi in a duel because Yugi beat Kaiba earlier in the series. Mokuba believes that this defeat made Kaiba leave his company, Kaiba Corp., and leave him as well. Throughout the duel, Yugi is killing Mokuba's stolen monsters left and right. Half way through, Mokuba disappears and then reappears in front of Yugi, taking his star chips, giving him 10 and the path to Pegasus. Yugi talks Mokuba out of running away and tells him he should return the deck and the star chips. Mokuba returns the stolen items and goes to find Kaiba. Once again, he gets captured and put in a prison underground. Kaiba tries to rescue him, but at he jail cell, Pegasus shows up and turns Mokuba into an actual card. Kaiba then faces Yugi, beats him, and is going to fight Pegasus for his brother's soul.Yugi frees them both. and Mokuba returns to stay w/ Kaiba. He is then put in charge of overseeing the rules during the battle city tournament, w/ his brothe watching and protecting him of course.

I think Mokuba is a good kid but a little to close minded. He shows good potential of becoming a great duelest one day, but for right now he's just happy to be by his brothers side.

Duke Devlin

Duke Devlin is the hot shot creator of Dungeon Dice Monsters. He opened up a new card shop in the town of Domino shortly after the Duelist Kingdom Tournament. Since his opening, he has been curious about Yugi Muto, and his unbelievable victory over Maximillion Pegasus. Duke Devlin wanted to expose Yugi for the fraud he believed he was. After Joey's encounter with Duke at school, Joey challenged Duke to a game of Duel Monsters. But, after a come from behind win from Duke, Joey was forced to obey his commands for a whole week. Forceing Joey to wear a dog suit and he totally humilates him,(What a jerk) Having had enough, Yugi stepped up to save Joey. Duke challenged Yugi to his own game, Dungeon Dice Monsters, which uses a dice field, and monsters from Duel Monsters, to try and strategically gain access to the opponent's heart points, and destroy all 3. Thinking he was a fraud, Devlin had the game broadcasted all over the world, trying to show that Yugi isn't worthy of the title King of Games. Through their bet, If Devlin was to win, he would be the new King of Games, and Yugi would to not play Duel Monsters ever again.

Even though Yugi knew nothing about the game he leared very fast and cam for behind and mannaged to summon the Dark Magician and beat Duke. After words he apoligized to Yugi and Joey, and he became friends w/ them and they did agree to keep the shop open(it was pretty cool). I thought Duke was kinda like Joey in some ways like they both loose their temper very eaisly, and are both very hot headed and determined.

Bandit Keith

Bandit Keith was the undefeated inter-continental champion until he came to face Pegasus in a tournament in America. Pegasus pulled a young boy from the audience and gave him a piece of paper stating how to win. The boy, named Sam, won the duel. Keith was heartbroken from that point on. He planned to beat Pegasus in the final of the Duelist's Kingdom. He stole star chips off his cronies and trapped Yugi & co. in a cave in order to win. Joey vowed revenge and had a chance to get it… he was to face Keith in a duel. Special cards were required to participate, Keith didn’t have any. Noticing that Yugi gave one of the two to Joey, Keith stole Joey’s ‘Glory of the King’s hand’ card during Joey’s sleep. Without the card, Joey couldn’t even duel. Yugi had already beaten Mai, who gave her card to Joey, knowing that he was dueling for his sister. The duel was ferocious, but Joey triumphed against Keith’s machine-based deck by creating the Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon. Pegasus had also noticed that Keith kept special cards that greatly powered up his Slot machine monster inside his wrist band. Keith admitted that he stole Joey’s card and attacked Pegasus, who sent him through a trap door and dumped him in the sea.

This is another guy I just don't like, he's just has a all aroud bad vibe about him. He is picked up after being dumped into the sea by some of Mariks ppl, Marik uses him Millenium Rod to contrl him. He challage Yugi to a duel a few day after the return for Duelest Kingdom, He takes Yugi's puzzle but according to the rules he must duel Yugi for it, so he is forced to fight w/o help from the spirit, luckly he win b/c Keith was fighting the mind contol and Makik realized he couldn't finish the battle so he used he rod to maintain control and he smashed Yugi's puzzle and ran away. The barn cought on fire and Yugi hurried and put the puzzle back together and Joey and Tristan Saved him.

Mako Tsunami

Mako Tsunami is the highest ranked Ocean based duelist in Duel Monsters. Mako was invited into the tournament and wants to win the prize money so that he can buy a ship and sail the seven seas. As a child, Mako sailed the seas with his father, who was an expert fisherman. When a sudden storm arose, the sea got violent and pitched the boat back and forth. Makos father tied him down to the boat to secure him in place. However while he was securing Mako, he did not have time to secure himself. Mako thought that his father was dead, until he noticed that a life boat was missing, and knew he was still alive. Mako wants to buy a boat and search the seas until he finds his father. Before he can do that, he must beat the challengers that stand in his way. One day he met with Yugi, after Joey and Tristan went to look for food, and found some barbequed fish that Mako made. Mako challenged Yugi to a duel, his first worthy adversary. In the duel, this was Yugis first time playing against sea based duel monsters. Mako dominated the match until Yugi destroyed his own Moon card and changed the playing field, leaving all land and no water left for his sea based creatures. Mako then started over again, trying to become an even better duelist, to search for his father someday.

I really don't know a whole lot more about this duelest. He does go to Battle City, But We only see him there it has not yet shown how well he is doing of if he is even still in the game.

Weevil Underwood

Weevil is asked to go to Duelest Kingdom by Pegasus after he beat Rex Raptor. On the boat he asked Yugi to see his rare Exodia Cards and the jerk throws them overboard. (that little weasal)I couldn't believe it. The Yugi still beats his great moth and Weevil is out of the game. Now Weevil is at Battle City and he tricks a kid to help him slip a parisite card in Joey's deck. Joey manages to come for behind and beat Weevil knocking him out of Battle City.

Rex Raptor

Rex is a duelist that placed second in the duel monsters regional. He is known as the dino duelist because most of his cards in his deck are dinos. While traveling to the duelist kingdom he met Yugi. He also met with Mai and he lost his suite to her in a duel. Angered by this he found Mai in the duelist kingdom later on to duel with Mai. Mai agreed to this only if Rex could beat Joey but he sadly didn't. The two strongest cards in Rex's deck are his Serpent Night Dragon and his Red Eyes Black Dragon. He lost his Red Eyes Black Dragon to Joey b/c he lost.

I don't know anything else about Rex right know but if I get anymore info I'll post it. Yugi does see him at Battle City but we don't know how he's doing.