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Neopoint Making Tips!!
  1. First of all you can go to the omelette, tombola, shrine, snowager, fruit machine, and the advent calender b/c their all free so if u get something great.but if ya don't then no big.
  2. Some really easy games that u can play to get nps are, destructomatch, Kiko match, cheeseroll, korbat's lab, 200m peanut dash, and the icecream factor.
  3. Also go to the Wheel of Excitement which is only 100nps and somtimes u get really rare items, or the Wheel of Mediocrity it's only 50 and u get pretty good prizes there to.
  4. Here is the steps to the poogle solitare:(29-17)(22-24)(17-29)(31-23)(26-24)(24-22)(21-23)(33-31)(16-28)(31-23)(11-25)(30-18)(13-11)(27-13)(10-12)(13-11)(11-25)(3-11)(4-16)(7-9)(16-4)(1-9)(2-10)(14-16)16-28)(28-30)(30-18)(18-6)(9-11)(6-18)(19-17). There are other ways but I don't know them, this is the best one i've found.
  5. The Kiosk scratchcard is a good way to make nps. You can get one for 600nps and then sell them for a higher price. Sometimes u even get really rare cards and they sell for a lot. Just check w/ the shop wizard to see the prices. And u can get one every 2 hrs.
  6. One way is to have a shop. By items like fire gems and fire jugs and sell them for a little more then what u paid for and they go pretty fast.
  7. Mainly the best way to get nps is find a game ur good at and stick w/ it.