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Enchanted Forest Kingdom

The Yu-Gi-Oh and Beyblade Guild Website

My totally cool Links!

My friends guild, The one I'm in!
Anime Dimensions
Ultimate Lord of the Rings Guild
A really cool place to get bg, and blogs, and more.
Shattered Ice- another cool place to get blogs, and more.
A cool Yu-Gi-Oh site
A cool Beyblade site
Goldena and my Guild
Yugioh0808 my Aisha
Whitetiger_0810 my Zafara
Im_the_cutest1986 my Usul
Mixy9090 my Ixi
Yamiis_0809 my Uni
The_true_omnimon's website
Crystal Anime

Enter Page
My Info
My Yu-Gi-Oh Deck
My Quiz Results
Chat Room
Message Board
Card of the Day
Anime Pictures
2nd Page Anime Pics
Shop Contest
Neopoint Tips
Beyblade Biographys
Yugioh Summary
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters
Yugioh Characters Page 2
Yugioh Characters Page 3
Millenium Items
InuYasha Characters
Beyblade Episode Guide
Digimon Season 1&2
Season 1&2 after 25yrs.
Season 3 Digimon
Season 4 Digimon
Evil Digimon
Pokemon Characters
Sailor Moon Characters
Slayer Characters
Magic Page
2nd Magic Page
Slayer Races
Slayers World
DragonBall Z Characters

Hey everyone, Welcome to my totally awsome new website. I built this page for my shop on neopets. If you don't know what neopets is just click on the link under this blog. You can join a guild it's sorta like a club. I'm in one called Beyblade and It's really great. But if your into somthing else well if u go to the guild main page then u can go to the search and find whatever u want. It's a great way to meet new ppl. If you are already on neopets then you know what I'm talking about. I do have a new contest up so check it out.

Welcome to my all new webpage. I built this webpage for my shop. But anyone may check it out. This page is completely devoted to Yu-Gi-Oh and Beyblade. So if you like the shows or just want to join a really cool guild, then join the Beyblader Guild. Anyone may n-mail or e-mail me and ask me questions about Yu-Gi-Oh or Beyblading, or if ya just want to chat. But remember I don't live on the computer so if I don't respond right away please don't keep e-mailing, n-mailing me, my box just gets filled up and I have to sort them all out. So please just give me a couple of days and then u can send me a message again if i don't respond. I have school and homework so I'm not on everyday. I'm probably on every couple of days so ba patient please. Thank you!

All the links that I have right now are at the top of the page, If you would also like to be linked to my page jut n-mail or e-mail me. Thanks

Ok When ppl respond to the quizes i have results here.

If there Is anything you want to know about me all you have to do is ask You can e-mail me at or u can n-mail me. Most of my info is on my user lookup so check there first.

I will be trying to update the pages as often as I can so keep checking out my pae to see what new things I have up!

If you need anything just ask me and I will see if I can help you out, but only if you really need it. It's not fair asking someone for n-points or to give you items, everyone has to work to get their own.

Well I really hope u check out the guild i'm in and I hope that u stop by my shop. And check out if ur not on yet.I hope u have a really awsome day. Peace!

Hey everybody as you can see I have made a lot of changes to the homepage, hopefully for the best. I been getting a lot of e-mails asking me which yugioh character is my favorite b/c I use a pretty equal amout of pics of all the characters. Well really I love all the characters and can't decide which I like best so I just put them all on here.But I can tell u my favorite card is the Dark Magician. I don't care what anybody saw I absolutly love the Dark Magician. I love mostly all animes, so if u ever want another anime added to the page, and I can find enough info on it then I'll make a page for it just e-mail me. I love animation also if you can't tell, I have it on like everypage. Mostly for G-Pets and soupfaerie, those aren't my animations so if u want them you have to go there. I have a link at the top of this page. I have been having a lot of school work and play practices so I'll try and update my page at least every couple of days. So I really hope u like my Website b/c it took forever to put together.Just look around and check out all the pages and I'm sure that you'll find some really awsome info and pictures. I also have a goal to make it at least into the top 50 of the top Kawaii sightso please vote for this page. Thanks!

This is my totally awsome neopet yugioh0808. Isn't he just so cute.
dark_magician1986 got their NeoPet at

My cute little Ixi and below my cute little Usul
My cute Uni

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