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Sailor Moon

Hey welcome to my Sailor Moon Page. Here I have the characters and their info. This has got to be another one of my favorite animes. I mean I've watched this show since I was little and I've always loved it. So here I've made this page devoted to Sailor Moon.


Sailor Moon Sailor Moon is an Anime about a klutzy, crybaby, 14-year-old junior high school girl named Serena/Usagi. She receives special powers from a talking cat named Luna. Her Powers help her in her quest to fight evil and to find the "Moon Princess". With a locket Luna gave her, Serena turns into the sailor suited "pretty soldier" Sailor Moon. Over time, she discovers other Sailor Scouts/Senshi and another cat Artemis, who join her as a team, called the Sailor Scouts/Senshi. She also runs into this guy named Darien/Mamoru and this a capped super hero named Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen. Coincidentally enough, they happen to be the same person. Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen appears constantly to save the Sailor Scouts/Senshi from the generals of the Negaverse/Dark Kingdom who, at first, begin stealing life energy out of people, then attempt to acquire the Imperium Silver Crystal/ginzuishou. At this point Sailor Moon learns about the Silver Millennium/Moon Kingdom. A Thousand years ago The Moon Kingdom existed and the Universe was at peace. The Moon Kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity, until the evil forces from the Negaverse/Dark Kingdom decided to try and take over our universe. Queen Serenity was able to repel the invasion, but only by sacrificing herself and sending all of her court and the Imperium Silver Crystal/ginzuishou to the future on Earth. This is important because much to everyone's surprise we discover that Serena is the reincarnation of The Moon Princess, Princess Serenity/Princess Serena in addition to just being Sailor Moon. It also turns out that the Sailor Scouts/Senshi are reincarnations of the guardians of the Moon Kingdom, and that Darien/Mamoru is a reincarnation of Prince Darien/Prince Endymion, who was to marry Princess Serenity/Princess Serena. This adds a bit of romance to the series, but in the end, the Sailor Scouts/Senshi and Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen are able to use the Imperium Silver Crystal/ginzuishou to *annihilate* the Negaverse/Dark Kingdom, but at the cost of their own lives. Note: In the DIC translation, no one dies. Everyone just has their memories erased. Reportedly, the original makers of the series weren't sure if they were going to do a second season, and so they wanted to potentially end off the series with a bang. The way this works in the original is that the Sailor Senshi die, but their alter-ego secret identities live on to have a chance at a normal life. Sailor Moon R: Romance, Revenge The next season of the show starts, and everyone gets his or her memories restored, except for Darien/Mamoru (to the annoyance of Serena/Usagi). Two aliens, Alan/Ail and Ann arrive on Earth and start stealing people's life energy for a tree called "The Doom Tree." At the end of the saga we find out Moonlight Knight/Tsukikage no Knight (Who is Darien) is the split personality of Darien/Mamoru because he didn't get his memory back. The Moonlight Knight/Tsukikage no Knight was sent to help Sailor Moon, the same way Tuxedo Mask/Tuxedo Kamen helped Sailor Moon and the Scouts/Senshi when they where in danger. Serena/Usagi revives the Doom Tree by using her crystal and all's well. Just when things start to get comfortable, all of a sudden a strange kid who looks an awful lot like Serena/Usagi falls out of the sky with a quest to find her mother and the Imperium Silver crystal/ginzuishou. She's Rini/Chibi-Usa, and she's from the future, but she didn't come alone. She's followed by some agents of the Black Moon/Negaverse (again!), namely Rubeus, and the four weird sisters, Catsy/Cooan, Berti/Beruche, Avery/Petz, and Prisma/Karaberas. In an interesting change from the usual, the Sailor Scouts/Senshi were able to heal the sisters of their evil rather than just kill them. Soon after Rini/Chibi-Usa discovers that Serena/Usagi is really Sailor Moon and gets the Silver Crystal/ginzuishou. Rubeus finds her when she tries to get back to the future and starts to attack her. The Scouts/Senshi arrive and Rubeus captures them. Serena/Usagi gets the Silver Crystal/ginzuishou back from Rini and they manage to get onto Rubeus's ship. The Scouts/Senshi are freed and the Ship Destroyed, with Rubeus still on it. At this time Esmeraude takes Rubeus's place. She is lead by Safiiru and Prince Demando on the Black Moon. The Scouts/Senshi figure out that Rini/Chibi-Usa is really from the future and plan to travel there with the help of Sailor Pluto who is introduced as the Guardian of Time. In the Future they meet up with King E/Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity, Serena/Usagi and Darien/Mamoru of the future. Rini is captured by Wiseman and turned into Black Lady soon after her arrival in the future. Safiiru learns of what Wiseman has planned and warns his brother before his death of what Wiseman was planning to do. Demando then realising what had really happened saved Sailor Moon from Wiseman by taking his attack intend for her. He died, and then Sailor Moon destroyed Wiseman.

