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Hey, This is my page all about my absolute favorite anime of all time Yu-Gi-Oh. I loved this show the first time I saw it. The Characters are great and I love the Duel Monsters. This is really the best show ever.I really thought that it was really cool and I don't care what ppl say about it it is totally awsome.

G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more


Yugi Mutou

Yugi and Yami's favorite card is the Dark Magician

Yugi Mutou was an ordinary schoolboy who could never quite stand up for himself and was always self-conscious. He was smart, but not extraordinary, and he could never take the challenges other villainous schoolboys threw at him.

Then, one day, everything changed for Yugi. He obsessed over a strange ancient Egyptian artifact that contained the pieces to a puzzle--until the puzzle was solved. The finished product was a bizarre, golden pyramid that granted him strange and dark abilities! Whenever he or his friends are threatened, he is instantly transformed into a more powerful, taller, and older version of himself! Not only does he gain the brilliance of a genius and enough self-confidence to fill a gymnasium, he also gains the ability to master an unusual set of cards and to draw villains into a dreamlike world where reality is at Yugi's whim...

In fact, he's literally the King of Game (Yugi=game) and anyone who challenges him must face the wrath of his many, monster-filled cards, strange games of chance and skill, or rolls of the dice!

Yugi is the heart of the show. He helps all of his friends and gives them confidence and reassurace as they battle in duel or just w/ life. Yugi stands up for his friends and has a deep connection w/ the spirit of the puzzle. When Yugi had first put the puzzel together he couldn't remember things and he felt someone else guiding him. He found out who the spirit was when he had to battle Bakura. He really enjoys dueling and helps the spirit to discover himself. He would do anything to help his grandpa. And once he won the tournament against Pegasus he saved his grandpa, Kaiba, and Mokuba. He helped Kaiba even though Kaiba cares nothing for Yugi. Yugi gave the money he won to Joey to help w/ his sisters operation. Yugi is determined to help the spirit save the world from the evil force that threntens to over take it, b/c it is his destiny. His is linked to the spirit more then he realizes.Yugi is now battling in the Battle city tournament and has 3 locator cards. He needs 6 to get into the finals. He has to get into the finals so he can face Kaiba and then Merick. Yugi has best 2 of Mericks men and the third is looking for him. Yugi is meet by the "silent One"(I don't know his name I think it's "strings" but Marik called him the silent so I'm using that). Well It looks like Yugi was about to lose(b/c the silent one plays his God card) when all of a sudden Kaiba shows up and tells yugi to get up and fight if he's not a coward(very unlike Kaiba, turns out that he only does this so he can leard the god cards weakness and win it from Yugi.) Yugi figures out that he needs to overpower the God card by using Mariks card against him so Yugi plays brain control and uses it to control his plasma monster. And Marik is forced to keep drawing untill he runs out of cards. And is forced to give up the match and Yugi gets his God Card. We'll see who wins between Yugi and Marik.

Yami Yugi

Yami Yugi: The most mysterious character in Yu-Gi-Oh. The "Yami" in his name literally means "evil". He is a Dark Soul that resides within the Millenium Puzzle, and merges with Yugi during a duel in order to help him. He looks like Yugi Mutou, but he is taller and has a different hairstyle and a deeper voice.

Back in ancient times, a Pharoah used the dark powers of the Shadow Realm and the Shadow Games (Duel Monsters) to rule Egypt. But when the dark powers begain to grow out of control, he was forced to seal the seven dark powers away into the seven Millennium Items, sacrificing himself to do so. His memory was erased and his soul was sealed into the Millennium Puzzle. Yami Yugi IS the Pharoah.

Becuase his memory is erased, he has no ambition to rule the world as he once did, nor the knowledge of how to use the Shadow Realm to dominate the world. Because of this, his more likable qualities are present- courage, wisdom and heart. He is friends with Yugi, and guides him to victory during duels. He will do whatever he can to protect Yugi.

Like all the Dark Souls that rest within the Millennium Items, Yami Yugi has certain powers. The most obvious is the ability to merge with Yugi Mutou. During this transformation, sometimes a third eye will appear in the center of his forehead. He can also use a devastating attack called "Mind Crush" on anyone who loses to him in any game. Another useful ability is the "Mind Shuffle" which he uses in his duel against Pegasus. A not so obvious ability is the power to reshuffle the cards in someone's deck so that they always draw the card they need. It is not known how many times he uses this ability, but the most evident time is when he causes Joey to draw the "Time Wizard" card in his duel against Mai. (This is confirmed in the Manga series, but not the TV Series.) He can also shield himself from attacks, though he only uses this in the aftermath of his duel with Panic.

