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Digimon Season 4
Hey this is my page about season 4. I thought that is was awsome. I was really impressed b/c season 3 was good but it could have been better. It's probably b/c I thought season 1&2 was the best. I fell in love w/ it as soon as I saw it. So I thought 3 could have been improved. I really liked how season 4 kids are the one who turn into digimon. And Koji's brother Kouchi become evil and Koji is trying to save him. It's sort of like u want to hate him b/c he's the enemy but u can't help but feel sorry for him b/c he's lost all the ppl he loves and he gets cought in the digital world all alone and afraid. Well Here's the bios and info. Before I give it all away. hehe!

Season 4
Summary of Season 4

Long ago the Human and Beast Spirits were fighting each other, but Lucemon stoped them and became ruler of the Digiworld. He revolted and the 10 ancient Digimon took command of the Spirits and defeated him. Seraphimon, Cherubimon, and Orphanimon were put in charge of the Digiworld. Soon after, Cherubimon, one of the three Angel Guardians, revolts and threatened to destroy the Digital World. Various evil Digimon find Human Spirits and some find Beast Spirits.

Takuya, J.P., Zoe, and Tommy come to the Digiworld by a train, a phone had called them and asked them if they wanted to choose their destiny so they all somehow, of their own reason, end up on one train together and Takuya finds the Human Spirit (H-Spirit) of Fire. Koji and Kouchi then come to the Digiworld and Koji finds the Human-Spirit of Light and Kouchi goes on his own and finds the Human-Spirit of Darkness and is corrupted by Cherubimon. Kouchi was only tring to follow Koji so they could meet b/c Kouchi just found out they were brothers and Koji doesn't know. Kouchi just misses the elivator so he tries to go down the stairs but he falls. It never showed how he got from the floor where he fell into the digital world where he meets Cherubimon and is corrupeted so I have no idea how that happened. Tommy finds the Human-Spirit of Ice, Zoe finds the Human-Spirit of Wind, and J.P. finds the Human-Spirit of Thunder. Grumblemon, owner of the Earth Spirits then seperates the group of children shortly after Koji joined.
The kids reunite and discover the existence of Beast Spirits (B-Spirit). Koji goes out on his own and finds his Beast Spirit of Light, but has difficulties controlling it. Grumblemon takes the H-Spirit of Wind and then Ice. Takuya then finds his Beast Spirit of Fire and has no control over it. Once he gains control, he defeats Gigasmon and takes his B-Spirit and recovers the H-Spirit of Ice. The Digidestined arrive in the Forest Terminal and meet Seraphimon, but the evil warriors attack and steal his fractal code, turning him into a Digiegg. The Digidestined flee the warriors and face Grumblemon again. J.P. finds his B-Spirit of Thunder and turns Grumblemon into an egg, taking his H-Spirit, and returning Zoe's H-Spirit.
The Boys' D-Tectors are stolen and Ranamon finds her Beast Spirit of Water, shortly after Zoe finds her Beast Spirit of Wind. Amazingly Zoe can control her beast spirit easily The kids get their D-Tectors back and Tommy gets his Beast Spirit of Ice. A couple of side journeys occur and the kids go to the continent of Darkness where they battle Arbormon. Arbormon's B-Spirit is taken by Koji and Duskmon kills Arbormon and takes his H-Spirit, defating him. The Digidestined battle Duskmon unsuccessfully, but seeing an injured Koji triggered something within him. Duskmon lets out a darkness wave that covers everyone and seperates them. Takuya takes a Trailmon back to the real world in despair.
Takuya relives his past in the Real World he tries to stop himself from getting on the train but he realizes his Destiny and returns to the Digitalworld.
The kids escape Dusk mon to end up in a maze mostly set up by Mercuremon & Sefirotmon so he can copy their attacks. Then Takuya figure out that to defeat him they must combine their attacks to create new attacks that Mercuremon can't use.The when their all out side the digiegg Sarafemon is in hatches and theirs Patamon. Patamon can tell which way Koji and Dusk mon went. So they con and while their on the way koji is fighting Duskmon and winning untill Cherubimon comes and evolves Duskmon into Velgrmon. Koji sees for a minute the human in Duskmon and sees that he looks just like him. Unfortunally when Duskmon evolved to Velgrmonhe turned pure evil and couldn't remember his human side. Just as he was going to kill Koji the Detector shoots out a white light and hit his middle eye and forces the human side of him to remember, confused he flys away. Takuya and the other finally show up and Koji meets Patamon. Suddenly Koji takes off and Takuya goes after him telling the others to stay put but of coure they don't listen and they begin to look around once Takuya's gone. They come across a old trailmon was says him give them info if they do him a couple of favors. They get tired and begin to leave but the trailmon suddenly transfoms into a younger version of himself and the kid hop on and the show leave off w/ them going down the track......


Profile: Takuya is the new Digimon Goggle boy, he found his way to the Digital World after answering to a question on his Cell Phone. He tends to act before he thinks, and he's very energentic.I think that he makesa good leader and he always keeps the group together and try's to avoid conflict. He has a good heart and is determined to make friends w/ Koji. Even though Koji's a loner he really wants to become friends w/ him and he believes he can change Koji and help him to see that he needs the rest of the teams help. I think Takuya is really smart and a good addition to the team.

Agunimon & BurningGremon (Fire)


Profile: Zoe has just returned to Japan from Italy where she lived for two years. She's very kind, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She makes sure that the other guys don't think that she's a wimp just because she's a girl. She was the only one who was able to control her beast spirit as soon as she beast spirit evolved.

Kazemon & Zephyrmon (Wind)


Profile: JP is calm, and watchful. He's has a lot of knowledge about some things, but he doesn't like to study for school. He has a really big crush on Zoe. He also stands up to anyone who tries to hurt her, but he gets a little tounge tied when he tries to talk to her. He's a little jelous of Takuya and Koji but he's a sweet guy that is a little skiddish but will always be prepared for battle when the time comes.

Beetlemon & MetalKabuterimon (Thunder)


Profile: Kouji is a lonewolf, he has to move around a lot so it's hard for him to make friends. He endes up on the same train w/ the other kids and they go to the digiworld and he thinks he can go on his own. For a while he does and he finds his b-spirit. Then he rejoins the gang. But he gets seperated again when he fights Duskmon. Later he'll find out the Duskmon is his brother but he hasn't yet. He doesn't even know he has a brother. He meets up w/ the others only to run off looking for Duskmon to get answers. This time Takuya is right behind him.

Lobomon & KendoGarurumon (Light)


Profile: Tommy is the youngest, he was bullied on to the train to the Digital World. He is a cry-baby, and and believes he can get whatever he wants. U see in the digiworld when he's traped in Sefirotmon he sees himslf in the real world w/ his brother, and u learn alot about him through this. He may be the youngest but he has a big heart and he gets his human spirit when he tries to help save Takuya even w/o a spirit.

Kumamon & Korikakumon (Ice)

Well this is all I have on the season 4 right now except for the evil digimon on the evil digimon page. So if u find anything else e-mail me. Or if I need to change something. I will be updating it as the season continues. So check out the other pages.

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