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Sylphiel Nels Lahda

Sylphiel Nels Lahda is the daughter of Eruk, one of the nobles of Sairaag. Not too much is known about her, strangely; she just seems to show up in the oddest of places.
Sylphiel plays her role in society well - she has a very dignified manner of speaking. She is also a very kind soul, altruistic in a way. She has no wish to see any undeserving person harmed, and has dedicated her life to that cause. She has reached what many would perceive to be the highest point of White Magic, having learned the potent spells of Resurrection and an insanely powerful variant of Recovery.
However, Sylphiel can't cast any other magic worth squat, it seems. Shamanist Fire magic is almost completely beyond her grasp; it seems that she might lack the drive to even be capable of causing destruction. Then again, she can if she wants to - she knows a very powerful Black Magic spell, the Dragu-Slave. In fact, she learned it simply by watching Lina cast it. [According to Ann Oyama, "after she saw what Lina could do, she had to learn the Dragu Slave as well so she'd be able to compete with Lina's talent for blowing things up (by this she means compete for Gourry)."]
Even to the point where she calls him Gourry-sama ('Lord Gourry' is probably the closest translation), Sylphiel would do anything to be at Gourry's side. It seems that (according to a page Lina read) the reason Sylphiel loves Gourry so much is because he once killed a powerful demon in Sairaag by mistake, then left before anyone could thank him; she remembers hearing his name and seeing him leave when she was young and developed a hero-worship feeling for him. Gourry, incidentally, remembers her name really well because she's an awesome cook, and it's easier to remember through association. Sylphiel cares greatly for her friends, and would do anything in her power to make sure that they remain well. After the loss of her father, she seems to have little else to live for, other than the continued well-being of others.

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