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G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters
Hey this is the final page to the Yugioh characters. Sorry it was 3 pages long, but I really love Yugioh and I wanted to give the best descriptions of each character that I could. Most characters on this page are for the second season so I don't think it's as long.
Isis Ishtar

Isis Ishtar: She herself is pretty mysterious, being Egyptian herself, she holds the Millenium Necklace untill episode 97 when she hands it over to Yugi. Isis could use the ability's of being able to read another duelists mind to see their next move. You first meet Isis in the episode with Seto, but then in a few episodes later when Yami and Anzu first go to see the new Egyptian exhibit because of Yami's depression over not knowing who he is, and not having any of his memories.

Well not alot is know yet about Isis b/c she jusy joined the Show. We do know that she is Marik's sister. It has been their familys job through out all the acient time to watch over the Pharoah. When Pegasus was defeated he didn't want anyone to find the 3 God cards so he gave them to Isis, she hid them in Egypt but her brother found them and took all but the one that she gave to Kaiba to borrow during to tournament. (Oblisk the Tourmentor)

Marik Ishtar

He's the main enemy in the Battle City saga in Yugioh. Also he's the controller of the Millenium Rod, which has the ability to battle in the Shadow Realm, transport their minds to the Shadow Realm, and to control people like zombies for his own bidding(like w/ Bandit Keith). His main purpose is like all the other bad guys, to capture Yugi's Millenium Puzzle. He's the main person that tells where the Rare Hunters go, and has one of the Rare God Cards, Ra (used to have slifer, until yugi won it in Battle city). This guy's a psycho, he makes Pegasus looks like a baby.

Yami Marik
Yami Marik: I've mentioned him quite a bit in basically all of my rants so here this goes: He either controls or messes with everyone's minds. He took refuge in Marik's mind and killed Marik's father (Who's spirit was Shadi.... which makes absolutely NO sense to me...) and has this fascination with trying to kill Rashid. The Millenium staff is also a dagger and, this is how he keeps trying to kill people (and he does succeed at times). Malik is definitly not all there mentally though, he's worse then Yami Bakura and that's saying something. At a point though, while Seto and Isis battle, the Millenium Staff responds to Seto and gives Seto a longer flashback of his past. The Millenium staff technically belongs to Seto, but since the Staff took Malik instead, that's just how it goes.
Serenity Wheeler

Serenity Wheeler is Joey Wheelers little sister. She has extremely bad eyesight, and unless she gets a three million dollar surgery, she will lose her sight completely, and go blind. Joey, of course, won't stand for that. So, he enters (with a little, a lot, of help from Yugi Mouto) the Duel Monsters championships hosted by Maxamillion Pegasus, (The games, "Creator") so he can win the prize money, three million dollars, (what a coincidence!) to have the surgery preformed on his sister. Joey hasn't seen her for many years, as his mother and father got divorced seven years before. Serenity spoke in a video message to Joey, "I want to see you, one last time."

After battling to the best of his ability, Joey places a mere second in the Championships, his best friend, Yugi, placing first. All hope is not lost for Serenity's however, for Yugi gives the three million to Joey for the sake of his sister. Serenity has played a major part in Joey's success as a duel monster champion, and she even inadvertently got her brother and mother speaking to each other again! (Their mother had been the cause of the divorce, and Joey hadn't spoken to her for seven years because of it.) Serenity was last spoke of as, "In the recovery room, Yug! She's doing just fine.", according to her brother, Joey, and it looks like her eyesight has been saved.

She is now cheering for her brother while he is dueling in Battle City. Even though she can't see right now, different ppl come into hare room(usually Tristan)and she ask them to look on the comp in her room and tell her how Joeys doing.I think that later she may be of some help to her brother in the tournaments.

Seeker, The Rare Hunter

Seeker is a Rare Hunter, a member of an underground organization who steal Duel Monster cards and sell them on the black market for enormous sums, while keeping the best cards for themselves to create powerful decks. Seeker's cards include 3 Graceful Charities, the Stone Statue of the Aztecs, Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, Hannibal Necromancer, Three-Headed Geedo, and 3 complete sets of Exodia the Forbidden One. His first appearance was shortly after Yugi and Joey registered for Battle City Tournament. He challenged Joey to a Duel by the Battle City rules. Joey called out Red Eyes Black Dragon, but it was no match for Exodia, and he lost it to Seeker according to the rules. This Rare Hunter's second appearance was when he dueled Yugi, who vowed he'd retake Joey's Red Eyes and beat Exodia. Seeker's strategy is to play defenses until he summons Exodia. In the duel with Yugi, Seeker is possessed by Merrick, holder of the Millennium Scepter.

