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Hey, I thought that I would tell you a little about myself. My name is Brandi and I'm 16. I live in the U.S. I love anything anime espesially Yu-Gi-Oh and Beyblade obviously. I really want to be the best at beyblade I finally got my first beyblade "Dragoon" and I love it. I put it together really easily, I only looked at the instructions once and that was skimming um. ha what do u know I finally found something I'm good at. I started playing n-pets about 2 yr. ago but my account got stolen and I have to get a new account about 7 months ago. I really like n-pets it's a cool website. They have animals that u take care of and there's games u can play and lots more. If u see any cool anime site e-mail me and tell me. I love to talk so If ya ever want to chat just send me a message. Let's see, I'm a Junior in high school. I have a lot of really awsome friends that are just the best ever. I also love animals and I love going to parties and having fun. I love making ppl laugh, and helping out whenever I can. I'm also currently learning how to skateboard, well I was until we had this huge snowstorm. Man we've had snow on the ground since October you'd think I lived in Alaska or someting. oh well, I'll have to wait untill summer. I actually kinda like school, even though it's sort of boring. I'm planning on going to collage at the University of Liverpool of the University of Michigan. Jeez.. I'm already planning my collage and I still have this year and next yr. There a ways away but I'll be so glad to go if I get accepted. Now that I have my beyblade I'll be training all this summer. Well that and Working. I'll also be going around going into Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. I have 500 cards right now but I'm working on getting more. I will be updating the sight as often as I can. I now have Play Practice and lots of school. Ahh! I really don't like school. And I'm adding more pages to the main page and I'll have lots of animes. If u have one that u would like me to get information on just e-mail or n-mail me thanks. Or if u want to chat on instant messange then just ask and I'll give u my id so we can chat. Well I don't really have a whole lot else to say about my self so if ya want to know anything just ask me! Peace!! I got this background at www.geocities.com/candycanefactory

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