Eventually in the series, all seven Millennium Items and the three God cards are gathered together and the dark power that Yami Bakura refers to is unleashed- the Pharoah's memory. It is at this point Yami Yugi becomes an enemy, and Yugi Mutou must duel him in the Shadow Realm with the fate of the world on the line.

I really lie this character, he has a good heart and helps Yugi to have courage and to be himself. Yami is the Ancient Pharoh of egypt and I believe that he does get his memory back.Yami can use his puzzle to send ppl to the Shadow Relm and he can also bring ppl back, Like when Yugi battle Kaiba the second time and won he sent Kaiba's dark side to the Shaddow Relm and when Bakura traped Yugi and his friends in their favorite cards, he used the puzzle to put Barkura back in his body and get rid of Evil Bakura, unfortunatly he comes back. He and Yugi have a really strong bond. I wonder if this bond will help Yugi when he battles Yami in the Shadow Relm. I don't know how the game turns out b/c I haven't heard or seen the episode, b/c I'm in the U.S. and like everyone else it's only up to the battle city tournament, In Japan their almost at the end of battle city. So if I find out I'm not gonna tell. It would ruin the suprise. So watch and find out.

Joey Wheeler

Joeys favorite Card is the Flamed Swordsman
Joey Wheeler used to be a tough street kid, with Tristan at his side, but Joey was shown true friendship after he met with Yugi. Joey gained respect for Yugi and learned what a true friend was, after Yugi stood up to a bully for him at school. After that Joey and Yugi became good friends, along with Tristan and Tea. Joey is sometimes not to bright when thinking and does things without thinking about them. However, Joey has a great heart and cares for his sister Serenity, who is in danger of losing her eye sight. After receiving a tape from his sister, Joey decided that he needed to help her, and he entered the Duelist Kingdom with Yugi. Joey wanted to help Yugi defeat Pegasus, and that they would do it as a team. Joey was not invited to the tournament, but Yugi was generous enough to give Joey one of his star chips, qualifying him to enter. Even though he was not a tournament duelist, and only received some training from Yugis grandpa, he journyed to the Duelist Kingdom. He was going to duel for his sister, since the grand prize for the tournament was $3 million, which would be enough to help his sister with her eyes. Joey followed by Yugis side, learning tips from him and helping Yugi out at times as well. Joey challenged Mai, Bones, and even Rex Raptor, a finalist in the Regional Championship. Joey got better and better at dueling, needing less help from Yugi. He also traded and won new stronger cards in the tournament, such as, the Red Eyes Black Dragon, Shield and Sword, Baby Dragon Salamandra, and the Time Wizard, from Yugi. Joey used the Time Wizard to get out of many tight spots in his duel, but Joey later helped out Yugi, using his Red Eyes in a duel against the Paradox Brothers.

Joey faced Bandit Keith and his machine monsters. He mannaged to win even though Keith cheated and origionally stole Joey's card needed to be in the tournament. Mai gave Joey her card and Joey faced Keith and won. Then Yugi and Joey had to duel to see who would go on to finish Pegasus. Even though they were up against each other they did their best so that they could prepare for whoever faced Pegasus. Joey lost but Yugi beat Pegasus and gave Joey the money for his sisters sugery. Then Joey and the gang had to go and face other duelest at battle city. So far Joey now has 4 locator cards(thanks to his duel w/ Weevil, who beat 2 locator cards b/c weevil thought he had a foolproof plan, yeah right), Yugi 3 and Mai 4. They are all aiming to get to the finals, So that they can face Kaiba. I think Joey is the mostly the comady of yugioh. He is always doing something wrong or putting his foot in his mouth. but I still think Joey is a very cool guy. Who will win, well u have ta watch.

