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Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, Egyptian kings played a game of great and terrible power. But these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world until a brave and powerful pharaoh locked the magic away, imprisoning it within the mystical Millennium Items. Now, 5000 years later, a boy named Yugi unlocks the secret of the Millennium Puzzle. He is infused with ancient magical energies, for destiny has chosen him to defend the world from the return of the Shadow Games just as the brave pharaoh did 5000 years ago...
Yugi Moto was an ordinary schoolboy who could never quite stand up for himself and was always self-conscious. He was smart, but not extraordinary, and he could never take the challenges other villainous schoolboys threw at him. Then, one day, everything changed for Yugi. He obsessed over a strange ancient Egyptian artifact that contained the pieces to a puzzle--until the puzzle was solved. The finished product was a bizarre, golden pyramid that granted him strange and dark abilities! Whenever he or his friends are threatened, he is instantly transformed into a more powerful, taller, and older version of himself! Not only does he gain the brilliance of a genius and enough self-confidence to fill a gymnasium, he also gains the ability to master an unusual set of cards and to draw villains into a dreamlike world where reality is at Yugi's whim... In fact, he's literally the King of Game (Yugi=game) and anyone who challenges him must face the wrath of his many, monster-filled cards, strange games of chance and skill, or rolls of the dice!
Yami Yugi: The most mysterious character in Yu-Gi-Oh. The "Yami" in his name literally means "evil". He is a Dark Soul that resides inside the Millenium Puzzle, and merges with Yugi during a duel in order to help him. He looks like Yugi Moto, but he is taller and has a different hairstyle and a deeper voice. Back in ancient times, a Pharoah used the dark powers of the Shadow Realm and the Shadow Games (Duel Monsters) to rule Egypt. But when the dark powers begain to grow out of control, he was forced to seal the seven dark powers away into the seven Millennium Items, sacrificing himself to do so. His memory was erased and his soul was sealed into the Millennium Puzzle. Yami Yugi IS the Pharoah. Becuase his memory is erased, he has no ambition to rule the world as he once did, nor the knowledge of how to use the Shadow Realm to dominate the world. Because of this, his more likable qualities are present- courage, wisdom and heart. He is friends with Yugi, and guides him to victory during duels.
Once a wild and tough street kid, Joey has learned the value of friendship and has become a loyal buddy to Yugi. Although sometimes Joey's harsh street background can make him hot-headed and too quick to act before he thinks, he has a heart of gold and would do anything for his friends, especially his younger sister, who lives apart from him.
Bakura is a classmate of Yugi’s and came to the duelist’s kingdom for fun, he doesn’t even have a single star chip. He owns a Millennium item called the Millennium Ring that carries the soul of a tomb robber. He has the power to trap the souls of others in inanimate objects and detect other Millennium items, there is just one problem… he can’t control it! He was seen by Tea in the early episodes of the duelist kingdom and met the gang after Joey beat Rex Raptor, where he duelled them, literally, when he turned them into their favorite monsters. His favorite card is the Change of Heart card and later in the series, he will become the new owner of the Millennium Eye.
Tea has been a good friend of Yugi since he saved her from a mugger with a card draw where Yugi drew a Dark Magician and the mugger drew Curse of Dragon. Yugi then did a soul release and knocked the mugger unconscious. She would often beat Joey, but never managed to beat Yugi. She never was shown in a proper duel until she dueled Mai for her extra star chips.
Tristian Taylor - He was Joey's school friend back in the good ole days, the days when he and Joey used to pick on poor little yugi.. and then something happened to change all of that and now they are all best friends, but still Tristian shows more friendship towards Joey then anyone else in the group. It may seem that Tristian is on the Island to shove off some comical relief on the gang, but that isn't the case at all. He came onto the island to support his friends Joey and Yugi. So along with Tea and himself, they snuck onto the boat. It is said that Tristian has a secret reason for trying to become a duelist, yet we have not seen him duel. But don't let that fool you, the oaf actually DOES have dueling cards. For instance, The Swamp Battlegaurd, and the Cyber Commando are just some of the many cards he probably has at his disposal. I think that Tristian's story will become more clear in the future episodes.
Seto Kaiba was once the undefeated world champion. While Kaiba was undefeated he had evil in his heart. He had 3 of the 4 Blue Eyes White Dragon cards made. He searched all over the world for the 4th. Then one day he heard Yugi’s Grandfather owned a card shop. He went to it and found the Blue Eyes White Dragon card on the counter. The one he searched the world for. He offered any price for it but Yugi’s Grandfather refused. Then he challenged Yugi’s Grandfather with a duel. The victor would obtain the loser’s most valuable card. He beat Yugi’s Grandfather and ripped the Blue Eyes White Dragon card in 2. Then Yugi challenged him and won. Kaiba was defeated in episode The evil in his heart left him the minute Yugi beat him.Seto Kaiba has a younger brother. Around episode 20 he has to rescue.
Mai is one of the greatest duellists in the world. She was introduced in episode 3, where she won Rex Raptor’s suite in a duel by somehow knowing her cards without even looking at them. She used this strategy repeatedly through to the end of the tournament and was successful in all but three duels. Her strategy of putting different perfumes on each kind of card was uncovered by Joey in episode 6. She was then defeated by the Time Wizard, who turned Joey’s Baby Dragon into the Thousand Dragon and aged her three Harpy Ladies into weak old ladies with wings! She won eight star chips in one day, an amazing accomplishment. Rex Raptor came to her near sunset and challenged her. She said that only someone strong enough to beat Joey could fight her and used Rex as a guinea pig to eliminate Joey. Later on in the duel, Rex struck a deal. Whoever wins gets all monsters on their opponent’s side of the field. Once again, the Time Wizard settled it and Joey received a Red Eyes Black Dragon in the process.

Let It Rip! That's what you'll hear in a Beyblade battle. Beyblade battles are battles with spinning tops that harness powers of various Bit Beasts, or monsters with special abilities. In this anime, Tyson must find the power of his ancestors to be victorious in battle. By joining forces with other Beybladers, he's on his way to becoming the #1 Beyblader champion in the world.
Tyson Tyson is a bright young teenager who's not afraid to speak his mind and in so doing, he seems to get into more trouble than most boys his age. Even though he's not very big in stature, he is strong willed and very little seems to frighten him. He's curious and at times will act in haste when dealing with some of life's little dilemmas. Although Tyson is not a born leader, his magnetic personality and self-confidence seem to gravitate people toward him.
Kai When Kai first appears, he is portrayed as a cold hearted competitor and the ultimate nemesis of Tyson. As the leader of the Blade Sharks, he and his gang use their superior skills to win (or should we say steal) their competitors' Beyblade equipment. But after Tyson challenges him to a battle, the two become team mates.
Max Max is like a brother to Tyson and is the best friend any kid could have. He is bright, cheerful and always ready to take on a new Beyblade challenge. Max is a true strategist and when it comes to battling he is a strong competitor, always looking for a new angle or tactic to win. He is a master of the defensive move and even more interesting, his style is completely opposite to Tyson's.
Ray Ray is another member of Tyson's Bladebreakers team. He may be quiet, but beneath his low-key demeanor is an incredibly confident young teenager. Ray always looks before he leaps, especially when it comes to Beyblade battles.
Kenny (aka The Chief) A self-described nerd, Kenny never goes anywhere without his trusty laptop. That's where he has amassed every known statistic on Beybladers and their Beyblades. Kenny can call up in an instant a player's ranking or, with a few quick keystrokes, a detailed analysis of the mechanical workings on any Beyblade in existence. Although Kenny possesses zero talent in the athletic department, he is a valuable asset to his teammates.
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