Salior Moon(Serena) Information: Usagi is a fourteen year old girl at the beginning of the Sailor Moon series who becomes a Sailor Senshi unintentionally. Usagi, of course, is the heroine and protagonist of the series. Usagi is quite clumsy and does fairly poorly at school although she does try very hard (especially as the series progresses and she gets closer to university).
One of the many annoyances Usagi has in her life is her brother Shingo; she lives with him and her mother and father. However, despite all of her actions to the contrary, she still loves her brother in her own unique way.
Usagi is known for her lack of punctuallity and often is found running to school late after having slept in. However, Usagi is known for her odango (ball like hair representing a Japanese dish)--this hair style is unique to say the least. Usagi is very loyal to all of her friends including Naru and the other Senshi most of the time; when it counts Usagi can be depended on.
As the series progresses, Usagi becomes much more mature. At the beginning of Sailor Moon, Usagi is a "baby" and often has a lack of courage. This leads everyone to underestimate her and causes everyone to doubt that she is the Moon Princess. Later on, Usagi becomes much more of a leader and develops a stronger character.
Tskuino Usagi is Sailor Moon, the one who (continuing dialogue in this statement depends on the situation). She is also Princess Serenity, the daughter of Queen Serenity, the ruler of the Moon Kingdom in the action preceeding. Later on, in the future of Tokyo, she becomes Queen Neo-Serenity and is married to King Endymion and bears Chibi Usa.
One of Sailor Moon's most common speechs is "Ai to seigi no Sailor-fuku no BISHOUJO no SENSHI SAILORMOON! Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo!" (For love and justice I am the beautiful sailor-suited soldier Sailormoon! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!) Not adding this speech would be a great ommision.
One of the events that continues through the series is Usagi's relationship with Chiba Mamoru. This starts out as a hatefilled relationship between the two of them; this is a direct contrast between their admiration for each of in their roles as Tuxedo Kamen and as Sailor Moon. The relationship between Usagi and Mamoru then evolves into a full bloomed romance.

Sailor Mercury(Amy Anderson) Information: Mizuno Ami is one of the, if not the most, intelligent of the Senshi. As a student, Ami is at the top of her class at her school (Juuban Junior High School and Juuban High School in the Sailor Moon Stars Season) and also achieves the top marks (most of the time) in the country examination rankings. This seems to be most likely due to the fact that she is reading almost all of the time and goes to cram school every day through the five seasons. Although Ami is intelligent, she is somewhat of a social butterfly in that she is not totally comfortable interacting with other people and would rather be with her books. Nonetheless, Ami is still very good friends with the rest of the Senshi.
As Sailor Mercury, Ami is often called in to analyse the situation using her miniature super computer. In combat, Ami is always thinking on her feet and remains reasonably calm in the face of danger. Ami's attacks are mostly defensive based--this leads some critics to critisise Ami as being the weakest Senshi.
Unlike some of the other Senshi, Ami is not really concerned about the opposite sex although there are a few exceptions. Ami lives with her mother, who is a doctor, in a mansion in Minato-ku (a district of Japan). In her future, Ami would like to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a doctor as well.

Sailor Mars(Rei Hino) Information: The third senshi that Usagi meets is a patron of Mars, the god of war. Unlike the others, Rei does not go to Juuban Secondary School with the rest of the Senshi; instead she goes to a private Catholic school (T*A Private Girls Academy). This is somewhat ironic considering that Rei is in training to become a Miko. A Miko is a female sorceress or, in this case, a Shinto temple maiden.
At times, it appears that Rei is not very loyal to Usagi since the two of them are seen constantly fighting during the Sailor Moon series. There is much tension at this time; this is due mainly to the fact that the two are fighting over Mamoru. Rei went out with Mamoru for a short time which made Usagi extremely jealous. In addition, Rei challenges Usagi's right to lead the Senshi several times. However, when the chips are down, Rei stands behind Usagi.
Rei's powers are flame based. This fits her character because at times she has a fiery temper (which is most often directed at Usagi). In addition to her Senshi powers, Rei also is spiritually sensitive (which gives her some psychic tendancies). This ability proves useful many times to the Senshi.
Rei lives in Hiwaka Shrine with her grandfather and Kumada Yuuchirou. Yuuchirou is a street-beggar who after seeing Rei decided to become a disciple of Rei's grandfather. Although Rei claims there is no relationship between the two of them, there are strong suggestions to the contrary.

