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This is my page about all 4 seasons of Digimon.I will have season 1&2 on this page and Season 3&4 on another page that is linked at the bottom. I saw all the episodes of season 1&2 but I missed a few of season 3. I have seen almost all of season 4 that is out right now. They also have the movies out but I haven't seen um. So if I have any info wrong just e-mail me and I'll fix it. Digimon was one of the first animes that I really saw and I instently fell in love w/ it. I thought It was the greatest. Although my absolute favorite anime is Yu-Gi-Oh. Then Beyblade and Digimon. Pokemon is also really good. I've not really seen InuYasha so I'm not sure about that one but I hear it's really great. Well Digimon is a totally awsome show and if u haven't seen it I think u should. Well I have info of the Characters, Digimon and storylines so check it out!


Season 1
Well here's the summary of season 1&2: A long time ago Apocalymon attacked. The digidestined were able to stop him. Then his power broke free and he created the four Dark Masters. The Dark Master imprisioned the four guardians of the Digiworld. Meanwhile, a Digiegg came out of the computer one night, it became Botamon, Koromon, Agumon, and then Greymon. Parrotmon attacked but Greymon destroyed him and returned to the digiworld. The eight digidestined kids had witnessed this as their data was scanned. Some mysterious beings created digivices, tags, crests, and digieggs. Piedmon found out and attacked wanting to steal them. Gennai saved them, but dropped one digiegg while being attacked. All the digimon hatched and digivolved into their in-traing forms. Nyaramon was lonely being abandoned. Myotismon found her as Salamon and raised her cruely. He made her and evil Gatomon.

Meanwhile eight digivices made their way to the real world. Seven digidestined were transported to the digiworld. Here their digimon became rookies and then Champions except for T.K. Devimon scattered black gears across File Island controlling several Digimon. He then tok control of Leomon and had Ogremon join him. He showed his face finally and shattered File Island. The kids found their way back to Infinity mountain where Patamon digivolved itno Angemon, used all his energy to destroy Devimon, and became an egg again. With Devimon destroyed Gennai told the kids to come to the continent of Server to get their Crests and Tags. With some help the kids set sail and found their tags. Arriving at Server Etemon attacked. They found all their Crests but not before Tai corrupted his causing Greymon to digivolve itno SkullGreymon. Tai finally realized his courage and got Greymon to become MetalGreymon. MetalGreymon destroyed Etemon as Tai and Koromon were sucked back into the real world. Tai and Agumon returned to find everyone had seperated. Demidevimon, a henchmon of Myotismon was trying to make the crests lose their power. He was unsuccessful and more Ulitmates were born. They then chased Myotismon to the real world to find the eight digidestined. Recovering old memmories they were able to find her, Kari, and destroy Myotismon? Myotismon became a Mega digimon, VenomMyotismon. Agumon and Gabumon warp digivivolved after discovering a prophecy and destroyed VenomMyotismon's body. They returned to digiworld to find it in ruins. Meanwhile, the spirit of Myotismon hung around and then took over Odaiva's body. He became evil. Davis was freed after being help captive at the convention center and Cody was saved by Garudamon and MegaKabuterimon. The digidestined met the Dark Masters who had destroyed many digimon. They destroyed more as they began taking them on. Metal Seadramon was the first to go. Puppetmon caused trouble and confused Matt so he left. Joe and Mimi also split. MetalGarurumon destroyed Puppetmon. Machinedramon was destroyed by WarGreymon and they went to go challenge Piedmon. Everyone reunited and then Piedmon turned almost everyone itno Key Chains. T.K was trhe last hope, he got Angemon to digivolve and with everyone healed Piedmon was destroyed. Ther Apocalymon showed up and destroyed the crests and turned everyone to Data. The kids rebuilt themselves and destroyed him. They qwere very upset when they had to return to the real world without their digimon.

