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Summary of Yugioh!

This is the summary of Yugioh!I have written about the show up untill now and I will contine to add to it as it goes along.

The Yu-Gi-Oh season starts out w/ this kind named Yugi Motou how isn't very brave and he has a hard time standing up to ppl. But his grandpa then give in this puzzle and Yugi puts it together. His grandfather has been teaching Yugi and his best friend Joey how to duel when Yugi was defeated by Pegasus. Pegasus had a millennium eye and he trapped Yugi's grandpa's soul inside a card. Yugi then goes and gets his grandpa to a hospital. Where he stays. Pegasus hold a duel tournament at Duelist Kingdom(Pegasus's home, since Pegasus is the one who made the duel monster cards).He says he created duel monsters but actually the game where played thousands of years ago w/ stone tablets(but I'll get to that a little later), Pegasus only made the cards for modern time and Kaiba Corp made the holographic projectors. Now that Yugi had the puzzle he felt that whenever he dueled there was someone guiding him and helping him. He also found courage and when he said Yugioh ha suddenly got taller and had a different hair style and a deeper voice, but it wasn't until Bakura challenged Yugi to a duel in the forest w/ the others and he trapped Yugi, Joey, and Tea in their favorite cards w/ his Millennium Ring. Evil Bakura went to take the puzzle but suddenly someone else was there, Yami Yugi. Bakura had the Millennium ring and the spirit of the ancient thief inside him and he could not control the spirit, (really Bakura is a totally sweet guy who is kind and loyal), The thief is after all the millennium items so he can have all the power. Yamis puzzle was really the Millennium Puzzle which holds the spirit of the ancient pharaoh Yami,(who is really hot and a good guy) and the puzzle was the center of all the power so everyone wants to take it from Yugi. So Bakura and Yugi went to their duel, Yugi was doing pretty well he Evil Bakura played change of heart and he was going to take and control the Dark Magician(who was Yugi Motou b/c this was his favorite card, the other's favorite card are w/ their biographies) but he had trapped the real Bakura who took over one of evil Bakura's own monsters and was going to sacrifice himself, he told Yugi to attack him but Yami switch evil Bakura for the real Bakura and sent evil Bakura to the grave yard. Then Yugi know that the spirit had been inside him b/c he had now seen him and they became friends there and promised to stick by each other and protect each other. The others(Joey, Tristan, and Tea)woke up thinking it was a dream but the realized it was all true. Tea had always thought there were 2 Yugi's since he had put the puzzle together, b/c whenever Yugi was dueling or in danger he changed into the older version of himself, and Tea had thought that Yugi became more serious and a completely different person,(which was kinda true but Yugi and Yami can communicate inside their mind),(confused yet?).
Well after that they heard a scream and went to see what it was, it was really Mai, Panic had just beaten her and took all of her star chips,(at duelist Kingdom u had to have 10 star chips to into the castle to face Pegasus, and at least 1 to stay on the island.)Panic was working for Pegasus to help kick off the bad duelist. Yugi beat him and sent him to the Shadow Realm. (I'll explain about the shadow realm in a bit).Well Kaiba meet Yugi on the stairs of the castle and beat Yugi by threatening that if Yugi attacked(which Yugi would have won)the Kaiba would be knocked off the edge by the blast. Yami was willing to do it but Yugi couldn't and at the last min, stopped the attack and Kaiba won. Yugi was torn and confused, he had almost killed Kaiba. Mai offered Yugi her extra star chips but seemed to be off in his own world. So Tea dueled Mai and won the star chips for Yugi. They all went into the castle. When they got inside they found Kaiba and Pegasus dueling. Kaiba wanted Pegasus to free his brother, Mokuba's, soul. Kaiba lost really easily and Pegasus sent him to the Shadow Realm as well. The 4 finalist were Mai Valentine, Yugi Mouto, Joey Wheeler and Bandit Keith. Yugi was paired w/ Mai and Joey w/ Keith. During the night Bakura, Tristan and Tea went to see if they could find out how Pegasus was cheating. B/c of his duel w/ Kaiba. They ended up in a tower, and saw a pic of a woman who was all over the castle(really Pegasus's wife). Pegasus then came in and used his Millennium Eye to send them body and all to the shadow realm. They saw the priest dueling each other using stone tablets the way they had done thousands of years ago. Just when Pegasus was going to send all their souls to the shadow Realm, Bakura Millennium Ring appeared and he used it to erase their memories and sent them all back. When Yugi dueled Mai they had promised each other a fair duel. But Yugi was loosing really bad. He was really shaken up and wouldn't let the spirit help him. But Mai talked to him and quickly snapped him out of it. Yugi let the spirit help and their bond was back. Yugi began to win and Mai conceded b/c she knew she couldn't win. Then Joey had to duel Bandit Keith who had taken his card but Mai gave him her's and he got back just in time. Joey beat Keith and his machine Monsters, even thought Keith had been cheating. Pegasus disqualified him and pushed a button which sent in down a tube and out into the water. Then it was time for Joey to face Yugi. They pushed each other to do their best so that they were still helping each other. Yugi won and Faced Pegasus. Yugi figured out that Pegasus was using his millennium eye to see his cards through his own eyes so he was forced to trust the heart of the cards and duel not looking at his cards. Yugi used all his spirit to stop Pegasus from seeing his cards. Pegasus then took them both to the shadow Realm to finish the duel. Yugi laid 1 last card face down and was sent to the shadow Realm, Yami became worried b/c he could no longer feel Yugi's spirit inside him. But the Tea, Tristan, Joey and Bakura used their energy to block Pegasus from seeing into Yami's mind b/c they had also felt in their hearts that Yugi had left. Yami played the last card Yugi had played it turned out to be the Black Luster Soldier and he beat Pegasus and brought Yugi back. Their bond was stronger then ever. Yugi get the card to go get the 3 mill dollars ad gives it to Joey for his sisters operation. Pegasus then disappears and goes to his tower. He releases Kaiba, Mokuba and Grandpa. Suddenly Bakura shows up and challenges Pegasus to a game of the mind and Bakura wins. He take Pegasus Millennium Eye.