Sailor Juipter(Lita) Information Makoto (also known more commonly as Mako or Mako-chan) is the fourth senshi to be discovered by Usagi. Makoto is quite tall and strong and has aspects of what some would call a tom-boy in her makeup. Makoto is an extraordinary cook; this is helpful for Makoto since she lives on her own. This ability at cooking also helps to endear Makoto to Usagi, the food connosieur.
Like the rest of the Inners (save Rei), Makoto goes to Juuban Junior High School in Minato-ku (in Sailor Moon). Interestingly enough, Makoto does not wear the same uniform as the other girls. This is because Juuban Junior High does not have uniforms to meet her size.
As Sailor Jupiter, Makoto is one of the stronger Inner Senshi. This is due to both her physical strength and due to her power of thunder. This also contributes to Makoto being one of the more aggressive Inners.
Makoto is often smirkly referred to as the talented senshi by her detractors. Talented refers to a translation in the DiC dub from the original...in the original "Snow White" episode, Makoto says that she should get the role of Snow White because she has the largest breasts...DiC translates it to 'talent'

Sailor Venus (Mina) Information: Minako is the last of the Inner Senshi to be discovered by Usagi et al. Before joining the Senshi as Sailor Venus, she is a crime fighter in England who went under the name of Sailor V. In this role she was quite popular as seen through the fact that throughout the Sailor Moon Season, Usagi is often playing the Sailor V video game and worships Sailor V.
An interesting pun is seen in Sailor V's name; "c'est la vie"--French for "it's the life"
There are several similarities between Usagi and Minako. The first, obviously being their looks. If necessary, and it is done in the series, the two could reasonably switch roles. Also, both share similar marks; Minako's are a little better than Usagi's though.
Throughout the series, Minako is often looking for a boyfriend. The other girls (to a lesser extent and in the case of Ami, a much lesser extent) are the same way. However, Minako places a much higher value on having a boyfriend than the rest of the Senshi.
In her role as Sailor Venus, Minako is often considered the leader of the Senshi. This point is somewhat confusing in that most people think Usagi as Sailor Moon is the leader. Usagi is the Moon Princess; Sailor Venus leads the royal guard and thus the Senshi in the action preceeding. Interestingly, it is technically _correct_ to say Usagi or Minako lead the Senshi because as Moon Princess, Usagi would technically rule everyone. Minako lives siblingless with her mother and father.

Sailor Chibi Moon (Rini) Information Chibi-Usa appears in the Tsukino house during the Sailor Moon R series falling on Usagi's head. She claims to be a cousin of Usagi's; Usagi's parents are convinced this is true by Chibi- Usa. Later on, it is revealed that Chibi-Usa actually is from the future and has been sent back by Sailor Pluto (who appears in the guise of Chibi-Usa's Luna-P ball) to obtain the Silver Crystal for Neo-Queen Serenity. After the end of the Sailor Moon R series, Chibi-Usa returns to the future.
Later on, in the Sailor Moon S Season, Chibi-Usa returns to learn how to become a Senshi under her mother's instructions. This time, Chibi-Usa takes the form of Sailor Chibi Moon (albeit a very weak Senshi).
Near the end of the Sailor Moon R Season, Chibi-Usa is transformed for a time into Black Lady, which is an older evil form of herself by Wiseman (major villain of the Black Moon storyarc).
Chibi-Usa attends Minato-ku Juuban Elementary School and her best friend is Hotaru. She is also friends with Helios, the Pegusus.
Chibi-Usa is addressed by everyone save Setsuna and Diana as Chibi-Usa-chan; Setsuna and Diana rather refer to her as Small Lady.
Usually, Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon transform together. Sailor Chibi Moon, at times, also finishes off Sailor Moon's statements which leads to an interesting effect.