The kids later came back and sacraficed their crests to put a seal over the digital world. While all this was happening a young boy named Willis was carring for twin digimon. As he grew older he became lonely and tried to create a digimon on the computer. It was infected by a virus and attacked the internet. Izzy discovered the digiegg which quickly digivolved. Izzy, Tai, Matt, and T.K. dirrected their digimon trying to stop the digivolving virus. They had no luck and WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were heavily injured. Tai and Matt somehow entered the computer, and because of the care for their digimon they were able to destroy Diaboramon before he destroyed them and Tokyo by D.N.A. digivolving into Omnimon with the help of some e-mails from children around the world (including Yolei) who would become digidestined.

At this same time a young boy named Ken saw a digivice come out of the computer. His older brother took it a wa, but after an e-mail from Odaiva, he took it back and went to the digital world by accident. There he met Wormmon. After being attacked, Odaiva infected Ken with a Dark spore. The spore made him hate his brother (who died) and made him hateful, athletic, and smart. He went back to the digiworld and dipped his digivice in the Dark Ocean. Their it became a D-3 digivice. With this he would become the digimon emporer.

Tai somehow returned to the Digital World again after Agumon sent him a distress call. They found a digiegg of courage. Unable to lift it, three D-3 digivices shot out. Cody, Yolei, and Davis all recieved one. Ken was capturing Digimon with the control spires and dark rings and everyone was affraid. Davis came to the Digiworld with Kari and TK. Their he got the Digiegg of courage and Veemon and destroyed some Dark Rings. Yolei and Cody then came to the digiworld and recieved Hawkmon and Armadillomon. Kari and T.K. got D-3 digivices as they all were fighting the Digimon emporer. They discovered he was Ken. Ken ran away to the digiworld and created dark spirals to control more digimon. The kids recieved more digieggs as Ken started not to care about the destruction of control spires. He creted Kimeramon from differnt digimon parts. Kimeramon caused a lot of damage. Devimon scared Ken. Wormmon lead Davis to the Digiegg of Miracles. Wormmon sacrificed himself to stop Kimeramon. Ken realized his mistakes and that the digiworld was not a game. He returned home and had amnesia.The kids went to America to help Willis and his virus infected digimon. After doing so they returned to Japan.

Meanwhile Odaiva had created Arukenimon and Mummymon. Veemon, Hawkmon, and Armadillomon became Champion digimon and discovered Arukenimon's plan. Ken started to help out with his re-born Wormmon. Davis trusted Ken first and with his help Exveemon and Stingmon D/N.A. digivolved and took on other ultimates including Arukenimon and Mummymon. Arukenimon created BlackWarGreymon who she couldn't control. He started destroying destiny stones and two more D.N.A. ultimates were formed. ALl the control spires were destroyed adn most of the destiny stones. BlackWarGreymon became to confused by Azulongmon and left. The kids returned to the real world.

Digimon attacked all over the world on Christmas Eve. Gennai gave the old and new digimon some more power so all the old Ultimates returned and Paildramon became a Mega Digimon. They returned the digimon to the digiworld. Daemon sent his forces to attack. ImperialDramon switched to fighter mode and stpped his forces and with Ken's help trapped Daemon in the Dark Ocean. Odaiva kidnapped Ken and a bunch of kids, implanting them with Dark spore copies. The kids became evil. BlackWarGreymon returned to fight Odaiva but had interference from WarGreymon. He eventually decided to help after the dark powers in Odaiva destroyed BlackWarGreymon he sealed the gate between the two worlds. Odaiva was very upset when he couldn't go to the Digiworld. Myotismon showed up and copied Odavia. The real one fainted as all the dark spores were harvested. He became MaloMyotismon and desttroyed Arukenimon and Mummymon. The kids thought him and eventaully using all the digidestined around the world brough peace to both worlds. They also had another round with Infermon and some digimon he created but destroyed them too.

The kids all grew up and had kids, their digimon also had kids. They all lived hapilly there after.

Crest: This is what holds the crest:

Characters Season 1:
Adventurous, athletic and a born leader, Tai is usually the first to spring into action. His aggressive personality ofthen throws him into the path of danger. He begins to realize, however, that to be a tru leader he must inspire the others' confidence, and that can mean using empathy and compassion rather than reckless courage.

Tai's Digimon partner are Koromon who digivolves to Agumon then to Greymon then to Metalgreymon finally to Wargreymon.

