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My Deck
Hey eveybody, I've made a list of all the card i have in my Deck, my side deck and my other cards that i have as of right now. I've still got a ways to go before I get my strong deck. I just haven't had time to go and get any more stronger cards b/c of all my school work. But I'm gettin there. I will soon have the ultimate deck.lol, I don't care what anyone says the Dark Magician is the best card in the game. And it's my favorite monster card. If ya every what to debate that just e-mail me but as far as I'm conserned it's my best card and I wouldn't trade it for anything not even a God card.lol, I hope that I can get the DM Girl soon to. I'll just have to see. Well here's my deck, so far.

These are the cards in my first deck
My Monster Cards

My Magic Cards

Trap Cards

Effect Cards

Ok these are just the cards I have in my deck and side deck. The 40 cards u have and then the 15 ur allowed as a side deck.

Here is my 2nd Deck so far: Monster Cards
These cards are the other card i have but not in my deck that I duel width. I plan on getting more soon and I'll update it when I get them.

Monster cards
Magic Cards Trap Cards Effect Cards
Well I'm definatly getting more cards and that way i'll have two decks at least and i'll make them really powerfull. Well that's it for now.