Sailor Pluto (Trista) Information: Setsuna is first introduced in the Sailor Moon R Season as Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time. She first manifests herself in the form of Chibi-Usa's ball (Luna-P) and is nicknamed "Puu" by Chibi-Usa. It is first in the Sailor Moon S series where it is revealed that Sailor Pluto is actually Meiou Setsuna.
The more specific definition of Setsuna's duty as Sailor Pluto is that she guards tbe gates of time with her Garnet Rod (shaped like a key). She is what some would call a loner; she is aloof from most of the Senshi. However, she is friends with Haruka and Michiru. This introverted attitude is most likely due to all of her hours/years spent alone at the gate of time save for when Chibi Usa shows up to visit.
Setsuna's age depends on your source: in the manga, when Setsuna first appears, she is 18 and is a freshman in university. In the anime, she is over 1000 and is out of school.
Setsuna does not really get to play a major role in the Sailor Moon series; she rather serves as a catalyst for the plot. For example, in the Sailor Moon R series, she serves to tell Usagi about the past. In the Sailor Moon S series, she plays a larger role in that she saves Michiru and Haruka. Finally, in the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars series, she returns periodically to oppose the Starlights.
Sailor Neptune(Michelle) Information: Michiru is very intelligent with much skill in the arts; she is a cultured individual. This is seen through her violin playing and through her artwork. In addition, Michiru is a strong swimmer; this makes sense considering that her powers are water-based. In addition, Michiru is extremely competitive and can have a strong jealous nature at times.
Michiru is generally kind to the Inner Senshi in her non-transformed state; as Sailor Neptune, she is colder. This is most likely due to the fact that in her Senshi form, she feels the Inner Senshi are weak and should not be in the Outer Senshi's way in the search for the Holy Grail.
Michiru is Sailor Neptune. In her Senshi form, she controls the ocean which leads some to see similarities between her and Sailor Mercury in that both are Senshi with water-based powers. Also, some people consider Sailor Neptune the intellect of the Outer Senshi. However, Sailor Neptune's attacks are much stronger so it is not a totally accurate comparision.
When Michiru is first introduced (in the Sailor Moon S Season), she is 16 and goes to Mugen Gakuen Academy. In the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Season she goes to Juuban High School with the rest of the Senshi save for Setsuna and Hotaru.
In spite of the fact that Michiru denies vemiantly that there is not a relationship between her and Haruka, there is; the two are a couple according to Takeuchi Naoko, Bishouju Senshi Sailor Moon creator. Michiru serves as the 'female' aspect of the relationship to the 'male', dominanting Haruka.
Sailor Uranus (Amara) Information Haruka is a very skilled athlete who is also very interested in auto racing. She also has an artistic side in that she is a very skilled pianist. This helps to make her a fairly well-rounded individual; an example of the "Rennaissance Man" ideal may be seen in Haruka.
In her untransformed form, she also enjoys teasing the rest of the Inner Senshi by flirting with them. Also, Haruka is often seen wearing men's clothes; this is her preference. Due to this, there are sometimes questions about what gender Haruka is; fans often speculate on this. However, according to Takeuchi Naoko, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon creator, Haruka is totally female.
As Sailor Uranus, Haruka is very dedicated to her mission of finding the Talismen to form the Holy Grail (Sailor Moon S Season). This is seen through the fact that she is willing to sacrifice her soulmate's life (Michiru) in order to achieve their goals.
When Haruka first appears in the Sailor Moon S series, she is 16 years old and goes to Mugen Gakuen High School. In the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars series she goes to Juuban High School with the rest of the Senshi save for Setsuna and Hotaru.
In spite of the fact that Haruka denies vemiantly that there is not a relationship between her and Haruka, there is; the two are a couple according to Takeuchi Naoko. Haruka serves as the 'male' aspect of the relationship to the 'female', submissive (most of the time) Michiru.
Sailor Saturn (Hotaru) Information Hotaru is introduced during the Sailor Moon S series; she is a major part of the season's storyline. However, after the Sailor Moon S Season, Hotaru's role decreases greatly as does the rest of the Outer Senshi's. Hotaru does not appear in the Sailor Moon Super S series and appears periodically in the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars series.
Hotaru is generally introverted. This is because for much of her life, Hotaru is sheltered from the world. At the beginnning of the Sailor Moon S series, Hotaru is very lonely and has few people in her life save for her father Professor Tomoe; her mother is dead. Later on, she becomes friends with Chibi-Usa and later in the rest of the Senshi.
Hotaru is a very weak individual; any physical exertion tires her. Interestingly, Hotaru has an amazing healing power which other people find revolting.
As Sailor Saturn, Hotaru is considered the second most powerful Senshi due to her Silence Glaive Surprise attack. However, this attack is very rarely used due to its power. Most of the time Hotaru uses her Silence Glaive (a polearm) as her main weapon.
At the end of the S series, Hotaru becomes a baby and is returned to Professor Tomoe. Hotaru is later taken by Setsuna in the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars series due to Setsuna's need for her. Hotaru grows to the age of four when she sucessfully proves her powers (as a baby) and finshes off the series at the age of eight when her Senshi spirit restores her memories.
More information about Hotaru is available in the Sailor Moon S series summary. Powers
There is no tranformation phrase for Saturn because her henshin (transformation) sequence was never shown in the anime.
Sailor Chibi Chibi (Chibi Chibi)
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