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Here are some pics of the characters and the millinum items


Introduction: According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead: Bel um Ful, some 3 millennia ago, a young, but capable leader ruled Egypt. However, during his reign, ambitious people are already worshipping dark powers, therefore in order to get rid of these powers, the young Pharaoh sacrificed his life and sealed the dark powers into 7 separate artifacts, or known as the Millennium Items. Now, at present time, they have been unearthed, each item calling to another, until there is a unison.

It is also said that once the 7 Millennium Items are collected, along with the 3 God Cards, the dark powers shall be released, and the Pharaoh shall find his lost memory...

One note is that each of the Millennium Item has the power to perform "Punishment Game" on the opponent if the opponent loses in a Dark Duel.

Millenium Puzzle - Used by Yugi, activates when Yugi is challenged to a duel or when Yugi is in a situation in which the puzzle should be used. When activated Yugi becomes Yami Yugi.

Millenium Ring- This item is owned by Ryou Bakura. This gives the user an evil alter ego. This item finds other Millenium Items and is able to use them.

Millenium Anhk- This item is owned by Shadi. This item lets you see into ones heart and mind to see a persons personality.

Millenium Scale- This item is owned by Shadi.The Millenium Scale judges people if the owner asks a question, the person must answer sincerely, or the person is punished.

Millenium Tauk- This item is owned by Ishtal Isis. The Millenium Tauk allows you to see into the future, but another Millenium Item may change that future.

Millennium Rod- Owned By Malik Ishtar, the owner has the ability to brainwash people. It can also be used as a dagger.

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