A born rebel, matt doesn't always appreciate other opinions and prefers to do things his own way. Seen by others as "too cool," he tries to hide the introspective, sensitive side of his personality, but it sometimes comes through when he deals w/ his little brother, T.K.

Matt's Digimon are Tsunomon who digivolves to Gabumon then to Garurumon then to Weregarurumon and finally to Metalgarurumon.

With a strong since of duty, Sora is the group's mature voice of reason. Perceived as a tomboy, she would love to cut loose and have a rip-roaring adventure, but instead she takes on the responsibility of keeping the others safe. She's compelled to do so b/c she's not convinced Tai can handle the situation.

Sora's Digimon partner are Yokomon who digivolves to Biyomon then to Birdramon and finally to Garudamon.

Mimi was once very selfish, but she has now become a very sincere girl. Like Sora, she cares a lot about others, especially Palmon.She lives in Japan w/ the others but then her family moves to New York after Season 1.

Mimi's Digimon partner are Tanemon who digivoles to Palmon then to Togemon and finally to Lilymon

The ultimate computer whiz. Precocious and imaginative, he has a theory about everything. With his love of high-end technology and computers, the DigiWorld seems to be the perfect place for him, but Izzy is too preoccupied w/ his own thoughts and tends to not see the danger around him.

Izzy's Digimon partner are Motimon who digivolves to Tentamon then to Kabuterimon and finally to MegaKabuterimon.

A Pessimist and hypochondriac, Joe thrives on worrying. Convinced that if anything can go wrong it will, his worry leads to constant indecision that results in panic. Although the other kids tease him about his incessant worrying, many times he is right.

Joe's partner are Bukamon which digivolves to Gomamon the to Ikkakumon and finally to Zudomon.

Sweet natured, generous, and the youngest member of the group, T.K. tries to be brave b/c he doesn't want the others to know he's afraid, and he wants to impress his big brother, Matt. A obedient youngster, he strives to always do the right thing.

T.K.'s digimon partner are Tokomon who digivolves to patamon and then to Angemon.

Kari is Tai's little sister. She was intended to be one of the DigiDestined team from the beginning, but she had the flu and couldn't go to camp w/ the others. Kari is a pocket mystic. Wise beyond her years, Kari is also full of compassion and patience. She's still a little kid, though, and sometimes her empathy outstrips her judgement. However, you can be sure that everything Kari does is done for the right reasons.

Kari's Digimon partner are Salamon who digivolves to Gatomon then to Angewomon.

Agumon Eveloutions Batomon-Fresh Koromon-Intraning

Attacks: Bubble Blow Agumon-Rookie

Attacks: Pepper Breath Greymon-Champion

Attacks: Nova Blast MetalGreymon-Ultimate

Attacks: Giga Blaster Mega Claw WarGreymon-Megaform

Attacks: Terraforce Mega Claw

Gabumon Evolutions Punimon-Fresh

Attacks: Bubbles Tsunomon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Gabumon-Rookie

Attacks: Blue Blaster Garurumon-Champion

Attacks: Howling Blaster WereGarurumon-Ultimate

Attacks: Wolf Claw Garuru Kick MetalGarurumon-Mega

Attacks: Ice Wolf Claw Ice Wolf Snout Metal Wolf Claw Metal Wolf Snout Giga Missile

Biyomon Evolution Nyokimon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Yokomon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Biymon-Rookie

Attacks: Spiral Twister Birdramon-Champion

Attacks: Meteor Wing Garudamon-Ultimate

Attacks: Wing Blade Pheonixmon-Mega

Palmon Evolution Yuramon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Tanemon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Palmon-Rookie

Attacks: Poison Ivy Togemon-Champion

Attacks: Needle Spray Lillymon-Ultimate

Attacks: Flower Cannon Rosemon-Mega

Attacks: Thorn Whip, Rose Petal, Poison Thorns

Tentomon Evolution Pabumon-Fresh

Attacks: Bubbles Motimon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Tentamon-Rookie