Yugi beats the rare hunter and get Joets Red Eyes black Dragon back. The rare hunter then suddenly looks like he's gone mad but actually Marik is yelling at him inside his mind. Then Marik uses the Seekers body to

Arthur Hawkins

Arthur Hawkins is Rebecca Hawkins Grandfather. He is a scientist and led a big dig in Egypt near the great prymaids in his previous years. At the dig he befriended Yugi's grandfather, he offered Yugi's grandfather some water and instantly they became friends. During that dig he discovered writings and drawing underneath a ancient egyptian tomb. He discovered the drawings on the wall much resembled duel monsters, and the heiroglaphics mentioned a game very similar to duel monsters.

Arthur believed duel monsters was played in ancient times. When he presented that idea to his colleges he is believed to be a radical thinker and other scientists laughed at the idea. Yugi's grandfather and Arthur was trapped together underneath the cave when they tried to get out. They spent much times together when finally Arthur decided to have a friendly game of duel monsters with Yugi's grandfather and they would wager their last drop of water. Arthurs dueling technique is the same as rebeccas, but he taught that genius how to duel. The game went on for a long time when finally Yugi's grandfather gave up the duel. Arthur is very greatful for the water, and was so pleased, he gave his Blue Eyes White Dragon to Yugi's grandfather. Later Rebecca misunderstood the situation and accused Yugi's grandfather for stealing her card.

So Yugi had to duel Rebbeca, the duel went back and forth untill yugi gave up the duel to teach Rebbeca about the Heart of the cards b/c she disrespected all of her monsters. She saw the Blue eyes(torn by Kaiba b/c he wouldn't see it and Kaiba wanted no compitation)Mr Hawkins then came out and apoligized for her behavior(i think she's pretty rude but that's my opinion.)They settle thing and her grandfather says that he gave Mr. Motou the cards and the story he told was true. And that was the end but I think we'll see more of them later on.

Rebbeca Hawkins

Rebecca Hawkins is an American Duel Monsters champion. She came to the area where Yugi Mouto lived just so she could meet him, and "Get her Grandfathers Blue eyes white dragon back", which she claimed Yugi's grandfather, Solomon, stole years before. And after about five seconds after she meets him for the first time, she challenges Yugi to a duel. (which they conduct at one of Seto Kiaba's high-tech Duel Monster playing fields) After countless interruptions in their dueling time, (from where Mr. Mouto tried with no avail to explain why, and how he came to possess the fourth blue-eyes to the young girl) Yugi finally wins the duel, with some more of his masterful dueling skills, and after that girl has said something along the lines of, "You crook!" about seventeen million times. As it turns out, as everyone already knows, the fourth blue eyes was destroyed, and of course they couldn't give the card to Rebecca. Why should they have anyway? It wasn't hers to begin with. Well, Rebecca's grandfather, Arthur, who turns out having a British accent, comes and saves the day, by explaining to his granddaughter that it was no accident or act of theft which gave Solomon Mouto ownership of the Blue Eyes White Dragon, it was simply within their friendship that they did so. (Basically: He is telling her that it was himself who gave the card to Yugi's Grandfather, and he apologized for Rebecca being such a pain in the neck.) Then, the episode ended with them all being happy and parting down their different paths.

Rebecca is around ten years old, and the only other American that I have seen on this show, save "Bandit" Keith (With his obviously American flag-like red white and blue striped and starred bandanna), and perhaps, Mai Valentine. She is also by far the most annoying of all of the show's characters. Her voice is always squeaking and squealing, and she must have hugged and made one-way conversation with that teddy bear of hers about a million times as well. I think that she's covered up this annoying behavior up by saying she fooled her opponents into thinking that she was a weak person, when in fact, being quite skilled. (Yet having more, still, to learn.) Rebecca uses the dueling tactics that she has learned from her Grandfather to the letter, and if she actually learned a stratagy of her own, she might actually be a pretty good duelist in the future. I think that we'll be seeing more of Rebecca Hawkins.