Yugi and the others here Pegasus yell so they go to the tower to see the bodyguards carrying Pegasus and taking him to rest. They go to the tower to investigate. Yugi sees the 3 soul card and knows that the souls have been released. They then find a journal of Pegasus's telling about his wife Cecilia and how he got his Millennium Eye.
All the gang leaves the tower except Yugi b/c he is looking at something, he goes to go down the stair but runs into Shadi. Shadi uses the Millennium Key he has to look into Yugi's mind b/c he thinks Yugi is the thief. He discovers 2 chambers(which is odd), and sees the one is innocent and is like a child's play room, full of kindness, and heart like he's never encountered before. In the 2 chamber(which is full of mystery and is dark until Yami shows up and suddenly it looks all lit up) he runs into Yami and Yami allows him to explore but he will not let him hurt Yugi. Shadi begins to look around but keeps running into traps(Yami is not doing this on purpose, it is his subconscious)He ends up almost falling into a dark pit but Yugi saves him. Yugi says that he wishes that he could help him and a door opens. They end up walking down a chamber full of stone carving when suddenly the Dark Magician appears and Shadi is going to awaken the Blue Eyes but Yugi tells him not to and he goes and talks to the Dark Magician and the Magician allows they to leave, this shocks Shadi b/c in ancient times only the Pharaoh could command the Dark Magician. Shadi leaves Yugi's mind and he tells Yugi he is the chosen one and he is destine to save the world.(Whenever someone take a millennium item that doesn't belong to them it disturbs the power of the items that is how Shadi knew it was missing) Yugi tries to get him to wait, but Shadi says that he will see him again someday.
Yugi and the other leave and go back to domino. They get Yugi's grandfather and are on their way home when they run into Rebecca Hawkins who demands her card back(I think she need to learn some manners),She said she wanted to duel Mr. Motou to get her card back but Yugi did instead b/c Mr. Motou wasn't in that gooda shape. Yugi was ahead, then she got ahead but Yugi got the card he needed but surrendered to show Rebecca the Heart of the Cards. She demanded the card and saw it was torn in half(Kaiba had torn it in half b/c Mr. Motou wouldn't sell it to him and Kaiba wanted nothing to stand against his 3.) Her grandfather came out and told her to behave. The duel Yugi and Rebecca had just played went the same way as Mr. Motou and Mr. Hawkins, years before when they were trapped inside of a tomb together. They had been looking for clues on the duel monsters that the Egyptians had played long ago. With stone tablets in the Shadow Realm which was a dark place were bad souls were sent and could only be brought back by a Millennium Item. The cave had collapsed on them and they only had enough water for 1 so they dueled to see who would get to water. Mr. Motou surrendered b/c he could see Mr. Hawkins was dehydrated and overwhelmed by the heat. And now Yugi surrendered to show Rebecca the heart of the cards(the way to the Heart of the cards is through ur own heart the heart of every duelist. U must respect ur cards.)Yugi gave her the card the Ties of Friendship. Isis Ishtar came from Egypt and set up an exhibit at the museum in domino. She sent Kaiba a special invitation and took him and showed him some stone tablets that showed the pharaohs and ppl of ancient Egypt played duel monsters long ago, but they didn't play for fun or money like today. They played for the rights to rule Egypt and for power. The forces of evil grew to powerful and the Pharaoh had to seal them w/in the Millennium items sacrificing himself. They Pharaoh had gone up against an evil sorcerer who wasn't to rule the world and she showed him the carvings. He saw the Yugi was the Pharaoh and he was the sorcerer. He didn't believe it until he saw the monsters above them above the pharaoh was the Dark Magician and above the Sorcerer was the Blue Eyes White Dragon. He was still unsure so she showed him glance's of the past w/ her Millennium necklace. She said the did not know the outcome b/c the rest had been worn away. But It was destiny for him to face Yugi again b/c destiny repeats itself.