Attacks: Super Shocker Kabuterimon-Champion

Attacks: Electro Shocker Megakabuterimon-Ultimate

Attacks: Horn Buster HerculesKabuterimon-Mega

Attacks: Giga Scissor Claw, Mega Electro Shocker

Gomamon Evolution Pitchimon-Fresh Bukamon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Gomamon-Rookie

Attacks: Marching Fishes Ikkakumon-Champion

Attacks: Harpoon Torpedo Zudomon-Ultimate

Attacks: Vulcan's Hammer Preciomon-Mega

Attacks: Solo Blue

Patamon Evolution Poyomon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Tokomon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubbles Blow Patamon-Rookie

Attacks: Boom Bubble Angemon-Champion

Attacks: Hand of Fate Magna Angemon-Ultimate

Attacks: Gate of Destiny,Excalibur, Magna Anitdote Seraphimon-Mega

Attacks: Seven Heavens, Testimony

Gatomon Evolution SnowBotamon-Fresh

Attacks: Bubbles Nyaromon-Intraining

Attacks: Bubble Blow Salamon -Rookie

Attacks: Puppy Howling Gatomon-Champion

Attacks: Lightning Claw, Tailring, Cat's Eye Hypnotisim Angewomon-Ultimate

Attacks: Celestial Arrow, Heaven's Charm Magnadramon-Mega

Attacks: Dragon Fire

Season 2 Digieggs
Digiegg of Courage Digiegg of Friendship Digiegg of Love Digiegg of Sincerity Digiegg of Knowledge Digiegg of Reliability Digiegg of Hope Digiegg of Light Digiegg of Kindness Digiegg of Miracles

Season 2
Davis is the leader of the 02 digi-destined. He was one of the children held in the Convention center by Myotismon. One of the first things you may notice about Davis is that he looks an awful lot like Tai from Season One. Davis admires Tai and even wears the goggles that Tai gave to him, that Tai himself used to wear. He may seem like a jerk at first, but is brave (at times) and never gives up. The digieggs he use are Friendship, Courage, and at one time Miricles.
Yolei is the oldest of the new digidestined. She is the youngest child in her family and is a bit spoiled. She loves adventure and exploring and is a genius when it comes to anything mechanical. She is also the member of the computer club which Izzy used to be in. Although, she is a little selfish, in an emergency, you can depend on her. She lives with her mother, father, older brother and her two older sisters. She also lives in the same apartment as T.K. and Cody and her family owns a conveniece store. Yolei is one of the many people that sent e-mail to encourage the digidestined against Diaboromon. In the real world she is a 6th grader at Odaiba Elementary. She holds the digimentals of Love and Sincerity.
Cody is the youngest of the digidestined. He is the most responsible also and is the one that keeps the others in line. He studies kendo, which is japanese fencing, with his grandfather. Cody lives with only his mother and his grandfather, his father was a policeman who died on the line of duty. His mother is a good cook and the other children love her snacks, while his grandfather is a retired policeman. He was in the airplane that was falling and was saved by Garudamon.
As the Digimon Emperor - The Digimon Emperor was the new enemy in 02, who appeared shortly after Ryo Akamiya's disappearance. My guess is that Ryo was able to give Ken enough postive energy to remain good, but after he left there was nothing to prevent the Dark Spore from taking over Ken's mind. Equipped with his black digivice, he placed a lock on digivolving, so digimon would be powerless against him. Then with his dark rings he can turn good (Vaccine) digimon to his evil minions. His dark powers amplify the power of his dark digivice. So the power of the lock of digivolving remains even when he's not in that area. But if the Dark Tower is destroyed normally. Yet if they travel to an area with a Dark Tower, they will then be powerless to stop him again. The only way to stop him is to Armor Digivolve.

(During digimon emporer saga)Ken - Ken Ichijouji may seem like a nice kid, but underneath all that, he is the Digimon Emperor!! Ken is a genius when it comes to schoolwork. He's top in his class and the Digidestined first saw him on TV when he won a computer programming contest. And Ken isn't just smart he is quite althletic. In Fact, Ken is one of Davis' soccer rivals. Because Ken is smart, he thinks he's better than everyone else and looks down upon people, even his own parents.Ken's last name Ichijouji, means "First Temple", and Ken means Intelligent.

