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Villan Digimon
Hey I thought that maybe you also wanted to see who all the Villans were from all of the seasons of Digimon. So check it out!
Season 1

Profile:Devimon is a powerful villian. His goal was to conquer Vile Island with no sucess. Even his control over Leomon, Ogremon, and the Black Gears couldn't save him from Angemon.

Etemon and MetalEtemon

This rock start wanna be was quite a powerful enemy. He had control over the black cables and the dark network, but Datamon messed up his plans and MetalGreymon destroyed him, but he digivolved into MetalEtemon only to have SabreLeomon and Zudomon destroy him.

Myotismon and VenomMyotismon

The best word to describe him, evil. He's the evilist being in both worlds. He didn't care who got hurt as long as he could conquer both worlds. Angewomon destroyed him only to come back as VenomMyotismon. He was huge, and had to be destroyed by WarGreymona and MetalGarurumon.


He ruled the ocean with an iron hand, and an iron tail, and an iron everything for that matter. He wasn't one to play games and seeked to destroy the digidestined and anyone else who got in his path. Only WarGreymon could finish him off.


He was out to destroy the digidestined in whatever way possible, even it meant destroying his own city. He's lean, mean, and machine, but WarGreymon took care of him.


The leader of the Dark Masters has quite an attitude. Attacking the digidestined brought him fun and joy until they decided to fight back. He turned them into Key Chains. But with MetalGarurumon, WarGreymon, and MagnaAngemon he was history.


He is a mutant digimon, complete with hot and cold running wanter, he is Apocalymon one of the Digiworld's most powerful Digimon and a very dangerous opponent. He was created from grief, sadness, and Digimon who couldn't digivolve. It took all the Digidestined to destroy him, and even then he destroyed himself.

Season 2

The Digimon Emperor

The Digimon Emperor is not really a bad guy on the inside. A Dark Spore caused him to turn evil, build control spires, and try to conquer the Digital World by enslaving all the Digimon in it. Only after Wormmon sacrificed himself to stop Kimeramon did he come to his senses. Then he joined the digidestine thanks to Davis trying to make friends w/ him. Davis was the 1st one to trust him and want him on the team and after Wormmon and Exveemon DNA digivolved Ken joined the team.


She was created from Oikawa's DNA and has the abil;ity to take human shape. She uses her hairs to turn control spires into Digimon. In the end, she was just a puppet for MaloMyotismon, who would later eat her.


Mummymon was created from Oikawa's DNA and has the ability to take human shape. His main goal is not to conquer the Digital World, but to marry Arukenimon. He became very upset with her destruction, so MaloMyotismon destroyed him too.


He is one confused, control spire Digimon. He struggles with emotions and cannot understand himself. He thought fighting Azulongmon would bring him peace, but instead confused him. When Dark Energy from Oikawa (MaloMyotismon) nearly destroyed him, he sacrificed himself to seal the digital gate at Highton View Terrace.


He wanted the Dark Spore within Ken, instead he had to fight the Digidestined. He was extremly powerful and no one could defeat him or seal him in the Digiworld. He could only be sealed in the Dark Ocean where he still remains.


Another Puppet for MaloMyotismon. He inhabited his body and caused him to his bidding. Oikawa was too distressed over the loss of his best friend,who happened to be Cody's dad, and not being able to go to the Digital World, so MaloMyotismon corrupted this. In the end, his body could go on no longer so he turned himself into energy and put a seal of light over the Digital World.


First he was Myotismon, and got destroyed to come back as VenomMyotismon and was destroyed again. His spirit remained and took over Oikawa. He used his body for evil and after harvesting the dark flowers, he was reborn as MaloMyotismon with one goal in mind, to conquer the Digital and Real Worlds but filling them both with Dark Energy. But all the light from all the Digidestined, combined with ImperialDramon FM's Giga Crusher, destroyed him for the last time. He had opened both worlds at the same time so the ppl in the reals world looked up in the sky and they could see the digital world. But the kids, the the diidestine had meet earlier on their adventures to destroy the digimon in the realworld, turn there digivices towards the sky and the power of all the digivices and ImperialDramon and the original digidestine from 1 and 2 destroyed MaloMyotismon.

Season 3


Yamaki controls Hypnos. They're goal was to stop and eliminate Digimon. He wanted to destroy all Digimon using Juggernautt but it backfired and opened a portal between the worlds. He later realized the kids had to save the world and turned good.

The Devas
Mihiramon and Sandiramon

Sinduramon and Pajiramon

Vajramon and Indramon

Makuramon and Vikaralamon

Majiramon and Catsuramon

Antylamon and Kumbhiramon

The twelve Devas represent the Chineese Zodiac. They are all servents of the Digimon Sovereign. All are equally evil. Eventually they were all destroyed.

Digimon Sovereign

Zuhaqiomon, the Digigod, is the main Digimon Sovereign. He created the Devas and made Impmon digivolve. He is evil because he thinks humans want to conquer the digiworld. He has a bit of a change of heart, but still hates humans.


He started out bad, became evil, and then turned good. He felt abandoned and unwanted by his tamers, so he wanted to digivolve. When he did he killed Leomon and felt guilty, then he turned back to Impmon. From there he became a goodguy.


An evil program with many servants. At first it just deletes, but soon it evolves and creats many servants including D-Reaper Woman. The D-Reaper is devolved back to harmless program in a team effort between the Digidestined and the Juggernaut program.

D-Reaper Woman

The D-Reapers most powerful moble form. She pretends to be Jeri, but when she reveals herself, she is very powerful. Gallantmon in Crimson-Mode finally destroys her.

Season 4

Cherubimon (Kerpymon)

Kerpymon once governed with Orphanimon and Seraphimon as the three DigiGods, but he revolted and now threatens the entire Digital World. His warriors have the other five Digimon spirits.

Grumblemon & Gigasmon

Grumblemon commands the Earth Spirits and works for Cherubimon. Grumblemon is aggressive, but not very bright. Takuya takes his Beast Spirit and J.P. takes his human spirit and he becomes are harmless Digiegg.

Mercuremon & Sefirotmon

He is another one of Cherubimon's warriors and commands the Steel Spirits. He's the smartests of the group and has a certain ellegance and cunning. He believes himself to be noble.

Ranamon & Calmaramon

Ranamon is the third of Cherubimon's warriors and she commands the Water Spirits. She is a bit snobby and vain.She is also really jelous of Zoe b/c she thinks Zoe is prettier.She also cannot control her beast spirit so when she attacks she just ends up flying away.

Arbormon & Petaldramon

Arbormon commands the Wood spirits and is another of Cherubiminn's warriors. He is aggressive, but smarter than Grumblemon. Koji takes his Beast Spirit and Duskmon takes his H-Spirit.

Duskmon & Velgrmon

Duskmon works for Cherubimon, but is also human. It is believed that the spirits of Darkness corrupted him and made him evil. As a villian, he is a loner, but pure evil.He turns out to really be Kouji's brother but Kouji doesn't know yet that he even has a brother.

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