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Ninja Murasaki

Name: Ninja Murasaki
AKA: Agent Purple/Sergeant Purple
Japanese: Murasaki Soushiyou
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Light tan
Race: Human
Group Connection: Red Ribbon Army

Ninja Murasaki is known as 'The Messenger of Death' and very few people have seen him and lived to tell the tale. Murasaki is the third floor guard of Muscle Tower. He moves in the shadows and strikes without warning and is generally just an all round pervert who just can't seem to outwit Goku. Murasaki tries a lot of stupid things to try and trick Goku, but Goku is too smart for him (???). Eventually Murasaki wants to fight, but Goku brakes Murasaki's sword. Murasaki then decides to use his ultimate attack and splits himself into 5 separate entities. Goku goes into a huge fight and defeats them all. Murasaki then runs into Muscle Tower and lets loose Android 8. He tells #8 to fight Goku but he refuses and so Murasaki threatens to blow Android 8 up. Lucky for #8, Goku knocks out Murasaki before he can do it.