Tristan Taylor

Tristan's favorite card is the Cyber Commander

As a long time friend of Joey's, Tristan knows what it is like to care about a friend. Though he is sometimes quick to get worried, Tristan always supports his friends. Tristan has always looked out for Joey and is like a brother to him. Joey believes that Tristan is always there to help because he thinks Joey has to be helped. But Tristan is there to be a good friend and always help him out. Even though ppl think he's just their as a comic relief but that's not true at all. I think maybe he has his own reasons for tring to become a duelest, and even though we've never seen him duel he does have a deck. At times they do argue and bicker with each other, they are still good friends. Tristan managed to cheer Joey and Yugi on in the tournament, and even helped Joey out in a duel against Rex Raptor. After borrowing Tristans Lava Battleguard card, Joey used him in his duel, along with his Swamp Battleguard. The two battleguards were a tough duo to beat, helping eachother out and getting a bonus from being out on the field. Tristan managed to help Joey to not give up and to not forger about his sister Serenity, who Joey was fighting for. Joey ended up winning the duel and advancing closer in the tournament to helping his sister. Tristan helped to support Yugi and Joey, along with Tea.

Now Tristan is there w/ Tea supporting Yugi and Joey in the Battle City Tournament. He also has a huge crush on Joey's sister serenity.He's alway there to keep Joey on track and to cheer for Joey and Yugi. I think Tristan is the one who will keep everyone going and I think that later on he'll be a part n this whole yugi vs. Marik thing b/c up untill now he's been sort of the low key character. He's one of the only one's we haven't seen duel. We've seen Yugi, Tea, Bakura, and Joey but never Tristan, I wonder if I'm right?

Tea Gardner

Tea's favorite card is the Magician of Faith

Tea is the most compassionate of her group of friends and is the voice of reason. Tea has been a long time friend of Yugi and goes to school with Yugi, Joey, and Tristan. Tea believes that Yugi is the best Duel Monsters player ever. Tea always believes in her friends and supports them in everything they do. To show there friendship, she drew a special symbol on all of their hands, to show that they would always know that their friends were right there with them. Tea managed to help Yugi and Joey out when she and Tristan sneeked onto the ship heading towards the Duelist Kingdom. She and Tristan managed to save Yugi and Joey from drowning. During the tournament at Duelist Kingdom, Tea rooted Yugi and Joey on, and was always there to support them. Tea even challenged Mai, after Yugi lost his star chips to Kaiba, to get Mai's extra star chips. Tea dueled for Yugi and gave him entrance into the castle.

I think Tea is the heart of the group. She helps her friends and would do anything for them including giving her life if nessasary. She always gives her friendship speechs which the group gets tiered of sometimes but they alway stick w/ her. Yugi has a crush on her but she has a crush on the older Pharoah. Yugi would love to tell her he likes her but gets all nervous when it comes to it. Tea, Tristan and Mr Motou were out looking for Yugi when they came across Joey so there w/ him for now. She is a very caring and compassionate person and I also believe that she''l play a bigger part in this tournament later on. I guees I have to wait and see.

Bakura Ryou

Bakura's favorite card is the Change of Heart

Bakura is another one of Yugis friends from school. Like Yugi, Bakura has a millenium item and is enfused with an ancient spirit inside of him. As Yugi and his friends were dueling in the tournament, Bakura was following closely behind, waiting to duel Yugi. When Bakura found Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Tea, he asked them about their favorite cards. He then wanted to have a duel against Yugi, putting everyones favorite card into Yugi's deck. The evil spirit inside Bakura then used the magic of his Millenium Ring to transport them into the Shadow Realm, and lock their souls into their favorite cards. He thought he would then be able to take Yugi's puzzle. However it was not so easy, Yugi's ancient spirit inside of him, Yami Yugi, came and agreed to duel Bakura, to try and send his friends back. In the duel, the real Bakura, locked inside his favorite card, The Change of Heart card, managed to take control of his own card. Yugi then put the real Bakura's soul back in place and defeated the evil spirit, sending it to the graveyard. After that, Bakura began following Yugi and his friends, on their quest to Pegasus' Castle.

When they got in the castle before Yugi, Joey, Mai and Keith battled, Bakura, Tristan and Tea went to explore to try and discover how Pegasus was cheating, which led them to a tower where Pegasus found them and they went to the Shadow relm bodys and spirit. Bakura used his Millenium Ring to stop Pegasus from trapping all them in the Shadom relm and he erased all their memory's. Bakura waited untill Yugi had defeated Pegasus and then he want and took Pegausus Millenium Eye. They finally made it off of the island and then on to Battle City to face Kaiba. When Yugi gets back Badit Keith (actually Marik, he was controlling him w/ his Millenium Rod)takes on Yugi and Bakyra follows thinking he'll get Yugi's puzzle but Keith shatters the puzzle and the barn catches on fire. Bakura comes and helps Yugi get all the peices of his puzzel but Bakura puts part of himslf in one of the peices.

