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G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

Misty Waterflower

Misty is the leader of the Cerulean City Gym. She meets Ash in the first Episode when she fishes him out. She's crazy about water pokemon. She is friends with Ash. Her pokemon are Starmie, Staryou, Goldeen, Horsea, Phyduck, and Togepii. Starmie and Horsea are with her sisters Daisy, Lily, and Violet back at the gym. In Lou Bega's "Beauty on the TV Screen" Misty fits the description "She is cute, she is pretty, and sometimes she is tough!"

Misty is one of Ash’s friends. She is the youngest of four sisters. Her older sisters, Violet, Lily and Daisy, got the good looks in the family, and Misty is the Pokemon Trainer. She only battles with Water Pokemon, her favorites. She is following Ash because he still has to pay her back for her broken bike. The Pokemon she currently has are Staryu, Goldeen, Psyduck, Poliwhirl and Togepi. She used to have Starmie and Horsea, but she gave them to her sisters. Misty secretly likes Ash. I think Misty has what it takes to be a Water Pokemon Master!

And now having (mostly) forgotten about the bike, will travel into Johto with the group, eager to become the World’s Greatest Water-Type PokèMon Trainer!

You pretty much always see her carrying around Togepi.