(I'm hoping that Yugi will)He goes to leave but she tells him about the God cards that Pegasus had created. And when Yugi defeated him he had them sealed away. But they were all stolen but one. She gave him the god card Obelisk the Tormentor. To use during the battle. She ask him to set up the Battle City Tournament so she can find the other god cards, he says he'll do it but only so he can get the other god cards for himself. So now he has issued the Battle City tournament. The duelist have to use the duel disk that he sent the to duel, it allows they to duel where ever they are. Marik has also heard of the tournament and sends him ppl out to find Yugi and defeat Yugi in a battle and take him puzzle. The first pretends to be a fortune teller, and he takes Yugi's puzzle. Yugi follows him to a barn and Is forced to duel w/o the help of the Puzzle. He notices his opponent fights w/ machine monsters. He discovers it's Bandit Keith. (when Pegasus knock him out of the castle he ends up in the water and the boat picks him up and Marik uses his Millennium Rod to control him. But now Keith is trying to fight back so he quit the duel runs over and smashes the puzzle to pieces. Yugi runs to get the pieces and Bakura show up(he was their all along watching, he used him Millennium which is very powerful b/c he is evil to enter fear w/ Mariks control over Keith, that was y Keith was able to fight back a little.)Bakura helps Yugi pick up all the pieces but he take and puts a part of himself into the puzzle, and give it to Yugi then says he has to leave. The barn catches on fire and Yugi can't get the puzzle off the wall so he tries to put it back together, which he does. Yami tells him to leave but he refuses to w/o Yami. So Joey and Tristan show up at first they couldn't get it off either so they try to just take Yugi but Yugi won't leave so they work together and get the puzzle and Yugi out. Yugi began to doubt himself and Yami has to convince him that he has total trust in Yugi. Yugi then get together w/ Tea and transforms into Yami(it's kinda funny, b/c u suddenly see Yami yelling at the puzzle and u must be thinking the ppl around there who see that must think he's nuts). They go around town to have fun, Tea suggest the go to the museum and check out the exhibit. Yugi feels drawn to a certain room that's off limits. They go in and find Isis. and she show they the tablet she showed Kaiba and takes him on visions like she did w/ Kaiba. She keeps calling him her Pharaoh. It turns out Isis is Marik's sister. There family guarded the temple of the pharaoh waiting for his return and the chosen one. (I wonder if Shadi is related to them as well.)Anyway Kaiba starts the Tournament and Yugi Is forced to duel Mariks ppl who are trying to take Yugi's puzzle and the ppl that are in the tournament. The duelist must have 6 locator cards to get to the finals. The locator cars make a map that shows them how to get to the finals. So far Mai and Joey have 2 locators and Yugi has 3 but I'm going to bet they all make it to the finals, Yugi has all his friends behind him and so does Joey, Joey also has Serenity his sister behind him.
Ok well Joey got his other 2 locator cards from weevil who beat him 2 card b/c he cheated and thought he was going to win but Joey came through and defeated Weevil even when all the odds were against him. Weevil had this other kid pretend he wanted Joey autograph and asked to see his duel disk and then took off(while Joey was bragging about himself)And Tristan, Tea and Mr. Mouto happened to be standing on a bridge over heard and saw Joey chasing the kid and Tristan caught him and got Joeys duel disk back. Turn out the kid did it to get a rare card but Weevil tricked him.(that jerk)Weevil snuck a parasite card in Joeys deck and when it looked like he was going to lose he managed to pull through. Serenity was in the hospital when a kid came in her room to hide a she covered for him and he helped her out by watching the duel and giving her the play by play and they rooted for Joey. She gave the kid courage to face taking his test(medical test)and he wasn't afraid anymore b/c she was his friend. Then Joey gets Weevils 2 locator cards knocking Weevil out of the tournament and his Bug queen. Then we see Yugi standing next to water looking across it and he's talking to the spirit and then Yami says he senses a evil approaching and Marik's silent one is suddenly there(it was funny b/c ppl were looking at him standing on a bench thinking he was a mime and he suddenly takes off and starts running toward were Yugi is, those ppl were really started that were looking at him)So Yugi meets the silent one and he turns into Yami. Then they start talking.(this is my favorite part b/c there talking and this is basically how it goes.
Yami*to Marik*:You will never get the power of the millennium puzzle!!!
Yugi*in their head*: Yea you tell them whose this power belongs to!!!