Bakura has disrupted the balance of the Millenium Items b/c he took Pegasus eye when it does not belong to him. I think something big is going to happen w/ Bakura b/c he is determined to win all the items.Bakura is one of my favorite characters, b/c u love him and yet u hate him. He is both good and evil. He is really a very sweet guy but the ring takes over and he becomes evil. Maybe one day he'll be able to be free of the evil Bakura b/c the real Bakura is a nice caring guy.


Grandpa's favorite card is the Blue Eyes White Dragon

Yugis grandpa owns the Game Shop and has traveled the world. He is an expert on Duel Monsters and obtains one of the four Legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon cards. The card is very special to him, given to him by a dear friend. However, after being defeated by Seto Kaiba, Grandpas special card was ripped up, not to be used against Kaiba, who has the 3 other Blue Eyes. After Yugis defeat of Seto Kaiba, Yugi brought Joey in to be a student for grandpa, to teach him to become a great tournament duelist. After Yugi received a tape in the mail, Grandpa was shocked to find the great Maximillion Pegasus sending greetings to his Yugi. However after Yugi was defeated by Pegasus in their short match, Pegasus used his Millenium Eye to pull Grandpas soul from his body and imprison it in his Castle at Duelist Kingdom. Grandpas soul awaits Yugi to win 10 star chips, gain entrance into the castle, and to save him.

Yugi finally managed to save his grandpa and Grandpa went back to his card shop. now he cheer Yugi and Joey on in the Battle City Tournament.

Mai Valentine

Mai's favorite card is Harpy Lady

Mai is one of the greatest duellists in the world. She was iintroduced in episode 3, where she won Rex Raptor’s suite in a duel by somehow knowing her cards without even looking at them. She used this strategy repeatedly through to the end of the tournament and was successful in all but three duels. Her strategy of putting different perfumes on each kind of card was uncovered by Joey in episode 6. She was then defeated by the Time Wizard, who turned Joey’s Baby Dragon into the Thousand Dragon and aged her three Harpy Ladies into weak old ladies with wings! She won eight star chips in one day, an amazing accomplishment. Rex Raptor came to her near sunset and challenged her. She said that only someone strong enough to beat Joey could fight her and used Rex as a guinea pig to eliminate Joey. Later on in the duel, Rex struck a deal. Whoever wins gets all monsters on their opponent’s side of the field. Once again, the Time Wizard settled it and Joey received a Red Eyes Black Dragon in the process. She had a picnic with Yugi and his friends that night, but disappeared. Later, after their clash with Bakura, they heard her scream. She had been eliminated by Panik. Luckily, Yugi won back her eight star chips for her and she repaid him five star chips after he lost to Kaiba. Yugi refused, so Tea duelled Mai for them. Mai surrendered after Tea beat her Harpy Lady. The next day, Mai and Yugi duelled in the playoffs. Yugi was put off by Pegasus and refused to let Yami Yugi duel for him. Mai then snapped him out of it and Yugi and Yami Yugi teamed up to finish the duel with the Black Luster Soldier, who defeated her Harpy’s Pet Dragon. She surrendered. Mai was out and gave Joey her Glory of the King’s Hand card, which is required to duel and to claim the prize money, because Joey had lost his. Joey eliminated Bandit Keith, who confessed to have stolen his card while Joey was sleeping. It wasn’t the end of Mai. She appeared and helped Yugi, Joey and Mokuba rescue Kaiba when Kaiba was trapped in his video game pods. She went by the name of Madam Butterfly and wore a mask, but Joey recognised her strategy and identified her. She went on to help them until the final baddie, the Mystic Dragon, destroyed her every monster.

Mai is now w/ Yugi and Joey are Battle City and the three are teaming up so that they make it to the finals. So faar Mai has 4 locator cards and is well on her way to getting the other 2. That should be easy for her since my is a great duelest. She isn't one of the main characters and u don't see a whole lot of her, but she always turns up when the gang needs her. She may help Yugi out again later.