(After Digimon Emperor Saga) Ken - Ken is sorry for what he had done as the Digimon Emperor. Slowly, the other Digidestined accept him into the team. They all agree that he had been confused and didn't really mean it. Stingmon (Ken's digimon) is now needed for a DNA digivolve with ExVeemon to make Paildramon. Although it is over, Ken still gets bad thought of the Dark Ocean and what he had done. Yolei seems to have a crush on him.

T.K. is no longer the little kid and crybaby that we've come to know from Season One. He's grown very tall, which has helped him become a star on the school basketball team. With fame comes interest, and many girls have their eyes on him, though he doesn't seem as interested in them as they are in him. Although his mom didn't remarry his father, they do move back to Odaiba where Davis was already attending school. Seeing how jealous Daisuke is of him, Kari flirts with T.K. and only makes those feelings worse.
Kari has grown quite a bit in the past 3 years. She no longer suffers from her frequent illnesses that plagued her early life. Her latest hobby is digital photography and she carries her digital camera everywhere she goes. Kari is well aware that Davis likes her and plays up to T.K. to make him jealous.
Digimon Season 2

Veemon Evolution Chikomon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Demiveemon-Intraining

Attack: Bubble Blow Veemon-Rookie

Attack: V-Headbutt, Boom Boom Punch Exveemon-Champion

Attack: V-Laser, X V punch Paildramon-DNA Digivolve(with Stingmon)

Attack: Desperato Blaster, Esgreamer Imperialdramon-Mega

Attack: Positron Laser, Mega Death Flamedramon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Courage

Attack: Fire Rocket Raidramon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Friendship

Attack: Lightening Bolt Magnamon-armor digivolve w/ golden digiegg


Hawkmon Evolution Pururumon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Poromon-Intraining

Attack: Baby Breeze Hawkmon-Rookie

Attack: Beak Buzzsaw Aquilamon-Champion

Attack: Blast Rings Silphymon-DNA Digivolve(with Gatomon)

Attack: Static Force Halsemon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Love

Attack: Tempest Wing Shurimon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Sincerity

Attack: Double Star

Armadillomon Evolution Tsubamon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Upamon-Intraining

Attack: Upa Bomber, Bubble Blow Armadillomon-Rookie

Attack: Claw Chop, Armadillo Shell Ankylomon-Champion

Attack: Megaton Press, Tail Hammer Shakkoumon-DNA Digivolve(with Angemon)

Attack: Kachina Bomb, Justice Beam, Ruling Spirit, Harmonious Spirit Digmon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Knowledge

Attack: Gold Rush Submarimon-Digivolve w/ digiegg of Reliability

Attack: Vikmon-Mega

Attack: Arctic Blizzard, Viking Axe

Wormmon evolution Leafmon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Minomon-Intraining

Attack: Bubble Blow Wormmon-Rookie

Attack: Sticky Net, Silk Thread Stingmon-Champion

Attack: Spiking Strike, Hell Squeeze Paildramon-DNA Digivolve(with Exveemon)

Attack: Desparado Blaster Imperialdramon-Mega

Gatomon Evolution SnowBotamon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Nyaromon-Intraining

Attack: Bubble blow Salamon -Rookie

Attack: Puppy Howling Gatomon-Champion

Attack: Lightning Claw, Tailring, Cat's Eye Hypnotisim Angewomon-Ultimate

Attacks: Celestial Arrows, Heaven's Charm Silphymon-DNA Digivolve(with Hawkmon)

Attack: Static Forse Nefertimon-Armordigivolved w/ digiegg of light

Attacks: Rosetta Stone, Cat's Eye Beam

Patomon Evolution Poyomon-Fresh

Attack: Bubbles Tokomon-Intraining

Attack: Bubble Blow Patamon-Rookie

Attack: Boom Bubble Angemon-Champion

Attack: Hand of Fate Shakkoumon-DNA Digivolve(Ankylomon)

Attack: Disk Thrower Pegasusmon-Armordigivolve w/ digiegg of Hope

Attack: Star Shower, Equis Beam Magna Angemon-Ultimate


Gate of Destiny

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