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Here are some pictures or the Digimon and What happens to the digidestine after 25 years and the other digidestine from all over the world

More about Digimon 1&2
Digimon Season 2 Digimon's seasons are like new shows. They are so different from each other it's hard to call it the same show. One thing does remain the same and that is the Digi destined and their partners.

For season 2 they kept the kids from the first season but now they are older and when the digital world it threatened again they pick 3 new kids to help save it. It was nice to see how the kids changed and what stayed the same. I like how they kept the two seasons going.

Lets start with the leader Davis. For most of the season this guy could barely lead his mind. The only thing he could think about was Kari. His rivalry with TK was amusing. I did find it hilarious that Davis never called TK by his name. It was TO, TP, TE, TM you name it. Davis must have paired every letter in the alphabet with T. The others thought he was a joke. Every time Davis had an idea someone would think of something better and wouldn't listen to him. As a leader he was no Tai, he was just irritating.

By mid season he was beginning to show his leadership skills and his ability to see ahead, by trying to be friends with Ken. Even when the others were happy if they never saw Ken again Davis tried to get them to see that Ken wasn't as bad as they thought. They needed to forgive him. And Ken needed to forgive himself.

He wasn't leader material up until the very end when he faced the evil darkness of Malemyotismon and everyone was terrified but Davis. Just by his courage he turned the others around from their fear and won the game.

His friend and partner Veemon was just like Davis. Clueless, but brave. He tried to get Davis to not say the first thing that came out of his mouth and calm down, but Veemon was no better most of the time. He helped Davis see the value of friendship and always pointed out that if Davis believed in Veemon and in himself he could do anything. It's like Davis said at the end, he didn't have any problems and he was an all around happy kid. If only everyone could be like that.

Tai never asked to be a leader but he was right more often than he was wrong. He did what was best for everyone. Tai may have wanted to continue his role in season 2 but the digi world chose Davis. Disappointed, but willing to accept new leadership, Tai relinquished command to Davis helping him out when necessary. Tai really thought he was the true leader of all the digi destined in the world. I didn't quite agree. I like Tai and all be Davis turned out to be a good leader after all.

Matt and Sora. First off even though they gave Sora a dad with a faraway job in one episode she is basically in a one parent household with a single mom. He did say he sent those support checks flowing every month(Not really, but sorta). Next it's usual for the hero of the show to get the girl, since Mimi was so unbelievable and Kari was his sister that left Sora for Tai. I expected these two to date when they became older, but to have her pick Matt was a surprise. A good one in fact, which got better when the 3 of them were still friends about it. They could have had a messy argument, fight, never speak to each other again, but it was mature that they stayed friends.

Yolei was Sora and Mimi rolled into one. At first glance she doesn't act like either of them. The way she shoots her mouth off I can believe she's Sincere. She speaks the truth even if it hurts people and her honesty could be brutal. She's a bit selfish and boy crazy. Major boy crazy. She falls in love with Ken immediately because he's so popular. Then hated his guts when he was the Digimon Emperor. Then she married him when they're adults. Her digimon, Hawkmon tried to help her to think first instead of charging ahead into trouble. This poor bird had his hands full keeping her out of trouble. Yoeli acts first and thinks later and she's so hyper it's like she's always on a sugar high.

Cody had the crests of knowledge and reliability.Cody cared about everyone. Sometimes the others ignored him because he was little but he came up with some great ideas to get them out of trouble. So his intelligence was more of a creative thinker. Even tho Okiniwa was cruel and let's face it just as evil as Ken at his prime, Cody had enough compassion to think of him and try to help him even when it was clear he was dying.

TK: He's not a cry baby any more. Completely different and yet the same, TK has mounds of maturity and patience. He never took Davis' teasing seriously and his temper never reached the levels of his older brother Matt. Davis and TK fighting was a breeze compared to Tai and Matt. He's still the voice of hope, but now he's more of an avenging Angel against evil. TK was willing to do whatever it took to destroy evil and eradicate it like a bug. If evil was a living breathing presence TK was angered beyond belief. He scared Cody with that attitude. TK's anger over evil stemmed from Angemon and Devimon's first battle together.And even after getting Angemon back he's still afraid of losing him. He has a crush on Kari and he and Davis fight over her sometimes.

Kari: The Light against the Darkness, pure energy itself. She fears the darkness and the evil, not wanting to fall into the pit like Ken did. Kari is so nice I don't see how she could slip into evil. Gatomon already slid into evil and darkness and suffered enough for both of them. Gatomon will always destroy evil as the Angel of Light, never letting herself fall into the darkness again. Kari's power almost seems like magic. In season one and two she helps give energy to other digimon so they can digivolve. Her light always defeats darkness and like TK she's not happy until evil is gone. Unlike TK she understands both sides having to deal with the darkness herself.