Yami: I just did!

I just started laughing and almost cried i was laughing so hard. I mean u just don't expect him to answer like that, they talk all the time but i couldn't believe he just said*I just did, that has got to be my fav. part) anyway, he's holding his own till the plasma monster is called out and w/ that magic card it basically keeps Yugi from attacking(which sucks)and he then puts this cage around him(a magic card) and he can't attack for 3 turns(during this time he summons the Egyptian God Card) and Yugi's swords guy is destroyed and he calls out Dark Magician girl and manages to save her just in time with the magician hats and 2 trap cards that weakens the god card and reflects his attack back at him but that stupid plasma thing gets in the way and it doesn't work. Marik that uses the God Card and destroys the DM girl. Yugi falls to the ground and is on his knees when Kaiba and Mokuba show up(Kaiba had been about to duel Joey which would have been bad for Joey when Kaiba's satellite picked up the God card and he took a helicopter to where Yugi was)and Kaiba told Yugi to get up if he wasn't a coward and fight and defeat the monster(i was shocked, i mean Kaiba helping Yugi well I'm just speechless). Then the show leaves off w/ Yugi getting up and he's ready to fight, and Kaiba's thinking that now he can watch how Yugi defeats the monster and what's is weakness is so that he can take it from Yugi when Yugi wins and gets the god card.(This was also shocking b/c Kaiba still considers Yugi not as good a duelist as himself and yet he's saying that Yugi is going to beat a God card, makes ya think, I was just plain confused) oh well I really can't wait to see the next episode and find out what happens, This is a show I don't want to miss. I want to see Yugi take down a God card and see the look on Kaiba's face.(he he)
ok well Yugi got up and kicked Mariks but, it was awesome. Yugi use brain control to take Mariks plasma monster, and b/c the god card fires every time a monster is summoned on Yugi's field it fires, and the Plasma monster keeps reforming, Marik is forced to draw cards b/c of his card that lets him draw 3 cards every time the plasma monster reforms. Marik had to keep drawing until he ran out of cards and was disqualified. lol, yeah go Yugi(sorry got excited watching it, I was scared b/c he wasn't doing so good.)Then he tells Yugi that he may be safe but his friends aren't, so Yugi of course goes to find them, but Kaiba challenges him to a duel to get his god card. But Yugi refuses until he finds his friends. So Yugi's running to find his friends when he runs into Mariks 2 guys again and they won't let him pass unless he duel but then the 2 guys fight over who's going to duel when Kaiba and Mokuba show up and Kaiba and Yugi pair up and defeat them easy. Kaiba offers to help so that when the find them they can duel, so Kaiba call his headquarters and tells them to track Joeys disk. And they start down the road again. Meanwhile Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Grandpa run into Mako who's doing a show w/a whale, and they all start talking. Of course Joey loses his cool and challenges him to a duel. With 2 of Mariks men in the stand waiting for Marik to show up. Joey of course puts on a show(doing ballet, y i have no idea)He's crazy. Ok well Mako beats one of Joeys monsters and Joey beats on of Makos and Mako makes the playing field water. And then it show Bakura stopping Marik(who's on a motorcycle heading for the area where Joey and the others are) and Bakura and Marik decide to team up to get what they what. (that really sad, I like Bakura and now he teams up w/ Marik, It's not fair)And It leaves off there.
Ok well it's comes back on and shows Yugi and Kaiba are trying to find Joey and the others, when the satellite tracking system picks up Joeys disk and they are running to find them. Kaiba of course says he wants to duel then he'll get Yugi to Joey but Yugi says that this is urgent, and he already promised Kaiba a duel and he will once they find the others. Then it goes to Marik and Bakura and their making a deal, Bakura gets the millennium rod if Bakura duels for him. so now they have a deal, (this is still bothering me, -_- this is just sad, poor Bakura)ok anyway then it goes to Joey and Mako. They are dueling and Mako takes a lot of Joeys Life points but then in one move Joey makes a great come back and he win 2 of Mako's locator and dueling cards. (sorry sounded like a sports castor for a min.) hehe, ok well Mako learned a good lesson from Joey, Joey told him the spirit of his father wasn't in his one duel card it was inside him, and he know b/c he felt the same about his sister. So now their there and Yugi, Mokuba, and Kaiba are on the way, and Marik and Bakura are also on the way. It showed previews for next week. Joey and Tea get captured by Mariks guys, (what happened to grandpa and Tristan I don't know yet, they were w/ them)And they also capture Mokuba so that Yugi and Kaiba have to team up to fight tag team duelists Umbra and Lumis on top of a skyscraper! The losers will be sent plummeting into the Shadow Realm! (omg) ok another scary moment sorry. Anywho I can't wait to see what happens, I just got to know. Well I'll update again on Sat. when the next new episode is on.