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If I were a Slayers character, I'd be Filia ul Copt!  Who would you be?

I am Yugi Moto.
I tend to be shy, but I have a darker side who happens to be the King of Games and kicks butt. Don't underestimate me-- I have more courage than you think, especially when it comes to protecting my friends.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Yami Yugi.
Undaunted, courageous, and sexy as hell. I duel with the best of them, and honor's my game. I will defend the people I love with my heart and soul (excuse the pun) and will not hesitate to use cunning - but in a good way!

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Maximillion Pegasus.
I'm an eccentric with a wicked, brilliant mind, so you'd best stay out of my way. I will seek out every advantage for myself, and am not above cheating subtly to gain power. Few know of my true motives, and those who do wisely stay quiet. (Oh, and the quiz author has the hots for me. That's saying something.)

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Tea Gardner.
I may seem a little corny sometimes, but in reality I have a heart that few can rival. I'll give my life for my friends, and that's not something everyone can do.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Tristan Taylor.
I'm quick of heart and temper, and will defend what I think is right, even against all odds. Oh, and I have an...er, interesting... hairdo.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Joey Wheeler.
I look and act tough, but I also have a soft spot in my heart for those I love. I depend on my friends for support, because I'm not always too sure of my abilities, but I sure as hell can stand up for myself when called to do so!

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Mai Valentine.
I am talented and beautiful, but I act like a blatant egotist, which masks my insecurity at the first sign of trouble. Lately, however, I'm learning to take some good advice and finding that caring for someone else is not as self-depriving as I thought.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Seto Kaiba.
I am highly intelligent, extremely talented, and cute to boot. I'm eager to prove myself to the world, yet I never let anyone close enough to see past my stony exterior. I care for my loved ones and will risk my life for them, but I shun the spotlight and the title of 'noble hero.' I'm still in the process of discovering who I am, and what really matters.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Mokuba Kaiba.
I look up to my loved ones, but despite their advice, I often act rashly. Nevertheless, I'm a heck of a lot braver than anyone my age.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Grandpa.
I'm the one everyone comes to for advice and I'm usually the pillar of wisdom and common sense among my friends. I also have a reputation for being one bearded lady short of a freak show. In other words, I'm not all there. :)

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Ryou Bakura.
I am sweet, shy, and quiet. I give advice when my friends need it most, sometimes when they don't even know they need it. But I have some dark secrets to hide as well.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I am Yami Bakura.
Basically, I'm an evil, homicidal megalomaniac who somehow can't shake off the opposite sex. (Just what they see in me, I don't know.:)) I'm hot for power and will pursue any goal I set with dogged determination.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!

I fancy Elves.
King of the Elves, it can't get much better baby.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

I fancy Elves.
The only one that will ever look good in tights. Oh yea.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

I fancy Elves.
Juts don't make her mad; she turns green.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

I fancy Elves.
She'll give up her immortality for love, neato.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

Which LOTR Character are you?
Quiz by blantoncirith

Mariah!  You're in love with Rei =)
Mariah - You kick some serious butt with Galux,
don't let any guy tell you different!

Which Beyblade character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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