Izzy is still adorable. His circle of friends has increased now that he's more relaxed at being around people instead of machines. His mom still wants to know what's going on, and he really can't hide anything from her for long, so it's best to spill the beans if he wants to get out and save the world. Izzy is still Izzy except he dropped the alien plot theme from season one.

Ken is the one with the darkness within. When they show him from the beginning you really hate this kid. For someone so young to get such enjoyment out of pain and torture was unreal. Because of season one and what happened with Matt, we knew that a digi destined could turn evil if he wanted to and his Digimon might not like it, but would go along with it. Wormon tried to convince Ken on so many occasion to be kind, but it was useless. Ken hated his own Digimon, himself and life. Since it's a given that the kid will act whatever the opposite is for their crest, the revelation that he had the crest of kindness made sense.

Ken was cold, cruel, unable to feel anything or care about anyone. He felt he was superior than everyone else and when you looked into his eyes you could feel the evil radiating from him. Ken knew what to say to get someone to admire him and everyone fell in love with him despite his coldness. Inflicting pain and suffering on others was the only way he could feel anything, stay in control and forget about his real life.

Of course you hated Ken instantly. There was nothing lovable about this guy and his parents were even a little afraid of him even though they liked all the attention with having a genius kid. But the show turned things around and we learn how Ken got to be this way, how he wanted to change, how he wanted care about something again. By the end of the second season he was the most lovable kid there.

I love how Digimon resets reality in any season. Here you've got a great villain, one just the sight of makes you want to puke and by mid season you really feel for this guy. You think maybe, just maybe he can change for the better, that it is possible to forgive him. Davis deserves a lot of credit for getting Ken to come to grips with reality so he could move on. And Davis tried to get the others to forgive Ken. Davis was a real friend to him.

It's interesting to see what the digi world considered to be strongest in stopping evil. Having a choice of all the crests to give out they release Courage, Love and Knowledge with Hope and Light always present since they aren't your normal crests.

I find that the season 2 ppl are really awsome, Davis is a mix of Tai and Matt, Yolei is a mix of Sora and Mimi and Cody is a mix of Izzy and Jow. I thought this from the beginning and when they got their crest i was like yeah I was totally right. Of couse they also have their own personallities like Kari and T.K. I really loved season one and two they were my all time favorite of the Digimon seres.

Tai with the help of Agumon became an ambassador to the Digiworld and had one son.
Matt and Gabumon became astronauts,he married Sora, and had two kids, a boy and a girl.
Sora and Biyomon became fashion designers and is wife to Matt with two kids, a boy and a girl.
Mimi and Palamon got their own cooking show she and a son.
Joe and Gomamon became Doctors in the Digital World and has a son.
Izzy and Tentomon became researchers and he has one daughter. He researches the Digiworld with Sora's Dad and Joe's Brother.
T.K. and Patamon became novelist and had a son, he's writing a set of novels about their Digiworld Adventure.
Kari and Gatomon became preschool teachers and had one son.
Davis and Veemon opened up a noodle cart that led to chain of successful restaurants. He had one son.
Cody and Armadillimon became a lawyer and had a girl.
Yolei became a housewife after marrying Ken. They had 2 boys and a girl. She and Hawkmon watch the kids.
Ken and wormmon became detectives and he married Yolei. They had three kids, 2 boys and a girl.
Here is a picture of the Digidestine after 25 years. Once a year the digidestine and their kids get together for a reunion. .They are all grown up and have their own kid. Their kids also have their own digimon. There is now travel between the digital world and the real world.Many people go back and forth.
Here are just the Digidestine after 25 years. As dumb as it my sound when I watch the final episode I cried I thought it was so sad how the all have different lives now.
The Kids of the Digidestine. Maybe one day they'll have their own adventure.
When I saw how they ended the series w/ the Kids being all grown up having their own kids, I was thinking maybe their gonna come back w/ a new season one day about the kids and the parents might help them out.

Name: Three Hoi Brothers
Digimon Partners: 3 Shakkoumon (Octomon)
Location: Hong Kong Name: Yuri, Sonya (Lola), and Anna
Digimon Partners: Kuwagamon, Snimon, and Unimon
Location: Russia Name: Rosa (Chichos)
Digimon Partners: Gotsumon (Monochromon)
Location: Mexico Name: Catherine
Digimon Partners: Floramon (Kiwimon)
Location: France Name: Derek (Dingo)
Digimon Partners: Ganimon (Coelamon)
Location: Australia Name: Mina
Digimon Partners: Meramon
Location: India Name: Lou
Digimon Partners: Tortomon
Location: North America Name: Maria
Digimon Partners: Centarumon
Location: North America Name: Steve
Digimon Partners: Frigimon
Location: North America Name: Micheal
Digimon Partners: Betamon (Seadramon)
Location: North America Name: Phil (Sam)
Digimon Partners: Flarelizamon
Location: North America

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